The Zen Computational Linguistics Toolkit
ESSLLI 2002 Lectures
Gérard Huet
Table of Contents
We present in this course a few fundamental structures useful for
computational linguistics.
The central structure is that of lexical tree, or trie.
A crucial observation is that a trie is isomorphic to the state space
of a deterministic acyclic automaton. More complex finite-state
automata and transducers, deterministic or not, and cyclic or
not, may be represented as tries decorated by extra information. Thus we
obtain a family of structures underlying lexicon-directed linguistic
First we describe plain tries, which are adequate to represent lexicon indexes.
Then we describe decorated tries, or decos, which are appropriate to
represent symbol tables, and dictionaries associating with the lexicon
grammatical or other informations. We then describe how to represent
maps and more generally invertible relations between lexicons. We call these
structures lexical maps or lexmaps. Lexmaps are appropriate for instance
to associate flexed forms to lexicon stems and roots, using morphological
operations. Such lexmaps are invertible in the sense that we may retrieve
from the lexmap entry of a flexed form the stems and operations from which
it may be obtained. Finally we show how lexicon directed transducers may
be represented using tries decorated with choice points. Such transducers
are useful to describe segmentation and taggings processes.
All data structures and algorithms are described
in a computational metalanguage called Pidgin ML
. Pidgin ML
is a
publication language for the ML family of programming languages. All the
algorithms described here could be described as well in Standard ML
or in Objective CAML, to cite two popular ML implementations, or in the
lasy functional language Haskell. They could also be described in a
programming language such as LISP or Scheme, but the strong typing discipline
of ML, supporting polymorphism and modules, is an insurance that computations
cannot corrupt data structures and lead to run-type errors.
An initial chapter of these notes gives a quick
overview of Pidgin ML
The resulting design may be
considered as the reference implementation of a Free
Computational Linguistics Toolkit. It may turn useful as an ``off the shelf''
toolkit for simple operations on linguistics material. Due to its
lightweight approach we shall talk of the Zen CL Toolkit.
This toolkit was abstracted from the Sanskrit ML Library, which constitutes
its first large-scale application. Thus some of this material already
appeared in the documentation of the Sanskrit Segmenter algorithm,
which solves Sandhi Analysis [14].
The Sanskrit Library Documentation, a companion to this document,
is available at under
format postscript, doc.pdf
under format pdf,
and doc.html
under format html.
This document was automatically generated from the code of the toolkit
using the Ocamlweb package of Jean-Christophe Filliâtre,
with the Latex package, in the literate programming style pioneered by
Don Knuth. The Html version uses the Hevea Tex-to-Html translator of
Luc Maranget.
1 Pidgin ML
We shall use as meta language for the description of our algorithms
a pidgin version of the functional language ML
[10, 8, 22, 30].
Readers familiar with ML
may skip this section, which gives a crash
overview of its syntax and semantics.
Module Pidgin
The core language has types, values, and exceptions.
Thus, 1 is a value of predefined type int, whereas
"CL" is a string.
Pairs of values inhabit the corresponding product type. Thus:
(1,"CL") : (nat × string).
Recursive type declarations create new types,
whose values are inductively built from the associated constructors.
Thus the Boolean type could be declared
as a sum by:
type bool = [True | False];
Parametric types give rise to polymorphism.
Thus if x is of type t and l is of type
(list t), we construct the list adding x to l
as [x :: l]. The empty list is [ ], of (polymorphic) type
(list a). Although the language is strongly typed, explicit type
specification is rarely needed from the designer, since principal types
may be inferred mechanically.
The language is functional in the sense that functions are first class
objects. Thus the doubling integer function may be written as
fun x ® x+x, and it has type int ® int. It may be associated
to the name double by declaring:
value double = fun x ® x+x;
Equivalently we could write:
value double x = x+x;
Its application to value n
is written as (double n) or even double n when there is no
ambiguity. Application associates to the left, and thus f x y stands
for ((f x) y).
Recursive functional values are declared with the keyword rec.
Thus we may define factorial as:
value rec fact n = n×(fact (n-1));
Functions may be defined by pattern matching. Thus the first projection of
pairs could be defined by:
value fst = fun [ (x,y) ® x ];
or equivalently (since there is only one pattern in this case) by:
value fst (x,y) = x;
Pattern-matching is also usable in match expressions which generalize
case analysis,
such as: match l with [ [ ] ® True | _ ® False ], which
tests whether list l is empty, using underscore as catch-all
Evaluation is strict, which means that x is evaluated before
f in the evaluation of (f x). The let expressions
permit to sequentialize computation, and to share sub-computations. Thus
let x = fact 10 in x+x will compute fact 10 first,
and only once.
An equivalent postfix where notation may be used as well. Thus
the conditional expression if b then e1 else e2 is equivalent to:
choose b where choose = fun [ True ® e1 | False ® e2];
Exceptions are declared with the type of their parameters, like in:
exception Failure of string;
An exceptional value may be raised, like in:
raise (Failure "div 0") and handled by a try switch on
exception patterns, such as:
try expression with [ Failure s ® ... ]; ]
Other imperative constructs may be used, such as
references, mutable arrays, while loops and I/O commands,
but we shall seldom need them.
Sequences of instructions are
evaluated in left to right regime in do expressions, such as:
do {e1; ... en}.
ML is a modular language,
in the sense that sequences of type, value
and exception declarations may be packed in a structural unit called a
module, amenable to separate treatment.
Modules have types themselves, called signatures. Parametric
modules are called functors. The algorithms presented in this paper
will use in essential ways
this modularity structure, but the syntax ought to be self-evident.
Finally, comments are enclosed within starred parens like:
value s = "This is a string"; (* This is a comment *)
Readers not acquainted with programming languages may think of ML
definitions as recursive
equations over inductively defined algebras. Most of them are simple
primitive recursive functionals. The more complex recursions of our
automata coroutines will be shown to be well-founded by
a combination of lexicographic and multiset orderings.
Pidgin ML definitions may actually be directly executed as
Objective Caml programs [20],
under the so-called revised syntax [24].
The following development may thus
be used as the reference implementation of a core
computational linguistics platform, dealing with lexical, phonemic and
morphological aspects.
2 Basic Utilities
We present in this section some basic utilities libraries.
2.1 Miscellaneous primitives
Module Gen
This module contains various utilities of general use.
value dirac b = if b then 1 else 0;
value optional f = fun [ None ® () | Some(d) ® f d ];
Dump value v on file.
value dump v file =
let cho = open_out file
in do {output_value cho v; close_out cho};
Retrieve value dumped on file; its type should be given in a cast.
value gobble file =
let chi = open_in file
in let v=input_value chi in do {close_in chi; v};
UNIX touch.
value touch file = close_out (open_out file);
value notify_error message =
do {output_string stderr message; flush stderr};
2.2 List processing
We shall use lists intensively. We assume the standard library
Module List2
We complement List here with a few auxiliary list service function.
unstack l r = (rev l)@ r
unstack = List.rev_append
value rec unstack l1 l2 =
match l1 with
[ [ ] ® l2
| [a :: l] ® unstack l [a :: l2]
value non_empty = fun [ [ ] ® False | _ ® True ];
Set operations with lists
value union1 e list = if List.mem e list then list else [e::list];
value rec union l1 l2 =
match l1 with
[ [ ] ® l2
| [e::l] ® union l (union1 e l2)
value set_of l = List.fold_left (fun acc x ® if List.mem x acc then acc else [x::acc]) [ ] l;
last : list a ® a
value rec last = fun
[ [ ] ® raise (Failure "last")
| [x] ® x
| [_::l] ® last l
truncate n l removes from l its initial sublist of length n.
truncate : int ® list a ® list a
value rec truncate n l =
if n=0 then l else match l with
[ [ ] ® failwith "truncate"
| [_::r] ® truncate (n-1) r
type ranked a = list (int × a);
zip n l assumes l sorted in increasing order of ranks; it returns
a partition of l as (l1,l2) with l1 maximum such that ranks in l1
are < n. l1 is reversed, i.e. we enforce the invariant:
zip n l = (l1,l2) such that l = unstack l1 l2.
zip : int ® (ranked a) ® ((ranked a) × (ranked a))
value zip n = zip_rec [ ]
where rec zip_rec acc l = match l with
[ [ ] ® (acc,[ ])
| [((m,_) as current)::rest] ®
if m<n then zip_rec [current::acc] rest
else (acc,l)
Coercions between string and list char.
explode : string ® list char
value explode s =
let rec expl i accu =
if i < 0 then accu else expl (i - 1) [s.[i] :: accu]
in expl (String.length s - 1) [ ];
implode: list char ® string
value implode l =
let result = String.create (List.length l)
in let rec loop i = fun
[ [ ] ® result
| [c :: cs] ® do {String.set result i c; loop (i + 1) cs}
] in loop 0 l;
Process a list with function pr for elements and function sep
for separator.
process_list_sep : (a ® unit) ® (unit ® unit) ® list a ® unit
value process_list_sep pr sep =
let rec prl = fun
[ [ ] ® ()
| [s] ® pr s
| [s::ls] ® do {pr s; sep (); prl ls}
] in prl;
We assume that the alphabet of string representations is
some initial segment of positive integers. Thus a string is coded as
a list of integers which will from now on be called a
For instance, for our Sanskrit application, the Sanskrit alphabet
comprises 50 letters, representing 50 phonemes. Finite state transducers
convert back and forth lists of such integers into strings of
transliterations in the roman alphabet, which encode themselves either
letters with diacritics, or Unicode representations of the
devanagari alphabet. Thus 1,2,3,4 etc encode respectively
the phonemes /a/, /a/, /i/, /i/ etc.
