Resources and Errata for
The essence of ML type inference
(Chapter 10 of
Extended version
By lack of space, a lot of material was left out of our chapter.
Here is a draft extended version of it
Compared to the published version, it adds (among other things):
Section 1.10 on universal quantification in constraints,
including: first-order unification under a mixed prefix; how
to handle type annotations; polymorphic recursion; boxed universal
types and existential types.
Section 1.11 on rows,
including: row unification; how to type-check operations on records
and variants
using rows.
A prototype implementation
A prototype implementation of a type inference engine based on constraint
solving is available under the GPL license.
You can download here from
(or there)
browse its
You may also be interested in the
inferno library also based on this work.
Page 445, Figure 10-11, rule S-Ex-3. There is a dangling prime
in the rule's right-hand side, which should belong to the
preceding "S" symbol.