A | |
Atom [Ocamlduce] |
Operations on atoms.
I | |
Int [Ocamlduce] |
Coercions between x-integers and their x-string representation.
L | |
Latin1 [Ocamlduce] |
Coercions between Latin1 x-strings and OCaml
string type (whose values
are interpreted as being iso-8859-1 encoded).
Load [Ocamlduce] |
Importing XML documents.
N | |
Namespace [Ocamlduce] |
Operations on namespaces.
NamespaceScope [Ocamlduce] |
Operations on namespaces scopes (attached to XML elements).
NamespaceTable [Ocamlduce] |
Operations on prefix->namespace tables.
NonnegInt [Ocamlduce] |
Coercions between non-negative x-integers and their x-string representation.
O | |
Ocamlduce |
Operations on x-values.
P | |
Print [Ocamlduce] |
Exporting XML documents.
R | |
Record [Ocamlduce] |
Operations on records.
U | |
Utf8 [Ocamlduce] |
Coercions between x-strings and OCaml
string type (whose values
are interpreted as being UTF-8 encoded).