Library scc_SCCTarjan72_WP_parameter_dfs1_6

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Require Import BuiltIn.
Require BuiltIn.
Require int.Int.
Require int.MinMax.
Require list.List.
Require list.Length.
Require list.Mem.
Require map.Map.
Require map.Const.
Require list.Append.
Require list.Reverse.
Require list.NumOcc.

Why3 assumption
Definition unit := unit.

Axiom set : forall (a:Type), Type.
Parameter set_WhyType : forall (a:Type) {a_WT:WhyType a}, WhyType (set a).
Existing Instance set_WhyType.

Parameter mem: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> (set a) -> Prop.

Why3 assumption
Definition infix_eqeq {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (s1:(set a)) (s2:(set
  a)): Prop := forall (x:a), (mem x s1) <-> (mem x s2).

Axiom extensionality : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s1:(set a))
  (s2:(set a)), (infix_eqeq s1 s2) -> (s1 = s2).

Why3 assumption
Definition subset {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (s1:(set a)) (s2:(set
  a)): Prop := forall (x:a), (mem x s1) -> (mem x s2).

Axiom subset_refl : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s:(set a)),
  (subset s s).

Axiom subset_trans : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s1:(set a))
  (s2:(set a)) (s3:(set a)), (subset s1 s2) -> ((subset s2 s3) -> (subset s1

Parameter empty: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (set a).

Why3 assumption
Definition is_empty {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (s:(set a)): Prop :=
  forall (x:a), ~ (mem x s).

Axiom empty_def1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (is_empty (empty : (set

Axiom mem_empty : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a), ~ (mem x
  (empty : (set a))).

Parameter add: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> (set a) -> (set a).

Axiom add_def1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (y:a),
  forall (s:(set a)), (mem x (add y s)) <-> ((x = y) \/ (mem x s)).

Parameter remove: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> (set a) -> (set a).

Axiom remove_def1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (y:a)
  (s:(set a)), (mem x (remove y s)) <-> ((~ (x = y)) /\ (mem x s)).

Axiom add_remove : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (s:(set
  a)), (mem x s) -> ((add x (remove x s)) = s).

Axiom remove_add : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (s:(set
  a)), ((remove x (add x s)) = (remove x s)).

Axiom subset_remove : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (s:(set
  a)), (subset (remove x s) s).

Parameter union: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (set a) -> (set a) -> (set

Axiom union_def1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s1:(set a))
  (s2:(set a)) (x:a), (mem x (union s1 s2)) <-> ((mem x s1) \/ (mem x s2)).

Parameter inter: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (set a) -> (set a) -> (set

Axiom inter_def1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s1:(set a))
  (s2:(set a)) (x:a), (mem x (inter s1 s2)) <-> ((mem x s1) /\ (mem x s2)).

Parameter diff: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (set a) -> (set a) -> (set

Axiom diff_def1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s1:(set a))
  (s2:(set a)) (x:a), (mem x (diff s1 s2)) <-> ((mem x s1) /\ ~ (mem x s2)).

Axiom subset_diff : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s1:(set a))
  (s2:(set a)), (subset (diff s1 s2) s1).

Parameter choose: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (set a) -> a.

Axiom choose_def : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s:(set a)),
  (~ (is_empty s)) -> (mem (choose s) s).

Parameter cardinal: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (set a) -> Z.

Axiom cardinal_nonneg : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s:(set a)),
  (0%Z <= (cardinal s))%Z.

Axiom cardinal_empty : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s:(set a)),
  ((cardinal s) = 0%Z) <-> (is_empty s).

Axiom cardinal_add : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a),
  forall (s:(set a)), (~ (mem x s)) -> ((cardinal (add x
  s)) = (1%Z + (cardinal s))%Z).

Axiom cardinal_remove : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a),
  forall (s:(set a)), (mem x s) -> ((cardinal s) = (1%Z + (cardinal (remove x

Axiom cardinal_subset : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s1:(set a))
  (s2:(set a)), (subset s1 s2) -> ((cardinal s1) <= (cardinal s2))%Z.

Axiom subset_eq : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s1:(set a))
  (s2:(set a)), (subset s1 s2) -> (((cardinal s1) = (cardinal s2)) ->
  (infix_eqeq s1 s2)).

Axiom cardinal1 : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s:(set a)),
  ((cardinal s) = 1%Z) -> forall (x:a), (mem x s) -> (x = (choose s)).

Why3 assumption
Fixpoint elements {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (l:(list a)) {struct l}: (set
  a) :=
  match l with
  | Init.Datatypes.nil => (empty : (set a))
  | (Init.Datatypes.cons x r) => (add x (elements r))

Axiom elements_mem : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
  (l:(list a)), (list.Mem.mem x l) <-> (mem x (elements l)).

