Module type Dalton_sig.PRINT

module type PRINT = sig  end
Printing of constraints may be parametrized by an implementation of the signature PRINT. All printing are performed using the module Format of the Objective Caml standard library. A general purpose instance implementation is provided by Dalton_templates.Print.

val ghost : string
The string to be printed in place of ghost variables (i.e. unconstrained anonymous variables), e.g. "_"
val left_destructor : 'a Dalton_aux.printer -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
val right_destructor : 'a Dalton_aux.printer -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
val left_destructor_skel : 'a Dalton_aux.printer -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
val right_destructor_skel : 'a Dalton_aux.printer -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
val same_skel : 'a Dalton_aux.printer -> Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
same_skel printer ppf list prints a same-skeleton constraint involving elements of the list list. A printer printer is given as argument for printing each element of the list.
val equal : 'a Dalton_aux.printer -> Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
same_skel printer ppf list prints an equality involving elements of the list list. A printer printer is given as argument for printing each element of the list.

leq lhs_printer rhs_printer ppf lhs rhs prints the inequality lhs < rhs on the formatter ppf. Two printers lhs_printer and rhs_printer are provided for printing the left-hand and right-hand sides, respectively.

val leq : 'a Dalton_aux.printer ->
'b Dalton_aux.printer -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> 'b -> unit
val lhs : 'a Dalton_aux.printer -> Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
lhs printer ppf list prints the left-hand side of an inequality, consisting in the elements of list the list. A printer printer is given as argument for printing each element of the list.
val rhs : 'a Dalton_aux.printer -> Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
rhs printer ppf list prints the right-hand side of an inequality, consisting in the elements of list the list. A printer printer is given as argument for printing each element of the list.
val cset_begin : Format.formatter -> unit
cset_begin ppf is called before printing a constraint set on the formatter ppf.
val cset_end : Format.formatter -> unit
cset_end ppf is called at the end of the printing a constraint set on the formatter ppf.
val cset_item : 'a Dalton_aux.printer -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
Every constraint c of a constraint set is printed on the formatter ppf by a call of the form cset_item printer ppf c where printer is a suitable printer for the constraint.