Module Ocamlduce.NamespaceScope

module NamespaceScope: sig .. end
Operations on namespaces scopes (attached to XML elements).

One namespace table can optionnaly be attached to an XML element.

type elt = {{elt}} 
val get : elt -> Ocamlduce.NamespaceTable.t
get v extracts the namespace bindings from the value v or raise Not_found if v has no attached namespace bindings.
val set : elt ->
Ocamlduce.NamespaceTable.t -> elt
set v ns returns a value equal to v except for the attached namespace bindings which are set to ns.
val resolve_prefix : elt -> {{String}} -> Ocamlduce.Namespace.t
val resolve_qname : elt -> {{String}} -> Ocamlduce.Atom.t