Axiom vertex : Type.
Parameter vertex_WhyType : WhyType vertex.
Existing Instance vertex_WhyType.

Parameter vertices: (set vertex).

Parameter successors: vertex -> (set vertex).

Axiom successors_vertices : forall (x:vertex), (mem x vertices) -> (subset
  (successors x) vertices).

Why3 assumption
Definition edge (x:vertex) (y:vertex): Prop := (mem x vertices) /\ (mem y
  (successors x)).

Why3 assumption
Inductive path: vertex -> (list vertex) -> vertex -> Prop :=
  | Path_empty : forall (x:vertex), (path x Init.Datatypes.nil x)
  | Path_cons : forall (x:vertex) (y:vertex) (z:vertex) (l:(list vertex)),
      (edge x y) -> ((path y l z) -> (path x (Init.Datatypes.cons x l) z)).

Axiom path_right_extension : forall (x:vertex) (y:vertex) (z:vertex)
  (l:(list vertex)), (path x l y) -> ((edge y z) -> (path x
  ( l (Init.Datatypes.cons y Init.Datatypes.nil)) z)).

Axiom path_right_inversion : forall (x:vertex) (z:vertex) (l:(list vertex)),
  (path x l z) -> (((x = z) /\ (l = Init.Datatypes.nil)) \/ exists y:vertex,
  exists l':(list vertex), (path x l' y) /\ ((edge y z) /\
  (l = ( l' (Init.Datatypes.cons y Init.Datatypes.nil))))).

Axiom path_trans : forall (x:vertex) (y:vertex) (z:vertex) (l1:(list vertex))
  (l2:(list vertex)), (path x l1 y) -> ((path y l2 z) -> (path x
  ( l1 l2) z)).

Axiom empty_path : forall (x:vertex) (y:vertex), (path x Init.Datatypes.nil
  y) -> (x = y).

Axiom path_decomposition : forall (x:vertex) (y:vertex) (z:vertex)
  (l1:(list vertex)) (l2:(list vertex)), (path x
  ( l1 (Init.Datatypes.cons y l2)) z) -> ((path x l1 y) /\
  (path y (Init.Datatypes.cons y l2) z)).

Axiom lmem_dec : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (l:(list a)),
  (list.Mem.mem x l) \/ ~ (list.Mem.mem x l).

Axiom list_simpl_r : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (l1:(list a))
  (l2:(list a)) (l:(list a)),
  (( l1 l) = ( l2 l)) -> (l1 = l2).

Axiom list_assoc_cons : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
  forall (l1:(list a)) (l2:(list a)) (x:a),
  (( l1 (Init.Datatypes.cons x l2)) = ( ( l1 (Init.Datatypes.cons x Init.Datatypes.nil)) l2)).

Why3 assumption
Definition is_last {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (x:a) (s:(list a)): Prop :=
  exists s':(list a),
  (s = ( s' (Init.Datatypes.cons x Init.Datatypes.nil))).

Parameter rank: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> (list a) -> Z.

Axiom rank_def : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (s:(list a)),
  match s with
  | Init.Datatypes.nil => ((rank x s) = (cardinal vertices))
  | (Init.Datatypes.cons y s') => (((x = y) /\ ~ (list.Mem.mem x s')) ->
      ((rank x s) = (list.Length.length s'))) /\ ((~ ((x = y) /\
      ~ (list.Mem.mem x s'))) -> ((rank x s) = (rank x s')))

Axiom rank_not_mem : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
  (s:(list a)), (~ (list.Mem.mem x s)) -> ((rank x s) = (cardinal vertices)).

Axiom rank_range : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
  (s:(list a)), (list.Mem.mem x s) -> ((0%Z <= (rank x s))%Z /\ ((rank x
  s) < (list.Length.length s))%Z).

Axiom rank_min : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (y:a)
  (s:(list a)), (is_last x s) -> ((list.Mem.mem y s) -> ((rank x
  s) <= (rank y s))%Z).

Axiom rank_app_l : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
  (s:(list a)) (s':(list a)), (list.Mem.mem x s') -> ((~ (list.Mem.mem x
  s)) -> ((rank x ( s' s)) = ((rank x
  s') + (list.Length.length s))%Z)).

Axiom rank_app_r : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
  (s:(list a)) (s':(list a)), (list.Mem.mem x s) -> ((rank x s) = (rank x
  ( s' s))).

Why3 assumption
Definition simplelist {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (l:(list a)): Prop :=
  forall (x:a), ((list.NumOcc.num_occ x l) <= 1%Z)%Z.

