Alexandre Pilkiewicz's Professional Homepage


I'm currently a PhD student at INRIA Rocquencourt in the Gallium team under the direction of François Pottier. I started in November 2008, and I will graduate before the end of 2011. After that, I will be working for Google in New-York City as a Software Engineer.

You can contact me at ("chez", in French) prenom POINT nom CHEZ inria POINT fr.

When I started my PhD, my first interest was to design a type system able to express the amortized complexity of imperative programs (see below, in the Publications section, my paper with François Pottier, The Essence of Monotonic State).

My subject shifted toward certified compilation. After some times playing around with the Compcert certified C compiler, its memory model and some optimizations, I am now working on the formal validation of polyhedral optimizations.

In general, I am interested in language design and implementation, proofs, formal methods, validators (like this one, a proved implementation of the inner sand box of google Native Client), etc


Alexandre Pilkiewicz and François Pottier. The Essence of Monotonic State. In Proceedings of the Sixth ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types in Language Design and Implementation (TLDI'11), Austin, Texas, January 2011.
[ bib | PDF ]

J. Nathan Foster, Alexandre Pilkiewicz, and Benjamin C. Pierce. Quotient Lenses. In ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP), Victoria, BC, pages 383-395, September 2008.
[ bib | tech report | conference version ]

Aaron Bohannon, J. Nathan Foster, Benjamin C. Pierce, Alexandre Pilkiewicz, and Alan Schmitt. Boomerang: Resourceful Lenses for String Data. In ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), San Francisco, CA, pages 407-419, January 2008.
[ bib | tech report | conference version]