In these notes, we shall assume rather a roman alphabet, and thus 1,2,3,4 etc
encode respectively letters a, b, c, d etc.
Module Word
type letter = int
and word = list letter; (* word encoded as sequence of natural numbers *)
encode : string ® word
decode : word ® string
value encode string = int_of_char (List2.explode string)
and decode word = List2.implode ( char_of_int word);
We remark that we are not using for our word representations the ML type
of strings (which in OCaml are arrays of characters/bytes). Strings are
convenient for English texts (using the 7-bit low half of ASCII) or other
European languages (using the ISO-LATIN subsets of full ASCII),
and they are more compact
than lists of integers, but basic operations like pattern matching are
awkward, and they limit the size of the alphabet to 256, which is insufficient
for the treatment of many languages' written representations.
New format standards such as Unicode have complex primitives for their
manipulation, and are better reserved for interface modules than for central
morphological operations. We could have used an abstract type of characters,
leaving to module instantiation their precise definition, but here we
chose the simple solution of using machine integers for their
representation, which is sufficient for large alphabets (in Ocaml, this
limits the alphabet size to 1073741823), and to use
conversion functions encode and decode between words and
strings. In the Sanskrit application, we use the first 50 natural
numbers as the character codes of the Sanskrit phonemes, whereas string
translations take care of roman diacritics notations, and encodings of
devanagari characters.
Lexicographic ordering on words.
lexico: word ® word ® bool
value rec lexico l1 l2 = match l1 with
[ [ ] ® True
| [c1 :: r1] ® match l2 with
[ [ ] ® False
| [c2 :: r2] ® if c2<c1 then False
else if c2=c1 then lexico r1 r2
else True
Differential words.
A differential word is a notation permitting to retrieve a word w
from another word w' sharing a common prefix. It denotes the minimal
path connecting the words in a trie, as a sequence of ups and downs:
if d=(n,u) we go up n times and then down along word u.
type delta = (int × word); (* differential words *)
Natural ordering on differential words.
value less_diff (n1,w1) (n2,w2) = n1<n2 or (n1=n2) & lexico w1 w2;
We compute the difference between w and w' as a differential word
diff w w' = (|w1|,w2) where w=p.w1 and w'=p.w2,
with maximal common prefix p.
diff : word ® word ® delta
value rec diff = fun
[ [ ] ® fun x ® (0,x)
| [c :: r] as w ® fun
[ [ ] ® (List.length w,[ ])
| [c' :: r'] as w' ® if c = c' then diff r r'
else (List.length w,w')
Now w' may be retrieved from w and d=diff w w' as w'=patch d w.
patch : delta ® word ® word
value patch (n,w2) w =
let p = List2.truncate n (List.rev w)
in List2.unstack p w2;
3 Zippers
Zippers encode the context in which some substructure is embedded.
They are used to implement applicatively destructive operations in
mutable data structures.
3.1 Top-down structures vs bottom-up structures
We understand well top-down structures. They are the representations of
initial algebra values. For instance, the structure bool has two
constant constructors, the booleans True and False.
The polymorphic structure
list a admits two constructors, the empty list [] and the
list constructor consing a value x:a to a homogeneous
list l:list a to form [a::l]:list a.
Bottom-up structures are useful for creating, editing, traversing and
changing top-down structures in a local but applicative manner.
They are sometimes called computation contexts, or recursion structures.
We shall call them zippers, following [11].
Top-down structures are the finite elements inhabiting inductively
defined types. Bottom-up structures are also finite, but they permit
the progressive definition of (potentially infinite) values of co-inductive
types. They permit incremental navigation and modification of very general
data types values. We shall also see that they model linear structural
functions, in the sense of linear logic.
Finally, bottom-up computing is the right way to build shared structures
in an applicative fashion, opening the optimisation path from trees to dags.
Binding algebras (l-calculus expressions for inductive values
and Böhm trees for the co-inductive ones) may be defined by either
de Bruijn indices or higher-order abstract syntax, and general graph structures
may be represented by some spanning tree decorated with virtual adresses,
so we see no reason to keep explicit references and pointer objects, with
all the catastrophies they are liable for, and we shall stick to purely
applicative programming.
3.2 Lists and stacks
Lists are first-in first-out sequences (top-down) whereas stacks
are last-in first-out sequences (bottom-up). They are not clearly
distinguished in usual programming, because the underlying data structure
is the same : the list [x1; x2; ... xn] may be reversed into
the stack [xn ...; x2; x1] which is of the same type list. So
we cannot expect to capture their difference with the type discipline of ML.
At best by declaring:
type stack a = list a;
we may use type annotations to document whether a given list is used by
a function in the rôle of a list or of a stack. But such intentions
are not enforced by ML's type system, which just uses freely the type
declaration above as an equivalence. So we have to check
these intentions carefully, if we want our values to come in the right
order. But we certainly wish to distinguish lists and stacks, since stacks
are built and analysed in unit time, whereas adding a new element to a list
is proportional to the length of the list.
A typical exemple of stack use is List2.unstack above.
In (unstack l s), s is an accumulator stack, where values are listed
in the opposite order as they are in list l. Indeed, we may define
the reverse operation on lists as:
value rev l = unstack l [];
In the standard Ocaml's library, unstack is called rev_append.
It is efficient, since it is tail recursive: no intermediate values
of computation need to be kept on the recursion stack, and the recursion
is executed as a mere jump. It is much more efficient, if some list l1
is kept in its reversed stack form s1, to obtain the result of
appending l1 to l2 by calling rev_append s1 l2
than to call append l1 l2,
which amounts to first reversing l1 into s1,
and then doing the same computation.
Similarly, the List library defines a function rev_map which is
more efficient than map, if one keeps in mind that its result
is the stack order.
But no real discipline of these library functions is really enforced.
Here we want to make this distinction precise, favor local operations, and
delay as much as possible any reversal. For instance, if some list l1
is kept in its reversed stack form s1, and we wish to append list
l2 to it,
the best is to just wait and keep the pair (s1,l2) as the state
of computation where we have l2 in the context s1.
In this computation
state, we may finish the construction of the result l of appending
l1 to l2 by ``zipping up'' l1 with unstack s1 l2,
or we may choose rather to ``zip down'' l2 with unstack l2 s1
to get the stack context value rev l. But we may also consider that
the computation state (s1,l2) represents l locally accessed
as its prefix l1 stacked in context value s1 followed
by its suffix l2. And it is very easy to insert as this point a new
element x, either stacked upwards in state ([x::s1],l2),
or consed downwards in state (s1,[x::l2]).
Once this intentional programming methodology of keeping focused structures
as pairs (context,substructure) is clear, it is very easy to understand the
generalisation to zippers, which are to general tree structures what stacks are
to lists, i.e. upside-down access representations of (unary) contexts.
3.3 Contexts as zippers
Module Zipper
We start with ordered trees.
We assume the mutual inductive types:
type tree = [ Tree of arcs ]
and arcs = list tree;
The tree zippers are the contexts of a place holder in the arcs, that
is linked to its left siblings, right siblings, and parent context:
type tree_zipper =
[ Top
| Zip of (arcs × tree_zipper × arcs)
Let us model access paths in trees by sequences on natural numbers naming
the successive arcs 1, 2, etc.
type access = list int
and domain = list access;
We usually define the domain of a tree as the set of accesses of its subterms:
dom : tree ® domain
value rec dom = fun
[ Tree(arcs) ®
let doms = dom arcs in
let f (n,d) dn = let ds = (fun u ® [n::u]) dn in
(n+1,List2.unstack ds d) in
let (_,d) = List.fold_left f (1,[[ ]]) doms in List.rev d
Thus, we get for instance:
value tree0 = Tree [Tree [Tree [ ]; Tree [ ]]; Tree [ ]];
(* ® [[ ]; [1]; [1; 1]; [1; 2]; [2]] : domain *)
Now if rev(u) is in dom(t), we may zip-down t along u
by changing focus, as follows:
type focused_tree = (tree_zipper × tree);
value nth_context n = nthc n [ ]
where rec nthc n l = fun
[ [ ] ® raise (Failure "out of domain")
| [x::r] ® if n = 1 then (l,x,r) else nthc (n-1) [x::l] r
value rec enter u t = match u with
[ [ ] ® ((Top,t) : focused_tree)
| [n::l] ® let (z,t1) = enter l t in
match t1 with
[ Tree(arcs) ® let (l,t2,r)=nth_context n arcs in
and now we may for instance navigate tree0:
enter [2;1] tree0;
(Zip ([Tree [ ]], Zip ([ ], Top, [Tree [ ]]), [ ]), Tree [ ]): focused_tree
3.4 Structured edition on focused trees
We shall not explicitly use these access stacks and the function enter;
these access stacks are implicit from the zipper structure, and we shall
navigate in focused trees one step at a time, using the following structure
editor primitives on focused trees.