Axiom simplelist_tl : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
  (l:(list a)), (simplelist (Init.Datatypes.cons x l)) -> ((simplelist l) /\
  ~ (list.Mem.mem x l)).

Axiom simplelist_split : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
  (l1:(list a)) (l2:(list a)) (l3:(list a)) (l4:(list a)),
  (( l1 (Init.Datatypes.cons x l2)) = ( l3 (Init.Datatypes.cons x l4))) ->
  ((simplelist ( l1 (Init.Datatypes.cons x l2))) ->
  ((l1 = l3) /\ (l2 = l4))).

Axiom simplelist_hd_max_rank : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
  (y:a) (s1:(list a)) (s2:(list a)), (s1 = (Init.Datatypes.cons x s2)) ->
  ((simplelist s1) -> ((list.Mem.mem y s2) -> ((rank y s1) < (rank x

Axiom rank_before_suffix : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
  (y:a) (s1:(list a)) (s2:(list a)), (simplelist
  ( s1 s2)) -> ((is_last x s1) -> ((list.Mem.mem y s2) ->
  ((rank y ( s1 s2)) < (rank x
  ( s1 s2)))%Z)).

Axiom inter_com : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s1:(set a))
  (s2:(set a)), (infix_eqeq (inter s1 s2) (inter s2 s1)).

Axiom inter_add : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s1:(set a))
  (s2:(set a)) (x:a), (~ (mem x s2)) -> (infix_eqeq (inter (add x s1) s2)
  (inter s1 s2)).

Axiom set_elt : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (s1:(set a))
  (s2:(set a)) (s3:(set a)), (~ (mem x s3)) -> (infix_eqeq (union (add x s1)
  (diff s2 s3)) (union s1 (diff (add x s2) s3))).

Axiom set_mem : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (s1:(set a))
  (s2:(set a)) (s3:(set a)) (s4:(set a)), (infix_eqeq s1 (union s2 (diff s3
  s4))) -> ((infix_eqeq (inter s2 s4) (empty : (set a))) -> ((mem x s1) ->
  ~ (mem x s4))).

Axiom inter_subset_inter : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s1:(set
  a)) (s2:(set a)) (s2':(set a)), ((inter s1 s2) = (empty : (set a))) ->
  ((subset s2' s2) -> ((inter s1 s2') = (empty : (set a)))).

Axiom subset_add : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (s:(set a))
  (s':(set a)), (subset s' (add x s)) -> ((mem x s') \/ (subset s' s)).

Axiom union_add_l : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (s:(set
  a)) (s':(set a)), (infix_eqeq (union (add x s) s') (add x (union s s'))).

Axiom union_add_r : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (s:(set
  a)) (s':(set a)), (infix_eqeq (union s (add x s')) (add x (union s s'))).

Axiom elts_cons : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a)
  (l:(list a)), (infix_eqeq (elements (Init.Datatypes.cons x l)) (add x
  (elements l))).

Axiom elts_app : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s:(list a))
  (s':(list a)), (infix_eqeq (elements ( s s'))
  (union (elements s) (elements s'))).

Axiom simplelist_app_inter : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
  forall (l1:(list a)) (l2:(list a)), (simplelist
  ( l1 l2)) -> ((inter (elements l1)
  (elements l2)) = (empty : (set a))).

Axiom simplelist_length : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
  forall (s:(list a)), (simplelist s) ->
  ((list.Length.length s) = (cardinal (elements s))).

Parameter set_of: forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (set (set a)) -> (set a).

Axiom set_of_empty : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, ((set_of (empty : (set
  (set a)))) = (empty : (set a))).

Axiom set_of_add : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (s:(set a))
  (sx:(set (set a))), (infix_eqeq (set_of (add s sx)) (union s (set_of sx))).

Why3 assumption
Definition one_in_set_of {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (sccs:(set (set
  a))): Prop := forall (x:a), (mem x (set_of sccs)) -> exists cc:(set a),
  (mem cc sccs) /\ (mem x cc).

Axiom Induction : (forall (s:(set (set vertex))), (is_empty s) ->
  (one_in_set_of s)) -> ((forall (s:(set (set vertex))), (one_in_set_of s) ->
  forall (t:(set vertex)), (~ (mem t s)) -> (one_in_set_of (add t s))) ->
  forall (s:(set (set vertex))), (one_in_set_of s)).

Axiom set_of_elt : forall (sccs:(set (set vertex))), (one_in_set_of sccs).

Axiom elt_set_of : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (cc:(set
  a)) (sccs:(set (set a))), (mem x cc) -> ((mem cc sccs) -> (mem x
  (set_of sccs))).

Axiom subset_set_of : forall (s:(set (set vertex))) (s':(set (set vertex))),
  (subset s s') -> (subset (set_of s) (set_of s')).

