why3doc index index
The graph is represented by a pair (vertices
, successor
: this constant is the set of graph vertices
: this function gives for each vertex the set of vertices directly joinable from it
module Dfs_stack2 use import int.Int use import ref.Ref use import list.List use import list.Append use import list.Mem as L use import list.Elements as E use import stack.Stack use import list.NumOcc use import init_graph.GraphSetSucc lemma path_lst_occ: forall x y z l. L.mem x l -> path y l z -> exists l1 l2. l = l1 ++ Cons x l2 /\ path x (Cons x l2) z /\ not L.mem x l2 lemma path_inv: forall x z l. path x (Cons x l) z -> exists x'. edge x x' /\ path x' l z predicate white_vertex (x: vertex) (v: set vertex) = not (mem x v) predicate whitepath (x: vertex) (l: list vertex) (z: vertex) (v: set vertex) = path x l z /\ (forall y. L.mem y l -> white_vertex y v) /\ white_vertex z v lemma whitepath_suffix: forall x y z v l1 l2. whitepath y (l1 ++ Cons x l2) z v -> whitepath x (Cons x l2) z v lemma whitepath_inv: forall x z l v. whitepath x (Cons x l) z v -> not L.mem x l -> z <> x -> exists x'. edge x x' /\ whitepath x' l z (add x v) lemma whitepath_split_lst_occ: forall x y l z v. L.mem x l -> whitepath y l z v -> z <> x -> exists x' l'. edge x x' /\ whitepath x' l' z (add x v)
let rec push_set (p: Stack.t vertex) (s: set vertex) variant { cardinal s } = ensures { union (elements (old p.elts)) s == elements p.elts } if not is_empty s then begin let x = choose s in Stack.push x p; push_set p (remove x s) end let rec dfs r v variant {(cardinal vertices - cardinal v), L.length (r.elts)} = requires {subset (elements r.elts) vertices } requires {subset v vertices } ensures {subset v result } ensures {subset result vertices } raises {Empty} ensures {subset v result} ensures {forall z y l. L.mem y (old r).elts -> whitepath y l z v -> mem z (diff result v)} 'L0: if Stack.is_empty r then v else let x = Stack.pop r in 'L1: if mem x v then dfs r v else begin push_set r (successors x); assert {forall z y l. L.mem y (at r 'L0).elts -> whitepath y l z v -> z = x \/ whitepath y l z (add x v) \/ exists x' l'. edge x x' /\ whitepath x' l' z (add x v) } ; dfs r (add x v) end let dfs_main (roots: Stack.t vertex) = requires {subset (elements (roots.elts)) vertices} raises {Empty} ensures {forall z y l. L.mem y (old roots).elts -> path y l z -> mem z result} dfs roots empty end
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