value down (z,t) = match t with
[ Tree(arcs) ® match arcs with
[ [ ] ® raise (Failure "down")
| [hd::tl] ® (Zip([ ],z,tl),hd)
value up (z,t) = match z with
[ Top ® raise (Failure "up")
| Zip(l,u,r) ® (u, Tree(List2.unstack l [t::r]))
value left (z,t) = match z with
[ Top ® raise (Failure "left")
| Zip(l,u,r) ® match l with
[ [ ] ® raise (Failure "left")
| [elder::elders] ® (Zip(elders,u,[t::r]),elder)
value right (z,t) = match z with
[ Top ® raise (Failure "right")
| Zip(l,u,r) ® match r with
[ [ ] ® raise (Failure "right")
| [younger::youngers] ® (Zip([t::l],u,youngers),younger)
value del_l (z,_) = match z with
[ Top ® raise (Failure "del_l")
| Zip(l,u,r) ® match l with
[ [ ] ® raise (Failure "del_l")
| [elder::elders] ® (Zip(elders,u,r),elder)
value del_r (z,_) = match z with
[ Top ® raise (Failure "del_r")
| Zip(l,u,r) ® match r with
[ [ ] ® raise (Failure "del_r")
| [younger::youngers] ® (Zip(l,u,youngers),younger)
value replace (z,_) t = (z,t);
Note how replace is a local operation, even though all our
programming is applicative.
3.5 Zipper operations
The editing operations above are operations on a finite tree represented
at a focus. But we may also define operations on zippers alone, which may
be thought of as operations on a potentially infinite tree, actually on
all trees, finite or infinite, having this initial context. That is, focused
trees as pairs (context,structure) refer to finite elements (inductive values),
whereas contexts may be seen as finite approximations to streams
(co-inductive values), for instance generated by a process.
For example, here is an interpreter that takes a command to build
progressively a zipper context:
type context_construction =
[ Down | Left of tree | Right of tree ];
value build z = fun
[ Down ® Zip([ ],z,[ ])
| Left(t) ® match z with
[ Top ® raise (Failure "build Left")
| Zip(l,u,r) ® Zip([t::l],u,r)
| Right(t) ® match z with
[ Top ® raise (Failure "build Right")
| Zip(l,u,r) ® Zip(l,u,[t::r])
But we could also add to our commands some destructive operations, to
delete the left or right sibling, or to pop to the upper context.
3.6 Zippers as linear maps
We developed the idea that zippers were dual to trees in the sense that
they may be used to represent the approximations to the
coinductive structures corresponding to trees as inductive structures.
We shall now develop the idea that zippers may be seen as linear maps
over trees, in the sense of linear logic. In the same way that a stack
st may be thought of as a representation of the function which, given
a list l, returns the list unstack st l, a zipper
z may be thought of as the function which, given a tree
t, returns the tree zip_up z t, with:
value rec zip_up z t = match z with
[ Top ® t
| Zip(l,up,r) ® zip_up up (Tree(List2.unstack l [t::r]))
Thus zip_up may be seen as a coercion between a zipper and a map
from trees to trees, which is linear by construction.
Alternatively to computing zip_up z t, we could of course just build
the focused tree (z,t), which is a ``soft'' representation which could
be rolled in into zip_up z t if an actual term is needed later on.
Applying a zipper to a term is akin to substituting the term in the
place holder represented by the zipper. If we substitute another zipper,
we obtain zipper composition, as follows.
First, we define the reverse of a zipper:
value rec zip_unstack z1 z2 = match z1 with
[ Top ® z2
| Zip(l,z,r) ® zip_unstack z (Zip(l,z2,r))
value zip_rev z = zip_unstack z Top;
And now composition is similar to concatenation of lists:
value compose z1 z2 =
zip_unstack (zip_rev z2) z1;
It is easy to show that Top is an identity on the left and on the
right for composition, and that composition is associative. Thus we get
a category, whose objects are trees and morphisms are zippers, which
we call the Zipper category of linear tree maps.
We end this section by pointing out that tree splicing, or adjunction
in the terminology of Tree Adjoint Grammars, is very naturally expressible
in this framework. Indeed, what is called a rooted tree in this tradition is
here directly expressed as a zipper zroot
, and adjunction at a tree
occurrence is prepared by decomposing this tree at the given occurrence
as a focused tree (z,t). Now the adjunction of zroot at this occurrence
is simply computed as:
value splice_down (z,t) zroot = (compose z zroot, t);
if the focus of attention stays at the subtree t, or
value splice_up (z,t) zroot = (z, zip_up zroot t);
if we want the focus of attention to stay at the adjunction occurrence.
These two points of view lead to equivalent structures, in the sense
of tree identity modulo focusing:
value equiv (z,t) (z',t') = (zip_up z t = zip_up z' t');
3.7 Zippers for binary trees
We end this section by showing the special case of zippers for
binary trees.
Module Bintree
type bintree =
[ Null
| Bin of (bintree × bintree)
Occurrences as boolean lists (binary words).
type binocc = list bool
and domain = list binocc;
binlexico: binocc ® binocc ® bool
value rec binlexico l1 l2 = match l1 with
[ [ ] ® True
| [b1 :: r1] ® match l2 with
[ [ ] ® False
| [b2 :: r2] ® if b1=b2 then binlexico r1 r2 else b2
occurs : binocc ® bintree ® bool
value rec occurs occ bt = match occ with
[ [ ] ® True
| [b::rest] ® match bt with
[ Null ® False
| Bin(bl,br) ® occurs rest (if b then br else bl)
paths : bintree ® domain
value paths = pathrec [ ] [ ]
where rec pathrec acc occ = fun
[ Null ® [List.rev occ :: acc]
| Bin(bl,br) ® let right = pathrec acc [True::occ] br
in [List.rev occ :: pathrec right [False::occ] bl]
occurs occ t = List.mem occ (paths t).
We assume paths t to be in binlexico order.
bintree_of1 : binocc ® bintree
value rec bintree_of1 = fun
[ [ ] ® Null
| [b::occ] ® if b then Bin(Null,bintree_of1 occ)
else Bin(bintree_of1 occ,Null)
binary contexts = linear bintree maps
type binzip =
[ Top
| Left of (binzip × bintree)
| Right of (bintree × binzip)
zip_up : binzip ® bintree ® bintree
value rec zip_up z bt = match z with
[ Top ® bt
| Left(up,br) ® zip_up up (Bin(bt,br))
| Right(bl,up) ® zip_up up (Bin(bl,bt))
extend : bintree ® binocc ® bintree
value extend tree = enter_edit Top tree
where rec enter_edit z t occ = match occ with
[ [ ] ® zip_up z t
| [b::rest] ® match t with
[ Bin(bl,br) ® if b then enter_edit (Right(bl,z)) br rest
else enter_edit (Left(z,br)) bl rest
| Null ® zip_up z (bintree_of1 occ)
We maintain extend t occ = if occurs occ t then t
else bintree_of [occ :: paths t].
bintree_of : domain ® bintree
value bintree_of = binrec Null
where rec binrec acc = fun
[ [ ] ® acc
| [occ::dom] ® binrec (extend acc occ) dom
paths (bintree_of dom) = {occ | binlexico occ o with o Î dom}
- bintree_of (paths tree) = tree
- bintree_of1 occ = bintree_of [occ]
4 Trie Structures for Lexicon Indexing
Tries are tree structures that store finite sets of strings sharing
initial prefixes.
4.1 Tries as Lexical Trees
Tries (also called lexical trees)
may be implemented in various ways. A node in a trie represents a
string, which may or may not belong to the set of strings encoded in the
trie, together
with the set of tries of all suffixes of strings in the set having this
string as a prefix. The forest of sibling tries at a given level
may be stored as an array, or as a list if we assume a sparse representation.
It could also use any of the more efficient representations of finite sets,
such as search trees [3].
Here we shall assume the simple sparse representation with
lists (which is actually the original presentation of tries
by René de la Briantais (1959)),
yielding the following inductive type structure.
Module Trie
Tries store sparse sets of words sharing initial prefixes.
type trie = [ Trie of (bool × arcs) ]
and arcs = list (Word.letter × trie);
Trie(b,l) stores the empty word [ ] iff b, and all the words of
arcs in l, while the arc (n,t) stores all words [n::c] for c
a word stored in t.
Note that letters decorate the arcs of the trie, not its nodes.