Why3 assumption
Definition reachable (x:vertex) (y:vertex): Prop := exists l:(list vertex),
  (path x l y).

Axiom reachable_trans : forall (x:vertex) (y:vertex) (z:vertex), (reachable x
  y) -> ((reachable y z) -> (reachable x z)).

Axiom xset_path_xedge : forall (x:vertex) (y:vertex) (l:(list vertex))
  (s:(set vertex)), (mem x s) -> ((~ (mem y s)) -> ((path x l y) ->
  exists x':vertex, exists y':vertex, (mem x' s) /\ ((~ (mem y' s)) /\ ((edge
  x' y') /\ ((reachable x x') /\ (reachable y' y)))))).

Why3 assumption
Definition in_same_scc (x:vertex) (y:vertex): Prop := (reachable x y) /\
  (reachable y x).

Why3 assumption
Definition is_subscc (s:(set vertex)): Prop := forall (x:vertex) (y:vertex),
  (mem x s) -> ((mem y s) -> (in_same_scc x y)).

Why3 assumption
Definition is_scc (s:(set vertex)): Prop := (~ (is_empty s)) /\ ((is_subscc
  s) /\ forall (s':(set vertex)), (subset s s') -> ((is_subscc s') ->
  (infix_eqeq s s'))).

Axiom same_scc_refl : forall (x:vertex), (in_same_scc x x).

Axiom same_scc_sym : forall (x:vertex) (z:vertex), (in_same_scc x z) ->
  (in_same_scc z x).

Axiom same_scc_trans : forall (x:vertex) (y:vertex) (z:vertex), (in_same_scc
  x y) -> ((in_same_scc y z) -> (in_same_scc x z)).

Axiom subscc_add : forall (x:vertex) (y:vertex) (cc:(set vertex)), (is_subscc
  cc) -> ((mem x cc) -> ((in_same_scc x y) -> (is_subscc (add y cc)))).

Axiom scc_max : forall (x:vertex) (y:vertex) (cc:(set vertex)), (is_scc
  cc) -> ((mem x cc) -> ((in_same_scc x y) -> (mem y cc))).

Why3 assumption
Inductive env :=
  | mk_env : (set vertex) -> (set vertex) -> (list vertex) -> (set (set
      vertex)) -> Z -> ( vertex Z) -> env.
Axiom env_WhyType : WhyType env.
Existing Instance env_WhyType.

Why3 assumption
Definition num (v:env): ( vertex Z) :=
  match v with
  | (mk_env x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) => x5

Why3 assumption
Definition sn (v:env): Z := match v with
  | (mk_env x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) => x4

Why3 assumption
Definition sccs (v:env): (set (set vertex)) :=
  match v with
  | (mk_env x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) => x3

Why3 assumption
Definition stack (v:env): (list vertex) :=
  match v with
  | (mk_env x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) => x2

Why3 assumption
Definition grays (v:env): (set vertex) :=
  match v with
  | (mk_env x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) => x1

Why3 assumption
Definition blacks (v:env): (set vertex) :=
  match v with
  | (mk_env x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) => x

Why3 assumption
Definition wf_color (e:env): Prop :=
  match e with
  | (mk_env b g s ccs _ _) => (subset (union g b) vertices) /\ ((infix_eqeq
      (inter b g) (empty : (set vertex))) /\ ((infix_eqeq (elements s)
      (union g (diff b (set_of ccs)))) /\ (subset (set_of ccs) b)))

Why3 assumption
Definition wf_num (e:env): Prop :=
  match e with
  | (mk_env b g s ccs n f) => (forall (x:vertex),
      (((-1%Z)%Z <= (map.Map.get f x))%Z /\ (((map.Map.get f x) < n)%Z /\
      (n <= (cardinal vertices))%Z)) \/ ((map.Map.get f
      x) = (cardinal vertices))) /\ ((n = (cardinal (union g b))) /\
      ((forall (x:vertex), ((map.Map.get f x) = (cardinal vertices)) <-> (mem
      x (set_of ccs))) /\ ((forall (x:vertex), ((map.Map.get f
      x) = (-1%Z)%Z) <-> ~ (mem x (union g b))) /\ ((forall (x:vertex)
      (y:vertex), (list.Mem.mem x s) -> ((list.Mem.mem y s) ->
      (((map.Map.get f x) < (map.Map.get f y))%Z <-> ((rank x s) < (rank y
      s))%Z))) /\ forall (x:vertex) (y:vertex), (list.Mem.mem x s) ->
      ((list.Mem.mem y s) -> (((map.Map.get f x) = (map.Map.get f y)) ->
      (x = y)))))))

Why3 assumption
Definition no_black_to_white (blacks1:(set vertex)) (grays1:(set
  vertex)): Prop := forall (x:vertex) (x':vertex), (edge x x') -> ((mem x
  blacks1) -> (mem x' (union blacks1 grays1))).

