Random DFS in graph

The graph is represented by a pair (vertices, successor)

The algorithm is depth-first-search in the graph. It picks randomly the son on which recursive call is done.
The proof is mutually recursive on pre and post conditions. Fully automatic proof.

module DfsRandomSearch
  use import int.Int
  use import list.List
  use import list.Append
  use import list.Mem as L
  use import list.Elements as E
  use import init_graph.GraphSetSucc

  lemma mem_decidable:
    forall x: 'a, l: list 'a. L.mem x l \/ not L.mem x l

  lemma list_suffix_fst_not_twice:
    forall x, l "induction" : list vertex. L.mem x l -> exists l1 l2. l = l1 ++ (Cons x l2) /\ not L.mem x l2

  predicate white_vertex (x: vertex) (v: set vertex) =
    not (mem x v)
  predicate nodeflip (x: vertex) (v1 v2: set vertex) =
    white_vertex x v1 /\ not (white_vertex x v2)

  predicate whitepath (x: vertex) (l: list vertex) (z: vertex) (v: set vertex) =
    path x l z /\ (forall y. L.mem y l -> white_vertex y v) /\ white_vertex z v

  predicate whitereachable (x z: vertex) (v: set vertex) =
    exists l. whitepath x l z v

  predicate whitereached (x: vertex) (s: set vertex) (v: set vertex) =
    forall z. mem z s -> exists l. whitepath x l z v

  predicate whiteaccessfrom (r: set vertex) (z: vertex) (v: set vertex) =
    exists x. mem x r /\ whitereachable x z v

  predicate whiteaccess (r s: set vertex) (v: set vertex) =
    forall z. mem z s -> exists x. mem x r /\ whitereachable x z v

  predicate path_fst_not_twice (x: vertex) (l: list vertex) (z: vertex) = 
    path x l z /\ 
    match l with
    | Nil -> true
    | Cons _ l' -> x <> z /\ not (L.mem x l')

 lemma path_suffix_fst_not_twice:
    forall x z l "induction". path x l z -> 
      exists l1 l2. l = l1 ++ l2 /\ path_fst_not_twice x l2 z

  lemma path_path_fst_not_twice:
    forall x z l. path x l z -> 
      exists l'. path_fst_not_twice x l' z /\ subset (E.elements l') (E.elements l)

  predicate whitepath_fst_not_twice (x: vertex) (l: list vertex) (z: vertex) (v: set vertex) =
     whitepath x l z v /\ path_fst_not_twice x l z

  lemma whitepath_decomposition: 
    forall x l1 l2 z y v. whitepath x (l1 ++ (Cons y l2)) z v -> whitepath x l1 y v /\ whitepath y (Cons y l2) z v

  lemma whitepath_mem_decomposition_r: 
    forall x l z y v. whitepath x l z v -> (L.mem y l \/ y = z) -> exists l': list vertex. whitepath y l' z v
  lemma whitepath_whitepath_fst_not_twice: 
    forall x z l v. whitepath x l z v -> exists l'. whitepath_fst_not_twice x l' z v

  lemma path_cons_inversion:
    forall x z l. path x (Cons x l) z -> exists y. edge x y /\ path y l z

  lemma whitepath_cons_inversion:
    forall x z l v. whitepath x (Cons x l) z v -> exists y. edge x y /\ whitepath y l z v

  lemma whitepath_cons_fst_not_twice_inversion:
    forall x z l v. whitepath_fst_not_twice x (Cons x l) z v -> x <> z ->
    (exists y. edge x y /\ whitepath y l z (add x v))

  lemma whitepath_fst_not_twice_inversion : 
    forall x z l v. whitepath_fst_not_twice x l z v -> x <> z -> 
    (exists y l'. edge x y /\ whitepath y l' z (add x v))
  lemma whitepath_trans:
    forall x l1 y l2 z v. whitepath x l1 y v -> whitepath y l2 z v -> whitepath x (l1 ++ l2) z v

  lemma whitepath_Y:
    forall x l z y x' l' v. whitepath x l z v -> (L.mem y l \/ y = z) -> whitepath x' l' y v -> exists l0. whitepath x' l0 z v

