module DrawGraphics: sig end
The module DrawGraphics
provides graphics primitives for the graphics
library from the Objective Caml distribution.
type window = unit
val draw_lines : unit -> color:Graphics.color -> lw:int -> (int * int) list -> unit
val draw_curves : unit ->
color:Graphics.color ->
lw:int -> int * int -> ((int * int) * (int * int) * (int * int)) list -> unit
val draw_rect : unit ->
color:Graphics.color -> lw:int -> x:int -> y:int -> w:int -> h:int -> unit
val draw_ellipse : unit ->
color:Graphics.color -> lw:int -> x:int -> y:int -> rx:int -> ry:int -> unit
val fill_rect : unit -> color:Graphics.color -> x:int -> y:int -> w:int -> h:int -> unit
val fill_ellipse : unit -> color:Graphics.color -> x:int -> y:int -> rx:int -> ry:int -> unit
val fill_poly : unit -> color:Graphics.color -> (int * int) list -> unit
val draw_text : unit ->
color:Graphics.color ->
?name:string -> size:int -> x:int -> y:int -> string -> unit
val text_size : unit -> ?name:string -> size:int -> string -> int * int
val draw_dotted_lines : 'a -> color:Graphics.color -> (int * int) list -> unit