module Bintree_insert use import bintree.Tree use import bintree.Size use import bintree.Inorder use import bintree.InorderLength use import int.Int (*-------------------------------*) function num_occ (x: 'a) (l: tree 'a) : int = match l with | Empty -> 0 | Node t1 y t2 -> (if x = y then 1 else 0) + num_occ x t1 + num_occ x t2 end (*-------------------------------*) let rec add (t : tree int) (v : int) : tree int = ensures {forall x : int. num_occ x result = if x = v then 1 + num_occ x t else num_occ x t } match t with | Empty -> Node (Empty) v (Empty) | Node t1 x t2 -> if v <= x then Node (add t1 v) x t2 else Node t1 x (add t2 v) end end
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