2024 |
“On the logical structure of some maximality and well-foundedness principles”
in collaboration with Jad Koleilat,
proceedings of FSCD '24
(errata from February 2025,
pdf including errata)
2024 |
“An analysis of the constructive content of Henkin's proof of
Gödel's completeness theorem” (extended January 2024 version, submitted)
(associated OCaml program) (version from 2016) (version from November 2022, with disjunction), in collaboration with Danko Ilik.
2023 |
“A parametricity-based formalization of semi-simplicial and semi-cubical sets”,
in collaboration with Ramkumar Ramachandra, update from January 2025, to be published in MSCS (Coq formalization).
2021 |
“On the logical structure of choice and bar induction principles”,
in collaboration with Nuria Brede,
proceedings of LICS '21
(illustrated summary)
(errata from January 2025,
pdf including errata)
(Étienne Miquey's formalisation in Coq, up to Theorem 2 and Proposition 8).
2020 |
“A calculus of expandable stores”,
in collaboration with Étienne Miquey,
proceedings of LICS '20
2018 |
“Realizability interpretation and normalization of typed call-by-need lambda-calculus with control”,
in collaboration with Étienne Miquey,
proceedings of FoSSaCS '18
2016 |
“An analysis of the constructive content of Henkin's proof of
Gödel's completeness theorem”, in collaboration with Danko Ilik.
2014 |
“A dependently-typed construction of
semi-simplicial types”,
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 2015
(the formalisation in Coq).
2012 |
“A constructive proof of the axiom of dependent choice, compatible with classical logic”,
proceedings of LICS '12
pdf including erratum)
(talk at LICS '12)
(the proof in Coq).
“Classical call-by-need sequent calculi: The unity of semantic artifacts”,
in collaboration with Zena Ariola, Paul Downen, Keiko Nakata and Alexis Saurin,
proceedings of FLOPS '12
© Springer-Verlag
2011 |
“Pure Type Systems conversion is always typable”,
in collaboration with Vincent Siles,
appeared in the Journal of Functional Programming, 2011
“Classical Call-by-Need and Duality”,
in collaboration with Zena Ariola and Alexis Saurin,
proceedings of TLCA '11
2010 |
“An intuitionistic logic that proves Markov's principle”,
proceedings of LICS '10
(bibtex entry)
(talk at LICS '10).
“Equality is typable in Semi-Full Pure Type Systems”,
in collaboration with Vincent Siles,
proceedings of LICS '10
“Kripke models for Classical Logic”,
in collaboration with Danko Ilik and Gyesik Lee,
appeared in the Special Issue on “Classical Logic and Computation”,
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2010
“λ-calculus and Λ-calculus: a Capital Difference”,
in collaboration with Alexis Saurin, manuscript, 2010.
2009 |
“An operational account of call-by-value minimal and classical lambda-calculus in "natural deduction" form”,
in collaboration with Stéphane Zimmermann,
Proceedings of TLCA '09, LNCS 5608
© Springer-Verlag
(errata included)
“Forcing-based cut-elimination for Gentzen-style intuitionistic sequent calculus”,
in collaboration with Gyesik Lee, WOLLIC '09
2008 |
“A new elimination rule for the Calculus of Inductive Constructions”,
in collaboration with Bruno Barras, Pierre Corbineau, Benjamin
Grégoire and Jorge Luis Sacchini,
TYPES '08, selected papers, LNCS 5497
“An approach to call-by-name delimited continuations”,
in collaboration with Silvia Ghilezan, Proceedings of POPL '08
(© ACM - posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use - not for redistribution)
(talk at POPL '08).
“Control Reduction Theories: the Benefit of Structural Substitution”,
in collaboration with Zena Ariola, Journal of Functional Programming, 2008
2007 |
“A Type-Theoretic Foundation of Delimited Continuations”,
with Zena Ariola et Amr Sabry,
Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 2007 ©
This paper is a full and improved version of “A Type-Theoretic Foundation of Continuations and Prompts”. |
2005 |
“On the Degeneracy of Sigma-Types in Presence of
Computational Classical Logic”,
Proceedings of TLCA '05, LNCS 3461
© Springer-Verlag
(the typed degeneracy proof in
Coq's old syntax).
2004 |
“A Type-Theoretic Foundation of Continuations and Prompts”,
Proceedings of ICFP '04 © by the
Association for Computing Machinery,
Inc (erratum) (bibtex).
2003 |
“Minimal classical logic and control operators”,
with Zena Ariola, Proceedings of ICALP '03, LNCS 2719 ©
(talk in Active dvi format or pdf). A journal version with Amr Sabry
entitled "A Proof-Theoretic Foundation of Abortive Continuations"
appeared in the Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation journal.
2001 |
“Explicit Substitutions and Reducibility”,
Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol
11(3), pp 429-449, 2001 ©
Oxford University Press (the weakening lemma proof in here is wrong... more about it)
2000 |
“The duality of computation”,
with Pierre-Louis Curien,
Proceedings of ICFP '00 ©
ACM (get also the errata or
ps version that includes the errata,
Later talk to WoLP '04 in advi
(install Active dvi) or ps. The notes
corresponding to the invited talk at HOR '06
1998 |
“Computing with Abstract Böhm Trees”, with
Pierre-Louis Curien, Proceedings of FLOPS'98
1997 |
“Games and weak-head reduction for Classical PCF”,
Proceedings of TLCA'97 , LNCS 1210
1996 |
“Game semantics and abstract machines”,
with Vincent Danos and
Laurent Regnier, Proceedings of LICS'96
“Une caractérisation des stratégies indépendantes
de l'histoire à partir des stratégies innocentes”, manuscript, 1996.
1995 |
“Notes sur les lambda-sigma-calculs”,
manuscript, 1995.
1994 |
“A lambda-calculus structure isomorphic to sequent calculus
structure”, Proceedings of CSL'94
“A lambda-calculus structure isomorphic to sequent calculus structure”, extended version for full classical predicate calculus, draft, 1994 .
“A-translation and looping combinators in Pure Type
with Thierry Coquand, Journal of Functional
Programming , Volume 4, 1994
“Some remarks on Novikoff's calculus”,
with Thierry Coquand, manuscript, 1994.
1993 |
“Weak reduction in sequent calculus”,
manuscript, 1993, French version integrated in chapter 6 of my PhD thesis.
“Weak cut-elimination and the
game-theoretic approach of provability”, manuscript (11 pages),
1993, French version integrated in chapter 6 of my PhD thesis.
1989 |
“The two-list algorithm for the knapsack problem on a FPS T20”,
with Afonso Ferreira and Michel Cosnard, short communication,
Parallel Computing , Volume 9, North Holland, 1989
(no electronic version).
Hab. |
“C'est maintenant qu'on calcule: au
cœur de la dualité”, habilitation thesis, 2005.
Cf specific page.
PhD |
“Séquents qu'on calcule: de
l'interprétation du calcul des séquents comme calcul de lambda-termes
et comme calcul de stratégies gagnantes”, PhD thesis, 1995
Mast. |
“Formalisation du théorème de Schröder-Bernstein
dans le calcul des constructions”,
mémoire de DEA, 1988.
2017 |
“Coq, assistant de preuve”,
with Sandrine Blazy and Pierre Castéran, Techniques de l'ingénieur, 2017