module Lb: sig end
specifies the set of constant lower bounds.type t
val bottom : t
is a distinguished lower bound. It is the bottom
element of the semi-lattice.val is_bottom : t -> bool
is_bottom lb
must return true
if and only if lb
is bottom
.val union : t -> t -> t
union lb1 lb2
gives the union (according to the semi-lattice
structure) of the lower bounds lb1
and lb2
.val leq : t -> t -> bool
leq env lb1 lb2
tells wether lb1
is less than or equal to
in the semi-lattice of constant lower bounds, i.e.:
for all alpha, lb2 < alpha
implies lb1 < alpha
.val compare : t -> t -> int
val normalize : t -> t
normalize lb
internally normalizes the lower bound lb.val fprint : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
fprint ppf lb
pretty-prints the constant lower bound lb
the formatter ppf
. (This function is used for printing of
constants in constraints.)val fprint_in_term : int -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
fprint_in_term ppf lb
is used to prints the constant lower
bound lb
on the formatter ppf
when it appears in a term, in
place of a non-negative variable which has no predecessor.
An usual implementation may be:
let fprint_in_term _ ppf lb =
Format.fprintf ppf "> %a
" fprint lb
val draw : t -> string list