Welcome into my own little personnal space...


I'm an associate professor (Maître de Conférence) in the University Paris-Sorbonne Université Paris 4 La Sorbonne. From September 2006 to December 2009, I was a member of the Lalic Team. Now, I'm a member of the INRIA's Alpage project.

I used to be a postdoc at the DCU's GramLab group.
Before that I was a Phd Student in the Langue et Dialogue team at the Loria in France.

My interests cover all parts of Natural Language Processing, mainly syntatic analysis, wide coverage parsing, syntax-semantic interface, semantic-pragmatic interface (ontology based), tagging, grammar induction and Machine Translation.
Those days I'm more and more involved into parsing user generated content through treebanking and parsing.


co-orgnanizing the SPMRL 2014 Shared Task (with Reut Tsarfaty and Sandra Kübler)
Check it out : http://www.spmrl.org/spmrl2014-sharedtask.html it's still ongoing. This year with an emphasis on semi supervized parsing!

honorably participating in the Semeval task 8 broad coverage semantic parsing (two transition-based graph parsers + syntactic features)


co-orgnanizing the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task (with Reut Tsarfaty and Sandra Kübler)
Check it out : http://www.spmrl.org/spmrl2013-sharedtask.html

More up-to-date wiki is here :

Ranked #2 and #3 on the constituency parsing track of the sancl 2012 google shared task system based on self-training, delicate part-of-speech, normalisation and hard clustering (With Benoit Sagot)

(last updated June 6, 2014 -- the webserver has been up and down lately, I'm not even indexed by google anymore -- ) )

This page may have a more recent version on pmwiki.org: PmWiki:DSHome, and a talk page: PmWiki:DSHome-Talk.