For instance, the trie storing the set of words
[[1]; [2]; [2; 2]; [2; 3]] is represented as
Trie(False,[(1,Trie(True,[ ]));
(2,Trie(True,[(2,Trie(True,[ ]));
(3,Trie(True,[ ]))]))]).
This example exhibits one invariant of our representation, namely that the
integers in successive sibling nodes are in increasing order.
Thus a top-down left-to-right traversal of the trie lists its strings in
lexicographic order. The algorithms below maintain this invariant.
Zippers as Trie contexts.
Let us show how to add words to a trie in a completely applicative way,
using the notion of a trie zipper.
type zipper =
[ Top
| Zip of (bool × arcs × Word.letter × arcs × zipper)
and edit_state = (zipper × trie);
An edit_state (z,t0) stores the editing context as a zipper z
and the current subtrie t0. We replace this subtrie by a trie t by
closing the zipper with zip_up t z as follows.
exception Redundancy;
zip_up : zipper ® trie ® trie
value rec zip_up z t = match z with
[ Top ® t
| Zip(b,left,n,right,up) ®
zip_up up (Trie(b,List2.unstack left [(n,t)::right]))
We need two auxiliary routines. The first one, zip, was given in module
List2. Its name stems from the fact that it looks for an element in an
a-list while building an editing context in the spirit of a zipper, the
role of zip_up being played by unstack.
The second routine, given a word w, returns the singleton filiform trie
containing w as trie_of w.
trie_of : word ® trie
value rec trie_of = fun
[ [ ] ® Trie(True,[ ])
| [n::rest] ® Trie(False,[(n,trie_of rest)])
Insertion and lookup.
We are now ready to define the insertion algorithm:
enter : trie ® word ® trie
value enter trie = enter_edit Top trie
where rec enter_edit z t = fun
[ [ ] ® match t with [ Trie(b,l) ®
if b then raise Redundancy
else zip_up z (Trie(True,l)) ]
| [n::rest] ® match t with
[ Trie(b,l) ® let (left,right) = n l
in match right with
[ [ ] ® zip_up (Zip(b,left,n,[ ],z)) (trie_of rest)
| [(m,u)::r] ®
if m=n then enter_edit (Zip(b,left,n,r,z)) u rest
else zip_up (Zip(b,left,n,right,z)) (trie_of rest)
contents : trie ® list word
Note that contents lists words in lexicographic order.
value contents = contents_prefix [ ]
where rec contents_prefix pref = fun
[ Trie(b,l) ®
let down = let f l (n,t) = l @ (contents_prefix [n::pref] t)
in List.fold_left f [ ] l
in if b then [(List.rev pref)::down] else down
mem : word ® trie ® bool
value rec mem c = fun
[ Trie(b,l) ® match c with
[ [ ] ® b
| [n::r] ® try let t = List.assoc n l
in mem r t
with [ Not_found ® False ]
Tries may be considered as deterministic finite state automata graphs for
accepting the (finite) language they represent. This remark is the basis
for many lexicon processing libraries. Actually, the mem algorithm may be
seen as an interpreter for such an automaton, taking its state graph as its
trie argument, and its input tape as its word one. The boolean information
in a trie node indicates whether or not this node represents an accepting
state. These automata are not minimal, since while they share initial
equivalent states, there is no sharing of accepting paths, for which a
refinement of lexical trees into dags is necessary. We shall look at this
problem in the next section. First we give the rest of the Trie module.
value empty = Trie(False,[ ]);
next_trie returns the first element of its trie argument.
value next_trie = next_rec [ ]
where rec next_rec acc = fun
[ Trie(b,l) ® if b then List.rev acc
else match l with
[ [ ] ® raise (Failure "next_trie")
| [(n,u)::_] ® next_rec [n::acc] u
last_trie returns the last element of its trie argument.
value last_trie = last_rec [ ]
where rec last_rec acc = fun
[ Trie(b,l) ® match l with
[ [ ] ® if b then List.rev acc else raise (Failure "last_trie")
| _ ® let (n,u) = List2.last l
in last_rec [n::acc] u
size trie is the number of words stored in trie.
value rec size = fun
[ Trie(b,arcs) ®
let s = List.fold_left count 0 arcs
where count n (_,t) = n+size t
in s+Gen.dirac b
A trie iterator
iter : (word ® unit) ® trie ® unit
value iter f t = iter_prefix [ ] t
where rec iter_prefix pref = fun
[ Trie(b,arcs) ® do
{ if b then f (List.rev pref) else ()
; let phi (n,u) = iter_prefix [n::pref] u
in List.iter phi arcs
4.2 Implementing a lexicon as a trie
Now, assuming the coercion encode from strings to words,
we build a lexicon trie from a list of strings by function make_lex,
using Ocaml's fold_left from the List library
(the terminal recursive list iterator).
Module Lexicon
make_lex raises Redundancy if duplicate elements in its argument.
make_lex : list string ® trie
value make_lex =
List.fold_left (fun lex c ® Trie.enter lex (Word.encode c)) Trie.empty;
strings_of : trie ® list string
value strings_of t = Word.decode (Trie.contents t);
strings_of (make_lex l) gives l in lexicographic order.
assert (strings_of (make_lex ["a";"b";"ab"]) = ["a"; "ab"; "b"]);
4.3 Building a trie lexicon from an ASCII stream
The following function reads on its standard input a stream of
ASCII strings separated by newline characters, builds the corresponding
trie lexicon, and writes its representation on its standard output.
Module Make_lex
value lexicon = ref Trie.empty;
value trie_of_strings =
let lexicon = ref Trie.empty in process_strings
where rec process_strings () =
try while True do
{ let str = read_line ()
in lexicon.val:=Trie.enter lexicon.val (Word.encode str) }
with [ End_of_file ® output_value stdout lexicon.val ];
trie_of_strings ();
For instance, with english.lst
storing a list of 173528 words,
as a text file of size 2Mb, the command
make_lex < english.lst > english.rem
produces a trie representation as a file of 4.5Mb. Obviously
we are wasting storage because we create a huge structure which shares
the words along with their common initial prefixes, but which ignores the
potential space saving of sharing common suffixes. We shall develop
such sharing in a completely generic manner, as follows.
5 Sharing
Sharing data representation is a very general problem.
Sharing identical representations is ultimately the responsibility of
the runtime system, which allocates and desallocates data with dynamic memory
management processes such as garbage collectors.
But sharing of representations of the same type may also be programmed by
bottom-up computation. All that is needed is a memo function building the
corresponding map without duplications.
Let us show the generic algorithm, as an ML functor.
5.1 The Share functor
This functor (that is, parametric module) takes as parameter an algebra
with its domain seen here as an abstract type. Here is its public interface
Interface for module Share
module Share : functor (Algebra:sig type domain = a;
value size: int; end)
® sig value share: Algebra.domain ® int ® Algebra.domain;
value memo: array (list Algebra.domain); (* for debug *)
Module Share
module Share (Algebra:sig type domain = a; value size: int; end) = struct
Share takes as argument a module Algebra providing
a type domain and an integer value size, and it defines a
value share of the stated type.
We assume that the elements from the domain are presented with an
integer key bounded by Algebra.size.
That is, share x k will assume as precondition that
0£ k<Max with Max=Algebra.size.
We shall construct the sharing map with the help of a hash table,
made up of buckets (k,[e1; e2; ... en]) where each element ei
has key k.
type bucket = list Algebra.domain;
A bucket stores a set e of elements of domain of a given key
these sets are here implemented as lists
invariant : e = [e_1; ... e_n] with e_i=e_j only if i=j.
That is, a bucket consists of distinct elements.
The memory is a hash-table of a given size and of the right bucket type.
value memo = Array.create Algebra.size ([ ] : bucket);
We shall use a service function search,
such that search e l returns the first y
in l such that y=e or or else raises the exception Not_found.
Note search e = List.find (fun x ® x=e).
value search e = searchrec
where rec searchrec = fun
[ [ ] ® raise Not_found
| [x::l] ® if x=e then x else searchrec l
Now share x k, where k is the key of x, looks in k-th bucket l
(this is meaningful since we assume that the key fits in the size:
0£ k<Algebra.size) and returns y in l such that y=x if it exists,
and otherwise returns x memorized in the new k-th bucket [x::e].
Since share is the only operation on buckets,
we maintain that such y is unique in its bucket when it exists.
value share element key = (* assert 0 £ key < Algebra.size *)
let bucket = memo.(key) in
try search element bucket with
[Not_found ® do {memo.(key):=[element :: bucket]; element}];
Instead of share we could have used the name recall,
or memory, since either we recall
a previously archived equal element, or else this element is archived for
future recall. It is an associative memory implemented with a hash-code.
But the hash function is external to the memory, it is given as a key with
each item .
It is an interesting property of this modular design that
sharing and archiving are abstracted as a common notion.
A recursive structure of type domain is fully shared if any two
distinct subelements have different values.