Why3 assumption
Definition wf_env (e:env): Prop :=
  match e with
  | (mk_env b g s _ _ _) => (wf_color e) /\ ((wf_num e) /\
      ((no_black_to_white b g) /\ ((simplelist s) /\ ((forall (x:vertex)
      (y:vertex), (mem x g) -> ((list.Mem.mem y s) -> (((map.Map.get (num e)
      x) <= (map.Map.get (num e) y))%Z -> (reachable x y)))) /\
      ((forall (y:vertex), (list.Mem.mem y s) -> exists x:vertex, (mem x
      g) /\ (((map.Map.get (num e) x) <= (map.Map.get (num e) y))%Z /\
      (reachable y x))) /\ forall (cc:(set vertex)), (mem cc (sccs e)) <->
      ((subset cc b) /\ (is_scc cc)))))))

Why3 assumption
Definition access_from (x:vertex) (s:(set vertex)): Prop :=
  forall (y:vertex), (mem y s) -> (reachable x y).

Why3 assumption
Definition access_to (s:(set vertex)) (y:vertex): Prop := forall (x:vertex),
  (mem x s) -> (reachable x y).

Why3 assumption
Definition num_of_reachable (n:Z) (x:vertex) (e:env): Prop :=
  exists y:vertex, (list.Mem.mem y (stack e)) /\ ((n = (map.Map.get (num e)
  y)) /\ (reachable x y)).

Why3 assumption
Definition xedge_to (s1:(list vertex)) (s3:(list vertex)) (y:vertex): Prop :=
  (exists s2:(list vertex), (s1 = ( s2 s3)) /\
  exists x:vertex, (list.Mem.mem x s2) /\ (edge x y)) /\ (list.Mem.mem y s3).

Why3 assumption
Definition subenv (e:env) (e':env): Prop := (exists s:(list vertex),
  ((stack e') = ( s (stack e))) /\ (subset (elements s)
  (blacks e'))) /\ ((subset (blacks e) (blacks e')) /\ ((subset (sccs e)
  (sccs e')) /\ ((forall (x:vertex), (list.Mem.mem x (stack e)) ->
  ((map.Map.get (num e) x) = (map.Map.get (num e') x))) /\ (infix_eqeq
  (grays e) (grays e'))))).

Axiom subscc_after_last_gray : forall (x:vertex) (e:env) (g:(set vertex))
  (s2:(list vertex)) (s3:(list vertex)), (infix_eqeq (grays e) (add x g)) ->
  ((wf_env e) ->
  match e with
  | (mk_env b _ s _ _ _) => (s = ( s2 s3)) -> ((is_last x
      s2) -> ((subset (elements s2) (add x b)) -> (is_subscc (elements s2))))

Axiom wf_color_postcond_split : forall (s2:(set vertex)) (s3:(set vertex))
  (g:(set vertex)) (b:(set vertex)) (sccs1:(set vertex)), (infix_eqeq
  (union s2 s3) (union g (diff b sccs1))) -> ((infix_eqeq (inter s2 s3)
  (empty : (set vertex))) -> ((infix_eqeq (inter g s2) (empty : (set
  vertex))) -> (infix_eqeq s3 (union g (diff b (union s2 sccs1)))))).

Axiom wf_color_sccs : forall (e:env), (wf_color e) -> (infix_eqeq
  (set_of (sccs e)) (diff (union (blacks e) (grays e))
  (elements (stack e)))).

Axiom wf_color_3_cases : forall (x:vertex) (e:env), (wf_color e) -> ((mem x
  (set_of (sccs e))) \/ ((mem x (elements (stack e))) \/ ~ (mem x
  (union (blacks e) (grays e))))).

Axiom rank_lmem : forall (e:env) (x:vertex), (wf_env e) -> (((0%Z <= (rank x
  (stack e)))%Z /\ ((rank x (stack e)) < (cardinal vertices))%Z) <->
  (list.Mem.mem x (stack e))).

Axiom rank_inj : forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, forall (x:a) (y:a)
  (s:(list a)), ((0%Z <= (rank x s))%Z /\ (((rank x s) = (rank y s)) /\
  ((rank y s) < (cardinal vertices))%Z)) -> (x = y).

Axiom num_lmem : forall (e:env) (x:vertex), (wf_env e) ->
  (((0%Z <= (map.Map.get (num e) x))%Z /\ ((map.Map.get (num e)
  x) < (cardinal vertices))%Z) <-> (list.Mem.mem x (stack e))).