  lemma abc :
    forall z x:'a, r v. mem z (diff r v) -> z = x \/ mem z (diff r  (add x v))

  lemma abcd :
    forall z:'a, r1 r2 r3. mem z (diff r1 r3) -> mem z (diff r1 r2) \/ mem z (diff r2 r3)

  lemma whitereachable1 :
    forall x y l z v. whitepath y l z (add x v) -> whitepath y l z v

  lemma whitereachable2 :
    forall x y l z v. not (mem x v) -> whitepath y l z v -> edge x y -> whitepath x (Cons x l) z v


let rec dfs (roots: set vertex) (visited: set vertex): set vertex
  variant {(cardinal vertices - cardinal visited), (cardinal roots)} =
  requires {subset roots vertices }
  requires {subset visited vertices }
  ensures {subset visited result}
  ensures {subset result vertices}
  ensures {forall z. mem z (diff result visited) -> exists x l. mem x roots /\ whitepath x l z visited}
  ensures {forall x l z. mem x roots -> whitepath x l z visited -> mem z result }
    if is_empty roots then visited
      let x = choose roots in
      let roots' = remove x roots in
      if mem x visited then
        dfs roots' visited
        let r' = dfs (successors x) (add x visited) in
        let r = dfs roots' r' in 
        (*-------- nodeflip_whitepath ----------------------------*)
        assert {forall z. mem z (diff r visited) -> mem z (diff r' visited) \/ mem z (diff r r')}; 
        (*-------- case 1 ----------*)
        assert {forall z. mem z (diff r' visited) -> z = x \/ mem z (diff r' (add x visited)) };
        (* case 1-1: nodeflip z visited r' /\ z = x *)
           assert {forall z. z = x -> whitepath x Nil z visited};
        (* case 1-2: nodeflip z visited r' /\ z <> x *)
          assert {forall z. mem z (diff r' (add x visited)) -> 
            (exists y l. mem y roots' /\ whitepath y l z (add x visited))
            (exists y l. edge x y /\ whitepath y l z (add x visited)) };
        (*-------- case 2 ------------*)
        assert {forall z. mem z (diff r r') -> exists y l. mem y roots' /\ whitepath y l z r'};
        assert {forall z y l. whitepath y l z r' -> whitepath y l z (add x visited)};
        (*-------- whitepath_nodeflip -------------------------------------------*)
         (* case 1: whiteaccessfrom roots' z r' *)
           assert {forall y l z. mem y roots' -> whitepath y l z r' -> mem z r };
         (* case 2: not (whiteaccessfrom roots' z r') *)
           assert {forall y l z. whitepath y l z visited -> not whitepath y l z r' ->
               exists y'. (L.mem y' l \/ y' = z) /\ mem y' (diff r' visited) }; 
           assert {forall y l z. whitepath y l z visited -> not whitepath y l z r' ->
               exists y'. (L.mem y' l \/ y' = z) /\ 
                 (y' = x  \/ whiteaccessfrom (successors x) y' (add x visited)) };
(**)       assert {forall y'. whiteaccessfrom (successors x) y' (add x visited) ->
               exists l'. whitepath x l' y' visited }; 
           assert {forall y l z. whitepath y l z visited -> not whitepath y l z r' ->
               exists y' l'. (L.mem y' l \/ y' = z) /\ whitepath x l' y' visited };
           assert {forall y l z. whitepath y l z visited -> not whitepath y l z r' ->
               exists l'. whitepath x l' z visited }; 
         (* case 3-1: whitepath x l z /\ z = x *)
           assert {mem x r'};
	 (* case 3-2: whitepath x l z /\ z <> x *)
         (* using lemma whitepath_whitepath_fst_not_twice *)
           assert {forall l z. z <> x -> whitepath x l z visited 
               -> exists x' l'. edge x x' /\ whitepath x' l' z (add x visited) };

let dfs_main (roots: set vertex) : set vertex =
   requires {subset roots vertices}
   dfs roots empty


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