If such a structure is traversed in a bottom-up way with systematic
memoisation by share, replacing systematically an element by its memoised
equal if possible, then it is reconstructed with full sharing.
This only assumes that two equal elements have the same key.
5.2 Compressing tries
We may for instance instantiate Share on the algebra of tries, with
a size hash_max depending on the application.
Module Mini
value hash_max = 9689; (* Mersenne 21 *)
module Dag = Share.Share (struct type domain=Trie.trie;
value size=hash_max; end);
And now we compress a trie into a minimal
dag using share by a simple bottom-up
traversal, where the key is computed along by hashing.
For this we define a general bottom-up traversal function, which applies
a parametric lookup function to every node and its associated key.
value hash0 = 0 (* linear hash-code parameters *)
and hash1 letter key sum = sum + letter×key
and hash b arcs = (arcs + Gen.dirac b) mod hash_max;
value traverse lookup = travel
where rec travel = fun
[ Trie.Trie(b,arcs) ®
let f (tries,span) (n,t) =
let (t0,k) = travel t
in ([(n,t0)::tries],hash1 n k span)
in let (arcs0,span) = List.fold_left f ([ ],hash0) arcs
in let key = hash b span
in (lookup (Trie.Trie(b,List.rev arcs0)) key, key)
Now we make a dag from a trie by recognizing common subtries.
value compress = traverse Dag.share;
value minimize trie = let (dag,_) = compress trie in dag;
5.3 Dagified lexicons
We now return to our problem of building a lexicon which shares
common suffixes of words as well as common prefixes.
Module Dagify
For instance, we may dagify a trie value read on the standard input
stream with minimize, and write the resulting dag on standard output
by calling dagify(), with:
value rec dagify () =
let lexicon = (input_value stdin : Trie.trie)
in let dag = Mini.minimize lexicon in output_value stdout dag;
And now if we apply this technique to our english lexicon, with command
dagify <english.rem >small.rem
, we now get an optimal
representation which only needs 1Mb of storage, half of the
original ASCII string representation.
The recursive algorithms given so far are fairly straightforward.
They are easy to debug, maintain and modify
due to the strong typing safeguard of ML, and even easy to formally certify.
They are nonetheless efficient enough for production use, thanks to the
optimizing native-code compiler of Objective Caml.
In our Sanskrit application, the trie of 11500 entries
is shrunk from 219Kb to 103Kb in 0.1s, whereas the trie of 120000 flexed
forms is shrunk from 1.63Mb to 140Kb in 0.5s on a 864MHz PC.
Our trie of 173528 English words is shrunk from 4.5Mb to 1Mb in 2.7s.
Measurements showed that the time complexity is linear with the size of
the lexicon (within comparable sets of words). This is consistent with
algorithmic analysis, since it is known that tries compress dictionaries
up to a linear entropy factor, and that perfect hashing compresses trees
in dags in linear time [9].
Tuning of the hash function parameters leads to many variations.
For instance if we assume an infinite memory we may turn the hash calculation
into a one-to-one Gödel numbering, and at the opposite end taking
hash_max to 1 we would do list lookup in the unique bucket,
with worse than quadratic performance.
Using hash tables for sharing with bottom-up traversal is a standard
dynamic programming technique, but the usual
way is to delegate computation of the hash function to some hash library,
using a generic low-level package. This is what happens for instance
if one uses the module hashtbl from the Ocaml library. Here the
Share module does not compute the keys, which are computed
on the client side, avoiding re-exploration of the structures. That is,
Share is just an associative memory. Furthermore, key computation may
take advantage of specific statistical distribution of the application domain.
We shall see later another application of the Share
functor to the minimization of the state space of (acyclic) finite automata.
Actually, what we just did is minimization of acyclic deterministic
automata represented as lexical dags.
More sophisticated compression techniques are known, which may combine with
array implementations insuring fast access, and which may extend to possibly
cyclic automata state spaces. Such techniques are used in lexical analysers
for programming languages, for which speed is essential. See for instance
the table-compression method described in section 3.9 of [1].
6 Variation: Ternary trees
Let us now try a variation on lexicon structure, using the notion of a
ternary tree.
This notion is fairly natural if one wants to restore for ordered trees
the locality of zipper navigation in binary trees. Remark that when we
go up to the current father, we have to close the list of elder siblings
in order to restore the full list of children of the upper node.
With ternary trees each tree node has two lists of children, elders and
youngers. When we go up in the zipper structure, it is now a constant
cost operation. Remark that this partition into elders and youngers is
not intrinsic and carries no information, except the memory of the previous
navigation. This is again an idea of optimizing computation by
creating redundancy in the data structure representations. We may for instance
exploit this redundancy in balancing our trees for faster access.
Ternary trees are inspired from Bentley and Sedgewick[3].
Module Tertree
Trees are ternary trees for use as two-ways tries with zippers.
Tree(b,l,i,t,r) at occurrence u stores u as a word iff b=True,
and gives access to t at occurrence [u::i] as a son, having l and r
as respectively left stack of elder and right list of younger brothers;
Leaf(True) at occurrence u stores u as a word with no descendants;
Leaf(False) is only needed to translate Trie.empty=Trie(False,[ ]).
type tree = [ Tree of (bool × forest × int × tree × forest)
| Leaf of bool
and forest = list (int × tree);
Invariant : integers are in increasing order in siblings, no repetition.
Simple translation of a trie as a tree.
value rec trie_to_tree = fun
[ Trie.Trie(b,arcs) ® match arcs with
[ [ ] ® Leaf(b)
| [(n,t)::arcs] ® Tree(b,[ ],n,trie_to_tree t, f arcs)
where f (n,t) = (n,trie_to_tree t)
exception Anomaly;
More sophisticated translation as a balanced tree.
value rec balanced = fun
[ Trie.Trie(b,arcs) ® match arcs with
[ [ ] ® Leaf(b)
| _ ® (* bal balances k first arcs of l and stacks them in acc *)
let rec bal acc l k = (* assert |l| ³ k *)
if k=0 then (acc,l)
else match l with
[ [ ] ® raise Anomaly (* impossible by assertion *)
| [(n,t)::r] ® bal [(n,balanced t)::acc] r (k-1)
in let (stack,rest) = let half = (List.length arcs)/2
in bal [ ] arcs half
in match rest with
[ [ ] ® raise Anomaly (* |rest| = |arcs| - half > 0 *)
| [(n,t)::right] ®
Tree(b,stack,n,balanced t, f right)
where f (n,t) = (n,balanced t)
type zipper =
[ Top
| Zip of (bool × forest × int × forest × zipper)
zip_up : tree ® zipper ® tree
value rec zip_up t = fun
[ Top ® t
| Zip(b,left,n,right,up) ® zip_up (Tree(b,left,n,t,right)) up
tree_of c builds the filiform tree containing c.
tree_of : word ® trie
value rec tree_of = fun
[ [ ] ® Leaf(False)
| [n::[ ]] ® Tree(False,[ ],n,Leaf(True),[ ])
| [n::rest] ® Tree(False,[ ],n,tree_of rest,[ ])
mem_tree : word ® tree ® bool
value rec mem_tree c = fun
[ Tree(b,l,n,t,r) ® match c with
[ [ ] ® b
| [i::s] ®
let rec memrec l n t r =
if i=n then mem_tree s t
else if i<n then match l with
[ [ ] ® False
| [(m,u)::l'] ® memrec l' m u [(n,t)::r]
else match r with
[ [ ] ® False
| [(m,u)::r'] ® memrec [(n,t)::l] m u r'
in memrec l n t r
| Leaf(b) ® b & c=[ ]
We assume that enter used over tries, and that trees are not updated.
Translates trie in entries_file into corresponding tree.
value translate_entries entries_file result_file =
let entries_trie = (Gen.gobble entries_file : Trie.trie)
in Gen.dump (balanced entries_trie) result_file;
Module Minitertree
Similarly to Mini for tries, we may dagify ternary trees.
value hash_max = 9689; (* Mersenne 21 *)
module Dag = Share.Share (struct type domain=Tertree.tree;
value size=hash_max; end);
value hash0 = 0 (* linear hash-code parameters *)
and hash1 letter key sum = sum + letter×key
and hash b arcsl k n arcsr = (arcsl + arcsr + n×k+ Gen.dirac b) mod hash_max;
value leaff = Tertree.Leaf False
and leaft = Tertree.Leaf True;
value traverse lookup = travel
where rec travel = fun
[ Tertree.Tree(b,fl,n,t,fr) ®
let f (trees,span) (n,t) =
let (t0,k) = travel t
in ([(n,t0)::trees],hash1 n k span)
in let (arcsl,spanl) = List.fold_left f ([ ],hash0) fl
and (t1,k1) = travel t
and (arcsr,spanr) = List.fold_left f ([ ],hash0) fr in
let key = hash b spanl k1 n spanr in
(lookup (Tertree.Tree(b,List.rev arcsl,n,t1,List.rev arcsr)) key, key)
| Tertree.Leaf b ® if b then (leaft,1) else (leaff,0)
Now we make a dag from a trie by recognizing common subtries.
value compress = traverse Dag.share;
value minimize tree = let (dag,_) = compress tree in dag;
value rec dagify_tree () =
let lexicon = (input_value stdin : Tertree.tree)
in let dag = minimize lexicon in output_value stdout dag;
Ternary trees are more complex than tries, but use slightly less storage.
