Module Dalton_sig.GROUND.Lub

module Lub: sig  end
The module Lub provides functions relating lower and upper bounds.

val leq : Dalton_sig.GROUND.Lb.t -> Dalton_sig.GROUND.Ub.t -> bool
geq lb ub returns true if and only if lb is less than or equal to ub, i.e. there exists some alpha such that lb < alpha and alpha < ub.
val geq : Dalton_sig.GROUND.Lb.t -> Dalton_sig.GROUND.Ub.t -> bool
geq lb ub returns true if and only if lb is greater than or equal to ub, i.e. for all alpha and beta, alpha < ub and lb < beta implies alpha < beta.
val fprint_in_term : int ->
Format.formatter -> Dalton_sig.GROUND.Lb.t -> Dalton_sig.GROUND.Ub.t -> unit
fprint_in_term ppf lb ub is used to print a pair of a lower bound and a upper bound in a term.

An usual implementation may be let fprint_in_term _ ppf lb ub = Format.fprintf ppf "> %a |< %a" Lb.fprint lb Ub.fprint ub