module Make: functor (Ground : Dalton_sig.GROUND) ->
functor (Print : Dalton_sig.PRINT) ->
functor (Draw : Dalton_sig.DRAW) ->
functor (Report : Dalton_sig.ERROR_REPORT) -> sig end
The constraint solver comes as a functor parametrized by four modules
whose respective expected signatures are given in
type cset
Constraint sets are represented by values of type cset
val cset : unit -> cset
Each invokation of cset ()
returns a new fresh empty constraint
val merge_cset : cset -> cset -> unit
merge_cset cs1 cs2
merges the two constraint sets cs1
and cs2
After invoking this function, cs1
and cs2
point to the same
constraint set cs
which corresponds to the conjunction of the
previous cs1
and cs2
type node
(Multi-equations of) Terms are represented by values of type node
val variable : cset -> Dalton_aux.kind -> node
variable cs k
returns a fresh variable term of kind k
. This
variable may be used in the constraint set cs
val variable_in_sk : node -> node
variable_in_sk nd
returns a fresh variable belonging to the same
skeleton (and the same constraint set) as the node nd
val typ : cset -> node Ground.Type.t -> node
typ cs t
returns a fresh type term described by the type constructor
in the constraint set cs
. Every son of t
must be a node
belonging to cs
val row : cset ->
Ground.Label.t * node * node -> node
row cs (lbl, nd_lbl, nd')
returns a fresh row node representing
the term lbl: nd_lbl, nd'
in the constraint set cs
. nd_lbl
must both belong to cs
type skeleton
Multi-skeletons are represented by values of type skeleton
type node_or_skeleton =
A value of type node_or_skeleton
is either a node or a
skeleton. Such values are used to represent weak inequalities.
type unification_report
Unification errors are described by a value of type
. The implementation of this type is not
described. As a result, reports may be used only in order to
print error messages thanks to the function report_unification
exception UnificationError of unification_report
Above functions report unification errors by raising an
exception UnificationError
with an appropriate report as
val report_unification : Format.formatter -> unification_report -> unit
report_unification ppf r
pretty prints an error message on the
formatter ppf
describing the unification error reported by r
val same_skel : node -> node -> unit
same_skel nd1 nd2
sets a constraint nd1 ~ nd2
. nd1
and nd2
must be nodes of the same constraint set and the same kind. If
setting this constrain entails an unification error, an exception
is raised.
val equal : node -> node -> unit
equal nd1 nd2
sets a constraint nd1 = nd2
. nd1
and nd2
must be nodes of the same constraint set and the same kind. If
setting this constrain entails an unification error, an exception
is raised.
val strong_leq : node -> node -> unit
strong_leq nd1 nd2
sets the strong inequality ns1 < ns2
. nd1
and nd2
must be nodes of the same constraint set and the same kind.
If setting this constrain entails an unification error, an exception
is raised.
val weak_leq : node_or_skeleton -> node_or_skeleton -> unit
weak_leq ns1 ns2
sets a weak inequality ns1 < ns2
. ns1
must be nodes or skeletons of the same constraint set.
val lower_bound : Ground.Lb.t -> node_or_skeleton -> unit
lower_bound lb ns
sets the weak inequality lb < ns
val upper_bound : node_or_skeleton -> Ground.Ub.t -> unit
upper_bound ns ub
sets the weak inequality ns < ub
type subst = {
lb : Ground.Lb.t -> Ground.Lb.t ; |
(* | The substitution applied on lower bounds appearing in
the constraint set. | *) |
ub : Ground.Ub.t -> Ground.Ub.t ; |
(* | The substitution applied on upper bounds appearing in
the constraint set. | *) |
typ : 'a. 'a Ground.Type.t -> 'a Ground.Type.t ; |
(* | The substitution applied on type constructors. | *) |
label : Ground.Label.t -> Ground.Label.t ; |
(* | The substitution applied on row labels. | *) |
A substitution may be applied while copying a scheme. It is defined
by a record of four functions of type subst
module type SCHEME_ROOT = sig end
A (type) scheme is made of a constraint set and a series of entry
nodes, its roots.
module Scheme: functor (Root : SCHEME_ROOT) -> sig end
The functor scheme allows to build an implementation of functions
dealing which each considered form schemes.