Access is potentially faster in balanced trees than tries.
A good methodology seems to use tries for edition, and to translate them
to balanced ternary trees for production use with a fixed lexicon.
The ternary version of our english lexicon takes 3.6Mb, a savings of 20%
over its trie version using 4.5Mb. After dag minimization, it takes 1Mb,
a savings of 10% over the trie dag version using 1.1Mb.
In the case of our sanskrit lexicon index, the trie takes 221Kb and the tertree
180Kb, whereas shared as dags the trie takes 103Kb and the tertree 96Kb.
7 Decorated Tries for Flexed Forms Storage
7.1 Decorated Tries
A set of elements of some type t may be identified as its
characteristic predicate in t® bool. A trie with boolean
information may similarly be generalized to a structure
representing a map, or function from words to some target type, by storing
elements of that type in the information slot.
In order to distinguish absence of information, we could use a type
(option info) with constructor None, presence of value
v being indicated by Some(v). We rather
choose here a variant with lists,
which are versatile to represent sets, feature structures, etc. Now we
may associate to a word a non-empty list of information of polymorphic
type a, absence of information being encoded by the empty list.
We shall call such associations a decorated trie, or
deco in short.
Module Deco
Same as Trie, except that info carries a list.
A deco associates to a word a non-empty list of attributes.
Tries storing decorated words.
type deco a = [ Deco of (list a × darcs a) ]
and darcs a = list (Word.letter × deco a);
Invariant: integers are in increasing order in darcs, no repetition.
The zipper type is adapted in the obvious way, and
algorithm zip_up is unchanged.
type zipd a =
[ Top
| Zip of ((list a) × (darcs a) × Word.letter × (darcs a) × (zipd a))
zip_up : (zipd a) ® (deco a) ® (deco a)
value rec zip_up z t = match z with
[ Top ® t
| Zip(i,left,n,right,up) ® zip_up up (Deco(i,List2.unstack left [(n,t)::right]))
Function trie_of becomes deco_of, taking as extra argument
the information associated with the singleton trie it constructs.
deco_of i w builds the filiform deco containing w with info i.
deco_of : (list a) ® word ® (deco a)
value deco_of i = decrec
where rec decrec = fun
[ [ ] ® Deco(i,[ ])
| [n::rest] ® Deco([ ],[(n,decrec rest)])
Note how the empty list [ ] codes absence of information.
We generalize algorithm enter into add, which
unions new information to previous one:
add : (deco a) ® word ® (list a) ® (deco a)
value add deco word i = enter_edit Top deco word
where rec enter_edit z d = fun
[ [ ] ® match d with [ Deco(j,l) ® zip_up z (Deco(List2.union i j,l)) ]
| [n::rest] ® match d with
[ Deco(j,l) ® let (left,right) = n l
in match right with
[ [ ] ® zip_up (Zip(j,left,n,[ ],z)) (deco_of i rest)
| [(m,u)::r] ®
if m=n then enter_edit (Zip(j,left,n,r,z)) u rest
else zip_up (Zip(j,left,n,right,z)) (deco_of i rest)
value empty = Deco([ ],[ ]);
Invariant: contents returns words in lexicographic order.
contents : deco ® list word
value contents t = contents_prefix [ ] t
where rec contents_prefix pref = fun
[ Deco(i,l) ®
let down = let f l (n,t) = List.append l (contents_prefix [n::pref] t)
in List.fold_left f [ ] l
in if i=[ ] then down else [(List.rev pref,i)::down]
iter : (word ® a ® unit) ® (deco a) ® unit
value iter f t = iter_prefix [ ] t
where rec iter_prefix pref = fun
[ Deco(i,l) ® do
{ List.iter (f (List.rev pref)) i (* no action if i=[ ] *)
; let phi (n,u) = iter_prefix [n::pref] u in List.iter phi l
} ];
fold : (a ® word ® (list b) ® a) ® a ® (deco b) ® a
value fold f x t = iter_prefix [ ] x t
where rec iter_prefix pref x = fun
[ Deco(i,l) ®
let accu = if i=[ ] then x else (f x (List.rev pref) i)
and g x (n,t) = iter_prefix [n::pref] x t
in List.fold_left g accu l
assoc : word ® (deco a) ® (list a)
value rec assoc c = fun
[ Deco(i,arcs) ® match c with
[ [ ] ® i
| [n::r] ® try let t = List.assoc n arcs
in assoc r t
with [ Not_found ® [ ] ]
next t returns the first element of deco t with non-empty info.
value next t = next_rec [ ] t
where rec next_rec pref = fun
[ Deco(i,arcs) ®
if i=[ ] then match arcs with
[ [ ] ® raise (Failure "next_deco")
| [(n,u)::_] ® next_rec [n::pref] u
else List.rev pref];
last t returns the last element of deco t.
value last t = last_rec [ ] t
where rec last_rec acc = fun
[ Deco(i,l) ® match l with
[ [ ] ® List.rev acc
| _ ® let (m,u) = List2.last l
in last_rec [m::acc] u
Now the forgetful functor: forget_deco : (deco a) ® trie
value rec forget_deco = fun
[ Deco(i,l) ®
Trie.Trie(not (i=[ ]), (fun (n,t) ® (n,forget_deco t)) l)
7.2 Lexical maps
We can easily generalize sharing to decorated tries. However,
substantial savings will result only if the information at a given node
is a function of the subtrie at that node, i.e. if such information is
defined as a trie morphism. This will not be generally the case,
since this information is in general a function of the word stored at
that point, and thus of all the accessing path to that node. The way in which
the information is encoded is of course crucial. For instance, encoding
morphological derivation as an operation on the suffix of a flexed form
is likely to be amenable to sharing common suffixes in the flexed trie,
whereas encoding it as an operation on the whole stem will prevent any
such sharing.
In order to facilitate the sharing of mappings which preserve an initial
prefix of a word, we shall use the notion of differential word above.
We may now store inverse maps of lexical relations (such as morphology
derivations) using the following structures
(where the type parameter a: codes the relation).
Module Lexmap
Similar to Deco, except that info is localised to the current word.
a is typically instantiated to a list of morphology functions.
type inverse a = ( × a)
and inverse_map a = list (inverse a);
Such inverse relations may be used as decorations of special lexical trees
called lexical maps.
type lexmap a = [ Map of (inverse_map a × marcs a) ]
and marcs a = list (Word.letter × lexmap a);
Typically, if word w is stored at a node
Map([...; (d,r); ...],...), this represents the fact that w
is the image by relation r of w'=patch d w. Such a
lexmap is thus a representation of the image by r of
a source lexicon. This representation is invertible, while preserving
maximally the sharing of prefixes, and thus being amenable to sharing.
Invariant : letters are in increasing order in marcs, no repetition.
type zipm a =
[ Top
| Zip of ((inverse_map a) × (marcs a) × Word.letter × (marcs a) × (zipm a))
zip_up : (zipm a)® (lexmap a) ® (lexmap a)
value rec zip_up z t = match z with
[ Top ® t
| Zip(i,left,n,right,up) ® zip_up up (Map(i,List2.unstack left [(n,t)::right]))
map_of i w builds the filiform lexmap containing w with info i.
map_of : (inverse a) ® word ® (lexmap a)
value map_of i = decrec
where rec decrec = fun
[ [ ] ® Map([i],[ ])
| [n::rest] ® Map([ ],[(n,decrec rest)])
Here a is list morphs. When word w has info [... (delta,l) ...]
with delta=diff w w' it tells that R w' w for every morph relation R
in l where w'=patch delta w.
value single (d,i) = (d,[i]);
value addlex i l = [i::l];
add_inverse : (inverse a) ® (inverse_map (list a)) ® (inverse_map (list a))
value rec add_inverse ((delta,flex) as i) = fun
[ [ ] ® [single i]
| [(d,lflex)::l] as infos ®
if d = delta then [(d,addlex flex lflex)::l]
else if Word.less_diff d delta then [(d,lflex)::add_inverse i l]
else [(single i)::infos]
add: (lexmap (list a)) ® word ® (inverse a) ® (lexmap (list a))
value add lexmap word i = enter_edit Top lexmap word
where rec enter_edit z d = fun
[ [ ] ® match d with [ Map(j,l) ® zip_up z (Map(add_inverse i j,l)) ]
| [n::rest] ® match d with
[ Map(j,l) ® let (left,right) = n l
in match right with
[ [ ] ® zip_up (Zip(j,left,n,[ ],z)) (map_of (single i) rest)
| [(m,u)::r] ®
if m=n then enter_edit (Zip(j,left,n,r,z)) u rest
else zip_up (Zip(j,left,n,right,z)) (map_of (single i) rest)
value empty = Map([ ],[ ]);
Invariant: contents returns words in lexicographic order.
