Module type PrivateSignatures.IITER

The signature IITER is our internal iterator API. It is essentially a subset of the public signature ITER.

type 'a t
type 'a iter
val create : pov -> 'a t -> 'a iter
val reset : pov -> 'a iter -> unit
val copy : 'a iter -> 'a iter
val sequence : 'a iter -> 'a t
val length : 'a iter -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.length
val is_valid : 'a iter -> bool
val index : 'a iter -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index
val finished : 'a iter -> bool
val get : 'a iter -> 'a
val move : pov -> 'a iter -> unit
val jump : pov -> 'a iter -> int -> unit
val get_segment : pov -> 'a iter -> 'a Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.segment
val get_writable_segment : pov -> 'a iter -> 'a Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.segment
val reach : 'a iter -> Sek__.PublicTypeAbbreviations.index -> unit
val set : 'a iter -> 'a -> unit
val check : 'a iter -> unit
val print : ('a -> PPrint.document) -> 'a iter -> PPrint.document