Axiom num_inj : forall (e:env) (x:vertex) (y:vertex), (wf_env e) ->
  (((0%Z <= (map.Map.get (num e) x))%Z /\ (((map.Map.get (num e)
  x) = (map.Map.get (num e) y)) /\ ((map.Map.get (num e)
  y) < (cardinal vertices))%Z)) -> (x = y)).

Axiom num_rank1 : forall (e:env) (x:vertex) (y:vertex), (wf_env e) ->
  (((map.Map.get (num e) x) = (map.Map.get (num e) y)) -> ((rank x
  (stack e)) = (rank y (stack e)))).

Axiom num_rank : forall (e:env) (x:vertex) (y:vertex), (wf_env e) ->
  (((0%Z <= (map.Map.get (num e) x))%Z /\ (((map.Map.get (num e)
  x) <= (map.Map.get (num e) y))%Z /\ ((map.Map.get (num e)
  y) < (cardinal vertices))%Z)) -> ((0%Z <= (rank x (stack e)))%Z /\
  (((rank x (stack e)) <= (rank y (stack e)))%Z /\ ((rank y
  (stack e)) < (cardinal vertices))%Z))).

Axiom num_rank2 : forall (e:env) (x:vertex) (y:vertex), (wf_env e) ->
  (((0%Z <= (map.Map.get (num e) x))%Z /\ (((map.Map.get (num e)
  x) < (map.Map.get (num e) y))%Z /\ ((map.Map.get (num e)
  y) < (cardinal vertices))%Z)) -> ((0%Z <= (rank x (stack e)))%Z /\
  (((rank x (stack e)) < (rank y (stack e)))%Z /\ ((rank y
  (stack e)) < (cardinal vertices))%Z))).

Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect.
Ltac compress :=
 repeat (match goal with [H1: ?A, H2: ?A |- _] => clear H2 end).

Why3 goal
Theorem WP_parameter_dfs1 : forall (x:vertex) (e:(set vertex)) (e1:(set
  vertex)) (e2:(list vertex)) (e3:(set (set vertex))) (e4:Z) (e5:(
  vertex Z)), ((mem x vertices) /\ ((access_to e1 x) /\ ((~ (mem x (union e
  e1))) /\ (wf_env (mk_env e e1 e2 e3 e4 e5))))) -> forall (o:(set vertex))
  (o1:(set vertex)) (o2:(list vertex)) (o3:(set (set vertex))) (o4:Z)
  (o5:( vertex Z)), let o6 := (mk_env o o1 o2 o3 o4 o5) in
  (((o = e) /\ ((o1 = (add x e1)) /\ ((o3 = e3) /\
  ((o2 = (Init.Datatypes.cons x e2)) /\ ((o4 = (e4 + 1%Z)%Z) /\
  (o5 = (map.Map.set e5 x e4))))))) -> let o7 := (successors x) in (((subset
  o7 vertices) /\ ((forall (x1:vertex), (mem x1 o7) -> (access_to o1 x1)) /\
  (wf_env o6))) -> forall (result:Z) (result1:(set vertex)) (result2:(set
  vertex)) (result3:(list vertex)) (result4:(set (set vertex))) (result5:Z)
  (result6:( vertex Z)), ((let e' := (mk_env result1 result2
  result3 result4 result5 result6) in ((wf_env e') /\ (subenv o6 e'))) /\
  ((subset o7 (union result1 result2)) /\ ((forall (x1:vertex), (mem x1
  o7) -> (result <= (map.Map.get result6 x1))%Z) /\
  (((result = (cardinal vertices)) \/ exists x1:vertex, (mem x1 o7) /\
  (num_of_reachable result x1 (mk_env result1 result2 result3 result4 result5
  result6))) /\ forall (y:vertex), (xedge_to result3 o2 y) ->
  (result <= (map.Map.get result6 y))%Z)))) -> ((~ (result < e4)%Z) ->
  forall (result7:(list vertex)) (result8:(list vertex)),
  ((( result7 result8) = result3) /\ ((list.Mem.mem x
  result3) -> exists s':(list vertex),
  (result7 = ( s' (Init.Datatypes.cons x Init.Datatypes.nil))))) ->
  (((exists s':(list vertex),
  (result7 = ( s' (Init.Datatypes.cons x Init.Datatypes.nil)))) /\
  ((result8 = e2) /\ (subset (elements result7) (add x result1)))) ->
  ((is_subscc (elements result7)) -> forall (y:vertex), (in_same_scc y x) ->
  (list.Mem.mem y result7)))))).
move=> x blacks grays stack sccs sn num.
move=> [r11 [r12 [r13 [i11a i12a]]]].
move=> b0 g0 s0 sccs0 sn0 num0 e0 add_stack_incr_pc.
move: {+}add_stack_incr_pc => [_ [g0_is_xgrays [_ [s0_is_xstack [incr_sn num_x_n]]]]].
move=> roots0 [r'1 [r'2 I']].
move=> n1 b1 g1 s1 sccs1 sn1 num1.
move=> [[wfe1 sube0e1] [pc'1 [pc'2 [pc'3 pc'4]]]].
move=> sn_le_n1.
move=> s2 s3 [s1_split s2_split] ass1 ass2.
move=> y same_scc_y_x.