contents : (lexmap a) ® list (word × inverse_map a)
value contents t = contents_prefix [ ] t
where rec contents_prefix pref = fun
[ Map(i,l) ®
let down = let f l (n,t) = l @ (contents_prefix [n::pref] t)
in List.fold_left f [ ] l
in if i=[ ] then down else [(List.rev pref,i)::down]
iter : (word ® (inverse a) ® unit) ® (lexmap a) ® unit
value iter f t = iter_prefix [ ] t
where rec iter_prefix pref = fun
[ Map(i,l) ® do
{ List.iter (f (List.rev pref)) i (* no action if i=[ ] *)
; let phi (n,u) = iter_prefix [n::pref] u in List.iter phi l
fold : (a ® word ® (inverse_map b) ® a) ® a ® (lexmap b) ® a
value fold f x t = iter_prefix [ ] x t
where rec iter_prefix pref x = fun
[ Map(i,l) ®
let accu = if i=[ ] then x else (f x (List.rev pref) i)
and g x (n,t) = iter_prefix [n::pref] x t
in List.fold_left g accu l
assoc : word ® (lexmap a) ® (inverse_map a)
value rec assoc c = fun
[ Map(i,arcs) ® match c with
[ [ ] ® i
| [n::r] ® try let t = List.assoc n arcs
in assoc r t
with [ Not_found ® [ ] ]
The forgetful functor : trie_of : (lexmap a) ® trie.
value rec trie_of = fun
[ Map(i,l) ®
Trie.Trie(not (i=[ ]), (fun (n,t) ® (n,trie_of t)) l)];
7.3 Minimizing lexical maps
We may now profit of the local structure of lexical maps to share them
optimally as dags.
Interface for module Minimap
Minimization of Lexical Maps.
module Minimap : functor (Map:sig type flexed = a; end)
® sig type flexed_map= Lexmap.lexmap (list Map.flexed);
value minimize: flexed_map ® flexed_map; end;
Module Minimap
module Minimap (Map:sig type flexed = a; end) = struct
Minimization of lexmaps of flexed forms as dags by bottom-up hashing.
type flexed_map = Lexmap.lexmap (list Map.flexed);
value hash_max = 9689; (* Mersenne 21 *)
module Memo = Share.Share (struct
type domain=flexed_map;
value size=hash_max; end);
Bottom-up traversal with lookup computing a key < hash_max.
value hash0 = 0
and hash1 letter key sum = sum + letter×key
and hash i arcs = (abs (arcs + List.length i)) mod hash_max;
value traverse_map lookup = travel
where rec travel = fun
[ Lexmap.Map(i,arcs) ®
let f (tries,span) (n,t) =
let (t0,k) = travel t
in ([(n,t0)::tries],hash1 n k span)
in let (arcs0,span) = List.fold_left f ([ ],hash0) arcs
in let key = hash i span
in (lookup (Lexmap.Map(i,List.rev arcs0)) key, key)
Make a dag of flexed_map by recognizing common substructures.
value compress_map = traverse_map Memo.share;
value minimize map = let (dag,_) = compress_map map in dag;
7.4 Lexicon repositories using tries and decos
In a typical computational linguistics application, grammatical information
(part of speech role, gender/number for substantives, valency and other
subcategorization information for verbs, etc) may be stored as
decoration of the lexicon of roots/stems. From such a decorated trie
a morphological processor may compute the lexmap of all flexed forms,
decorated with their derivation information encoded as an inverse map.
This structure may itself be used by a tagging processor
to construct the linear representation of a
sentence decorated by feature structures. Such a representation
will support further processing, such as computing
syntactic and functional structures, typically as solutions of
constraint satisfaction problems.
Let us for example give some information on the indexing structures
, deco
and lexmap
in our computational linguistics tools for Sanskrit.
The main component in our tools is a structured lexical database,
described in [12, 13]. From this database,
various documents may be produced mechanically, such as a
printable dictionary through a TeX/Pdf
compiling chain,
and a Web site (
with indexing tools. The index CGI engine searches the words
by navigating in a persistent trie index of stem entries. In the current
version, the database comprises 12000 items.
The corresponding trie (shared as a dag) has a size of 103KB.
When computing this index, another persistent structure is created. It
records in a deco all the genders associated with a noun entry
(nouns comprise substantives and adjectives, a blurred distinction in
At present, this deco records genders for 5700 nouns, and it has
a size of 268KB.
A separate process may then iterate on this genders structure a
grammatical engine, which for each stem and associated gender generates
all the corresponding declined forms. Sanskrit has a specially
prolific morphology, with 3 genders, 3 numbers and 7 cases. The grammar
rules are encoded into 84 declension tables, and for each declension
suffix an internal sandhi computation is effected to compute the final
flexed form. All such words are recorded in a flexed forms lexmap,
which stores for every word the list of
pairs (stem,declension) which may produce it. This lexmap records
about 120000 such flexed forms with associated grammatical
information, and it has a size of 341KB (after minimization by sharing,
which contracts approximately by a factor of 10).
A companion trie, without the information, keeps the index of flexed words
as a minimized structure of 140KB.
A future extension of this work will produce the flexed verbal forms as
well, a still more productive process, the Sanskrit verbal system being
complex indeed.
8 Finite State Machines as Lexicon Morphisms
8.1 Finite-state lore
Computational phonetics and morphology is one of the main applications
of finite state methods: regular expressions, rational languages,
finite-state automata and transducers, rational relations have been the
topic of systematic investigations [21, 27], and have been used widely
in speech recognition and natural language processing applications.
These methods usually combine logical structures such as rewrite rules
with statistical ones such as weighted automata derived from hidden Markov
chains analysis in corpuses. In morphology, the pioneering work of
Koskenniemi [18] was put in a systematic framework of rational relations
and transducers by the work of Kaplan and Kay [15] which is the basis for
the Xerox morphology toolset [16, 17, 2].
In such approaches, lexical data bases and phonetic and morphological
transformations are systematically compiled in a low-level algebra of
finite-state machines operators. Similar toolsets have been developed at
University Paris VII, Bell Labs, Mitsubishi Labs, etc.
Compiling complex rewrite rules in rational transducers is however rather
subtle. Some high-level operations are more easily expressed over deterministic
automata, certain others are easier to state with e-transitions,
still others demand non-deterministic descriptions. Inter-traductions are
well known, but tend to make the compiled systems bulky, since for instance
removing non-determinism is an exponential operation in the worst case.
Knowing when to compact and minimize the descriptions is a craft which is
not widely disseminated, and thus there is a gap between theoretical
descriptions, widely available, and operational technology, kept confidential.
Here we shall depart from this fine-grained methodology and propose more
direct translations which preserve the structure of large modules such
as the lexicon. The resulting algorithms will not have the full generality
of the standard approach, and the ensuing methodology may be thought by some
as a backward development. Its justification lies in the greater efficiency
of such direct translations, together with a simpler understanding of
high-level operations which may be refined easily e.g. with statistical
refinements, whereas the automata compiled by complex sequences of
fine-grained operations are opaque blackboxes which are not easily
amenable to heuristic refinements by human programming. Furthermore, the
techniques are complementary, and
it is envisioned that a future version of our toolset will offer both fine-grained and lexicon-based technologies.
The point of departure of our approach is the above remark that a lexicon
represented as a lexical tree or trie is directly the state space
representation of the (deterministic) finite state machine that recognizes
its words, and that its minimization consists exactly in sharing
the lexical tree as a dag. Thus we are in a case where the state graph
of such finite languages recognizers is an acyclic structure. Such
a pure data structure may be easily built without mutable references, and thus
allocatable in the static part of the heap, which the garbage collector need
not visit, an essential practical consideration. Furthermore, avoiding
a costly reconstruction of the automaton from the lexicon data base is a
computational advantage.
In the same spirit, we shall define automata which implement non-trivial
rational relations (and their inversion) and whose state structure is
nonetheless a more or less direct decoration of the lexicon trie. The crucial
notion is that the state structure is a lexicon morphism.
8.2 Unglueing
We shall start with a toy problem which is the simplest case of juncture
analysis, namely when there are no non-trivial juncture rules, and
segmentation consists just in retrieving the words of a sentence
glued together in one long string of characters (or phonemes).
Let us consider an instance of
the problem say in written English. You have a text file
consisting of a sequence of words separated with blanks, and you have
a lexicon complete for this text (for instance, `spell' has been successfully
applied). Now, suppose you make some editing mistake, which removes all
spaces, and the task is to undo this operation to restore the original.
We shall show that the corresponding transducer may be defined as a simple
navigation in the lexical tree state space, but now with a measure of
non-determinism. Let us give the detailed construction of this unglueing
The transducer is defined as a functor, taking the lexicon trie structure
as parameter.
