Index of modules

Attributes [Avl_graphviz.Neato]
Attributes [Avl_graphviz.Dot]
Avl_closure []
Transitive closure of a directed graph.
Avl_draw []
Drawing graphs.
Avl_graphviz []
Interface with GraphViz
Avl_kernel []
Transitive reduction of a directed graph.
Avl_tarjan []
Tarjan's algorithm: calculating SCC of a graph in linear time.
Avl_topo []
Topological sort of a graph.

CommonAttributes [Avl_graphviz]
The CommonAttributes module defines attributes for graphs, nodes and edges that are available in the two engines, dot and neato.

Dot [Avl_graphviz]
DrawGraphics [Avl_draw]
DrawGraphics provides an implementation of signature DRAW for the graphics library of Objective Caml.

Make [Avl_draw]
Given an implementation of drawing capabilities and of graphs structures, the functor Make provide drawing functions for graphs.
Make [Avl_graphviz.Neato]
Make [Avl_graphviz.Dot]
Make [Avl_kernel]
Make [Avl_closure]
Make [Avl_tarjan]
Make [Avl_topo]
MakeGraphics [Avl_draw]
Given an implementation of graphs structures, the functor MakeGraphics provides drawing functions for the Objective Caml graphics library.
Make_acyclic [Avl_kernel]

Neato [Avl_graphviz]