module Avl_draw: sig end
Drawing graphs.
This module allows drawing a graphical representation of directed
graphs. Arbitrary output devices may be used, e.g. the Objective
Caml graphics library. Arrangements of nodes and edges are computed
thanks to the GraphViz tools.
This sections defines datatype for specifying the drawing attributes
of the nodes and edges of a graph.
type color = int
Colors are represented by integers, using the same encoding than that
of the Objective Caml graphics library.
type point = int * int
Coordinates of point are given by a pair of integers.
type node_attributes = {
nd_label : [ `None | `Text of text_label_attributes] ; |
(* | Sets the label to be drawed inside the node. Two options are
currently implemented:
`None : no label,
`Text att : textual label, described by att .
| *) |
nd_shape : [ `Box | `Circle | `Ellipse | `Square] ; |
(* | Sets the shape of the border of the node. Available shapes
are `Box (rectangle), `Square , `Circle and `Ellipse . | *) |
nd_size : [ `FitLabel of int * int | `Fixed of int * int] ; |
(* | Sets the the size of the label. Two options are available:
`FitLabel (hm, vm) : the shape will fit the label, with
horizontal and vertical margin of hm and vm pixels,
`Fixed (w, h) : the label will fit a rectangle of witdth w
and height h pixels.
| *) |
nd_border : [ `NoBorder | `Solid of color * int] ; |
(* | Sets the style of the border. Available styles are:
`NoBorder : no border will be drawn.
`Solid (c, w) : a solid border will be drawn with color
c and width w .
| *) |
nd_background : [ `Solid of color | `Transparent] ; |
(* | Sets the style of the background of the node. Available styles
`Transparent : no background.
`Solid c : the node will be filled with color c .
| *) |
The drawing attributes of a node are specified by a record of
type 'a node_attributes
type text_label_attributes = {
tl_text : string ; |
(* | The litteral text of the label. | *) |
tl_fontname : string ; |
(* | The family font name. If the string is empty, default system
font will be kept. | *) |
tl_fontsize : int ; |
(* | The font size. | *) |
tl_color : color ; |
(* | The font color. | *) |
The attributes of a text label are specified by a record of type
val default_node : node_attributes
is a standard record of node attributes.
val default_label : text_label_attributes
is a standard record of text label attributes.
type edge_attributes = {
ed_linestyle : [ `Solid of color * int | `Transparent] ; |
(* | Sets the drawing style of the edge line. Available options are:
`Transparent : no line will be traced.
`Solid (c, w) : a solid line will be drawn with color
c and width w .
| *) |
ed_originarrow : arrow_style ; |
(* | The style of the origin arrow. | *) |
ed_tailarrow : arrow_style ; |
(* | The style of the tail arrow. | *) |
The drawing attributes of an edge are specified by a record of type
type arrow_style = [ `Filled of int * float * color
| `Lined of int * float * color * int
| `None]
Available arrows styles:
val default_edge : edge_attributes
is a standard record of edge attributes.
module type GRAPH = sig end
The client must provide an implementation of graphs which fullfills the
signature GRAPH
module type DRAW = sig end
The client must provide drawing functions which fullfills the
signature DRAW
module DrawGraphics: DRAW
provides an implementation of signature DRAW
the graphics library of Objective Caml.
module Make: functor (D : DRAW) -> functor (G : GRAPH) -> sig end
Given an implementation of drawing capabilities and of graphs structures,
the functor Make
provide drawing functions for graphs.
module MakeGraphics: functor (G : GRAPH) -> sig end
Given an implementation of graphs structures, the functor
provides drawing functions for the Objective Caml
graphics library.