Module Unglue
The unglueing problem is the simplest case of juncture
analysis, namely when there are no non-trivial juncture rules, and
segmentation consists just in retrieving the words of a sentence
glued together in one long string of characters (or phonemes).
Let us consider an instance of the problem say in written English.
You have a text file consisting of a sequence of words separated with blanks,
and you have a lexicon complete for this text (for instance, `spell' has
been successfully applied). Now, suppose you make some editing mistake,
which removes all spaces, and the task is to undo this operation to restore
the original.
We shall show that the corresponding transducer may be defined as a simple
navigation in the lexical tree state space, but now with a measure of
non-determinism. The unglueing transducer is a lexicon morphism.
module Unglue (Lexicon: sig value lexicon : Trie.trie; end) = struct
type input = Word.word (* input sentence as a word *)
and output = list Word.word; (* output is sequence of words *)
type backtrack = (input × output)
and resumption = list backtrack; (* coroutine resumptions *)
exception Finished;
Now we define our unglueing reactive engine as a recursive process which
navigates directly on the (flexed) lexicon trie
(typically the compressed trie resulting from the Dag module considered above).
The reactive engine takes as arguments the (remaining) input, the (partially
constructed) list of words returned as output, a backtrack stack whose items
are (input,output) pairs, the path occ in the state graph stacking (the
reverse of) the current common prefix of the candidate words, and finally the
current trie node as its current state. When the state is accepting, we push
it on the backtrack stack, because we want to favor possible longer words,
and so we continue reading the input until either we exhaust the input, or the
next input character is inconsistent with the lexicon data.
value rec react input output back occ = fun
[ Trie.Trie(b,arcs) ®
let continue cont = match input with
[ [ ] ® backtrack cont
| [letter :: rest] ®
try let next_state = List.assoc letter arcs
in react rest output cont [letter::occ] next_state
with [ Not_found ® backtrack cont ]
in if b then
let pushout = [occ::output]
in if input=[ ] then (pushout,back) (* solution found *)
else let pushback = [(input,pushout)::back]
(* we first try the longest possible matching word *)
in continue pushback
else continue back
and backtrack = fun
[ [ ] ® raise Finished
| [(input,output)::back] ® react input output back [ ] Lexicon.lexicon
Now, unglueing a sentence is just calling the reactive engine from the
appropriate initial backtrack situation:
value unglue sentence = backtrack [(sentence,[ ])];
value print_out solution = List.iter pr (List.rev solution)
where pr word = print_string ((Word.decode (List.rev word)) ^ " ");
resume : (resumption ® int ® resumption)
value resume cont n =
let (output,resumption) = backtrack cont in
do { print_string "\n Solution "
; print_int n
; print_string " :\n"
; print_out output
; resumption
value unglue_first sentence = (* similar to unglue *)
resume [(sentence,[ ])] 1;
value unglue_all sentence = restore [(sentence,[ ])] 1
where rec restore cont n =
try let resumption = resume cont n
in restore resumption (n+1)
with [ Finished ®
if n=1 then print_string " No solution found\n" else () ];
Module Unglue_test
The unglueing process is complete, relatively to the lexicon: if the input
sentence may be obtained by glueing words from the lexicon, unglue sentence
will return one possible solution. For instance, assuming the sentence is
in French Childish Scatology:
module Childtalk = struct
value lexicon = Lexicon.make_lex ["boudin";"caca";"pipi"];
module Childish = Unglue(Childtalk);
Now, calling Childish.unglue on the encoding of the string
"pipicacaboudin" produces a pair (sol,cont) where the reverse of sol is
a list of words which, if they are themselves reversed and decoded,
yields the expected sequence ["pipi"; "caca"; "boudin"].
let (sol,_) = Childish.unglue (Word.encode "pipicacaboudin")
in Childish.print_out sol;
We recover as expected: pipi caca boudin
Another example, this time American street talk:
module Streettalk = struct
value lexicon = Lexicon.make_lex["a"; "brick"; "fuck"; "shit"; "truck"];
module Slang = Unglue(Streettalk);
let (sol,cont) = Slang.unglue (Word.encode "fuckatruckshitabrick")
in Slang.print_out sol;
We get as expected: fuck a truck shit a brick
Of course there may be several solutions to the unglueing problem,
and this is the rationale of the cont component, which is a resumption.
For instance, in the previous example, cont is empty, indicating
that the solution sol is unique.
We saw above that we could use the process backtrack in coroutine with
the printer print_out within the unglue_all enumerator.
Let us test this segmenter to solve an English charade (borrowed from
``Palindroms and Anagrams'', Howard W. Bergerson, Dover 1973).
module Short = struct
value lexicon = Lexicon.make_lex
["able"; "am"; "amiable"; "get"; "her"; "i"; "to"; "together"];
module Charade = Unglue(Short);
Charade.unglue_all (Word.encode "amiabletogether");
We get 4 solutions to the charade, printed as a quatrain polisson:
Solution 1 : amiable together
Solution 2 : amiable to get her
Solution 3 : am i able together
Solution 4 : am i able to get her
Unglueing is what is needed to segment a language like Chinese. Realistic
segmenters for Chinese have actually been built using such finite-state
lexicon driven methods, refined by stochastic weightings [28].
Several combinatorial problems map to variants of unglueing. For instance,
over a one-letter alphabet, we get the Fröbenius problem of finding
partitions of integers into given denominations (except that we get
permutations since here the order of coins matters).
Here is how to give the change in pennies, nickels and dimes:
value rec unary = fun [ 0 ® "" | n ® "|" ^ (unary (n-1)) ];
The coins are the words of this arithmetic language:
value penny = unary 1 and nickel = unary 5 and dime = unary 10;
module Coins = struct
value lexicon = Lexicon.make_lex [penny; nickel; dime];
module Frobenius = Unglue(Coins);
value change n = Frobenius.unglue_all (Word.encode (unary n));
change 17;
This returns the 80 ways of changing 17 with our coins:
Solution 1 :
|||||||||| ||||| | |
Solution 80 :
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Now we try phonemic segmentation in phonetic French.
module Phonetic = struct
value lexicon = Lexicon.make_lex ["gal";"aman";"de";"la";"rene";"ala";
module Puzzle = Unglue(Phonetic);
Puzzle.unglue_all (Word.encode "galamandelarenealatourmagnanime");
Here we get 36 solutions, among which we find the two classic verses:
gal aman de la rene ala tour magnanime
galaman de l arene a la tour magn a nime
We remark that nondeterministic programming is basically
trivial in a functional programming language, provided one identifies well
the search space, states of computation are stored as pure data structures
(which cannot get corrupted by pointer mutation),
and fairness is taken care of by a termination argument
(here this amounts to proving that react
always terminate).
Nondeterminism is best handled by a generating process which delivers
one solution at a time, and which thus may be used in coroutine fashion with
a solution handler.
The reader will note that the very same state graph which was originally the
state space of the deterministic lexicon lookup is used here for a possibly
non-deterministic transduction. What changes is not the state space, but
the way it is traversed. That is we clearly separate the notion of
finite-state graph, a data structure, from the notion of a reactive process,
which uses this graph as a component of its computation space, other components
being the input and output tapes, possibly a backtrack stack, etc.
We shall continue to investigate transducers which are lexicon mappings,
but now with an explicit non-determinism state component. Such components,
whose structure may vary according to the particular construction, are
decorations on the lexicon structure, which is seen as the basic
deterministic state skeleton of all processes which are
lexicon-driven; we shall say that such processes are
lexicon morphisms whenever the decoration of a lexicon trie node is a
function of the sub-trie at that node.
This property entails an important
efficiency consideration, since the sharing of the trie as a dag may be
preserved when constructing the automaton structure:
Fact. Every lexicon morphism may minimize its state space isomorphically
with the dag maximal sharing of the lexical tree. That is, we may directly
decorate the lexicon dag, since in this case
decorations are invariant by sub-tree sharing.
There are numerous practical applications of this general methodology.
For instance, it is shown in [14] how to construct
a sanskrit segmenter as a
decorated flexed forms lexicon, where the decorations express application
of the euphony (sandhi) rules at the juncture between words.
This construction is a
direct extension of the unglueing construction, which is the special case
when there are no euphony rules, or when they are optional.
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9 Index
Bintree (module), 3.7,
- Dagify (module), 5.3,
- Deco (module), 7.1,
- Gen (module), 2.1,
- Lexicon (module), 4.2,
- Lexmap (module), 7.2,
- List2 (module), 2.2,
- Make_lex (module), 4.3,
- Mini (module), 5.2,
- Minimap (module), 7.3, 7.3,
- Minitertree (module), 6,
- Pidgin (module), 1,
- Share (module), 5.1, 5.1,
- Tertree (module), 6,
- Trie (module), 4.1, 4.2, 4.2
- Unglue (module), 8.2,
- Unglue_test (module), 8.2,
- Word (module), 2.3, 4.2, 4.2
- Zipper (module), 3.3,
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