move: {+} same_scc_y_x => [[lyx y_to_x] [lxy x_to_y]].
have not_y_not_in_s2: ~(~(mem y (elements s2))).
  move=> y_not_in_s2.
  have x_in_s1: mem x (elements s1).
  - move: {+}sube0e1 => [[s [s1_decomp _]] _]. simpl in s1_decomp.
    rewrite s1_decomp s0_is_xstack.
    by apply /elements_mem /Append.mem_append; right; left.
  have x_in_s2: mem x (elements s2).
  - move /elements_mem /s2_split :x_in_s1 => [s2' s2_decomp].
    rewrite s2_decomp.
    by apply /elements_mem /Append.mem_append; right; left.
  apply (xset_path_xedge x y lxy (elements s2)) in y_not_in_s2; last by []; last by [].
  move: y_not_in_s2 => [x' [y' [x'_in_s2 [y'_not_in_s2 [edge_x'y' [x'_on_lxy y'_on_lxy]]]]]].

  move: {+} wfe1 => [wf_color1 _].
  move: {+} wf_color1 => hcol1.
  move /(wf_color_3_cases y') :hcol1 => [y'_in_sccs1 | [y'_in_s1 | y'_white]].

Case 1 when y' in sccs1
  - apply set_of_elt in y'_in_sccs1.
    move: y'_in_sccs1 => [cc [cc_in_sccs1 y'_in_cc]].
    move: {+} cc_in_sccs1 => hcc.
    simpl in hcc.
    move: {+}wfe1 => [_ [_ [_ [_ [_ [_ eee]]]]]].
    move /eee :hcc => [_ cc_is_scc].
    have same_scc_y'x: in_same_scc y' x.
    - split.
      + apply (reachable_trans _ y); first by [].
        by exists lyx.
      + move: x'_on_lxy => [lxx' pathxx'].
        exists (lxx' ++ (cons x' nil))%list.
        by apply path_right_extension.
    have x_in_cc: mem x cc.
    - by apply (scc_max y' x cc).
    have x_not_in_s1: ~ mem x (elements s1).
    - apply (elt_set_of _ _ sccs1) in x_in_cc; last by [].
      apply (wf_color_sccs) in wf_color1. simpl in wf_color1.
      by move /wf_color1 /diff_def1 :x_in_cc => [ _ x_not_in_s1].
    by [].

Case 2 when y' in s1
  - move :y'_in_s1; simpl.
    rewrite -s1_split elts_app union_def1.
    move => [y'_in_s2 | y'_in_s3]; first by [].
    move /elements_mem /s2_split :x_in_s1 => [s2' s2_decomp].
    move :x'_in_s2; rewrite s2_decomp.
    move /elts_app /union_def1 => [x'_in_s2' | x'_eq_x].
Case 2.1 when x' <> x
    - have rky'_lt_rkx: (rank y' s1 < rank x s1)%Z.
      + rewrite -s1_split.
        apply (rank_before_suffix x y' s2 s3).
        - move: {+} wfe1 => [_ [_ [_ [simpl_s1 _]]]].
          by rewrite s1_split.
        - by exists s2'.
        - by apply elements_mem.
      move :{+} ass1 => [_ [s3_eq_stack _]].
      have s1_split' : s1 = (s2' ++ x :: stack)%list.
       - by rewrite s2_decomp s3_eq_stack -Append.Append_assoc in s1_split.
      have n1_le_num1y': (n1 <= Map.get num1 y')%Z.
      + apply pc'4.
        - split.
          + exists s2'; rewrite s0_is_xstack. split; first by [].
            exists x'. split; last by[].
            by apply elements_mem.
          + rewrite s0_is_xstack -s3_eq_stack.
          by simpl; right; apply elements_mem.
      have num1y'_lt_num1x: (Map.get num1 y' < Map.get num1 x)%Z.
      - move: {+} wfe1 => [_ [wf_num1 _]].
        move :wf_num1 => [_ [_ [_ [_ numrank1]]]].
        apply numrank1; last by [].
        - rewrite -s1_split.
          apply Append.mem_append. right.
          by apply elements_mem.
        - move: {+}sube0e1 => [[s [s1_decomp _]] _]. simpl in s1_decomp.
          rewrite s1_decomp s0_is_xstack.
          by apply Append.mem_append; right; left.
      have n1_lt_num1x: (n1 < Map.get num1 x)%Z.
      - by apply (Z.le_lt_trans _ (Map.get num1 y') _).
      have num1x_eq_numx: Map.get num1 x = Map.get num0 x.
      - move :sube0e1 => [_ [_ [_ [subnum_e0e1 g0_is_g1]]]]; simpl in g0_is_g1.
        rewrite -subnum_e0e1; first by [].
        rewrite s0_is_xstack.
        by simpl; left.
      have numx_eq_sn: Map.get num0 x = sn.
      - move :add_stack_incr_pc => [_ [_ [_ [_ [_ num0_def]]]]].
        by rewrite num0_def Map.Select_eq.
     have n1_lt_sn: (n1 < sn)%Z.
      - by rewrite -numx_eq_sn -num1x_eq_numx.
      have n1_lt_n1: (n1 < n1)%Z.
      - by apply (Z.lt_le_trans _ sn _).

