Ecole Polytechnique is the most important Engineering school in
France. Each year, 420 students are selected among the best in
mathematics and physics in the country. They follow a 2-year programme
of studies.
The school is located in the south of Paris, métro
Lozère. It shelters 1200 researchers, 350 teachers, 850
students, 600 military and civilian employees.
Computer Science is part of the department of Applied Mathematics,
which is divided into Probability theory and Statistics, Numerical
Analysis, and Computer Science.
The department wants to appoint a full Professor, with a solid
research record, preferably young.
The Professor will be responsible of one of the 3 main courses in
Computer Science (see present list of CS courses
A course is usually 3-month long, and is either for the whole
class (TC) or specialised to approximatively 50 students (M1 and M2).
Thus, the teaching load is roughly half of what it is in universities.
The teaching
staff comprises 3 other Professors, 15 Maitres de
Conférences, and 12 Chefs de Travaux Pratiques. Most of them
are on part-time positions. The new Professor will coordinate the
The school participates in a graduate student
programme in collaboration with various universities (Paris 6, Paris
7, Paris 11) and research institutes (INRIA), and may grant PhD
The LIX, Laboratoire
d'Informatique de l'X, includes all researchers in CS on the campus.
The future Professor would naturally develop his research in this
laboratory, and is expected to further strengthen the department's
existing research groups (Complexity and Analysis of Algorithms,
Cryptography, Distributed Algorithms, Semantics and Abstract
Interpretation, Pattern Recognition).
There is a strong tradition of laboratories in physics, chemistry,
mathematics, economy, and biology at Ecole Polytechnique, which is thus
an ideal location for inter-disciplinary courses or research.
Ties with industry are well developed, since the school
produces most of the directors of important French companies.
Although not mandatory, French is recommended.
Informal enquiries may be made to Prof. Bernard Larrouturou
(Head of Department), tel +33 (01) 69 33 41 48, to any of the present Professors in
Computer Science or to the Director of LIX.
Applications forms are available at
Secrétariat Général pour les Etudes, Ecole Polytechnique,
91128, PALAISEAU Cedex, tel: +33 (01) 69 33 40 15. Deadline for application
is February 15, 1997.
Decisions will be around May 1997. The position starts on September 1, 1997.