Case 2.2 when x' = x
    - move/elements_mem: x'_eq_x => [x'_eq_x | nilcase]; last by [].
      have n1_le_y': (n1 <= Map.get num1 y')%Z.
      - apply pc'2.
        rewrite /roots0 -x'_eq_x.
        by apply edge_x'y'.
      have rky'_lt_rkx: (rank y' s1 < rank x s1)%Z.
      - move :ass1 => [_ [s3_eq_stack _]].
        move: {+}sube0e1 => [[s [s1_decomp _]] _]. simpl in s1_decomp.
        rewrite s1_decomp -rank_app_r; first last.
        + rewrite s0_is_xstack; right.
          rewrite -s3_eq_stack.
          by apply elements_mem.
        + rewrite s0_is_xstack. rewrite -rank_app_r; last by left.
          apply (simplelist_hd_max_rank x _ _ stack); first by [].
          - move: I' => [wf_color0 [_ [_ [simpl_s0 _]]]].
            by rewrite -s0_is_xstack.
          - by rewrite -s3_eq_stack; apply elements_mem.
      have x_in_s1: Mem.mem x s1.
      - move: {+}sube0e1 => [[s [s1_decomp _]] _]. simpl in s1_decomp.
        rewrite s1_decomp s0_is_xstack.
        by apply Append.mem_append; right; left.
      have y'_in_s1: Mem.mem y' s1.
      - rewrite -s1_split.
        apply Append.mem_append; right.
        by apply elements_mem.
      have y'_lt_x: (Map.get num1 y' < Map.get num1 x)%Z.
      - move: {+} wfe1 => [_ [wf_num1 _]].
        move :wf_num1 => [_ [_ [_ [_ numrank1]]]].
        by apply numrank1.
      have n1_lt_num1x: (n1 < Map.get num1 x)%Z.
      - by apply (Z.le_lt_trans _ (Map.get num1 y') _).
      have num1x_eq_numx: Map.get num1 x = Map.get num0 x.
      - move :sube0e1 => [_ [_ [_ [subnum_e0e1 _]]]].
        rewrite -subnum_e0e1; first by [].
        rewrite s0_is_xstack.
        by simpl; left.
      have numx_eq_sn: Map.get num0 x = sn.
      - move :add_stack_incr_pc => [_ [_ [_ [_ [_ num0_def]]]]].
        by rewrite num0_def Map.Select_eq.
      have n1_lt_sn: (n1 < sn)%Z.
      - by rewrite -numx_eq_sn -num1x_eq_numx.
      have n1_lt_n1: (n1 < n1)%Z.
      - by apply (Z.lt_le_trans _ sn _).

Case 3 when y' is white
  - have y'_not_white: mem y' (union b1 g1).
     + move: ass1 => [_ [_ subset_s2_xb1]].
       move /subset_s2_xb1 /add_def1 :x'_in_s2 => [x'_eq_x | x'_in_b1].
        - apply: pc'1.
          rewrite x'_eq_x in edge_x'y'.
          by apply edge_x'y'.
        - move: wfe1 => [_ [_ [hnbtw1 _]]].
          by apply: (hnbtw1 x' y').
    by [].

  have mem_dec: Mem.mem y s2 \/ ~ (Mem.mem y s2).
  - by apply lmem_dec.
  move: mem_dec => [mem_y_s2 | not_mem_y_s2]; first by [].
  by move /elements_mem :not_mem_y_s2.
