
Jasmin Blanchette (Technical University Munich)
Sharing the Burden of (Dis)proof with Nitpick, Quickcheck, and Sledgehammer

Isabelle/HOL owes much of its success to its ease of use and powerful automation. Much of the automation is performed by external tools: The metaprover Sledgehammer relies on resolution provers and SMT solvers for its proof search, the counterexample generator Quickcheck uses the ML compiler as a fast evaluator for ground formulas, and its rival Nitpick is based on the model finder Kodkod, which performs a reduction to SAT. This talk will explain how these three tools work under the hood.

Chad E. Brown (Saarland University)
Using Satallax to Generate Proof Terms for Conjectures in Coq

Satallax is a higher-order automated theorem prover for simple type theory. The particular form of simple type theory Satallax supports is classical and includes extensionality and choice principles. Coq has a very rich type theory based on the Calculus of (co)Inductive Constructions. The simple types can be seen as a subset of Coq's types, namely, those inductively generated from Prop, an inhabited base type, and closed under function types. If one assumes a choice operator and extensionality principles for these simple types in Coq, then the logic of Satallax can be easily embedded into Coq. If one works within this fragment of Coq, then a Coq file with conjectures can be given as input to Satallax. For each conjecture, if Satallax finds a proof automatically, then it will replace the conjecture with a theorem and give the proof as a proof term using the Coq tactic exact. In my talk I will discuss the embedding of simple type theory into Coq, how Satallax searches for a proof, and how Satallax generates a Coq proof term upon success.

Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (University Paris-Sud)
Combining Interactive and Automated Theorem Proving in Why3

Why3 is a platform for deductive program verification. It features a rich logical language with polymorphism, algebraic data types, and inductive predicates. Why3 provides an extensive library of proof task transformations that can be chained to produce a suitable input for a large set of theorem provers, including SMT solvers, TPTP provers, as well as interactive proof assistants. In this talk, we show how this technology is used to combine interactive and automated theorem provers in, though not limited to, the context of program verification.

Serdar Tasiran (Koç University)
Generalizing Reduction and Abstraction to Simplify Concurrent Programs: The QED Approach

A key difficulty in concurrent program verification is the large number of interleavings of fine-grain actions. The typical correctness argument makes use of a separation of concerns. At each phase, one worries only about interference due to concurrency, or the sequential behavior of a code block. We present a proof system, QED, that builds on this intuition. In QED, we generalize Lipton's reduction and the idea of commutativity of actions to be more semantic, less syntactic. Commutativity checks between actions of the program are converted to verification conditions and are checked by the Z3 theorem prover. A key computational advantage is that QED proof steps have locally-checkable antecedents. QED proofs apply reduction and abstraction iteratively and transform a program to consist of larger-grain actions. We show that this approach greatly simplifies proofs of assertions, atomicity and linearizability, even in optimistically concurrent programs.

Rob Arthan (Lemma 1 Ltd.)
Now f is continuous (exercise!)

Abstract (PDF file)

Jesper Bengtson (IT University of Copenhagen)
A framework for higher-order separation logic in Coq

We present a comprehensive set of tactics for working with a shallow embedding of a higher-order separation logic for a subset of Java in Coq. The tactics make it possible to reason at a level of abstraction similar to pen-and-paper separation-logic proof outlines. In particular, the tactics allow the user to reason in the embedded logic rather than in the concrete model, where the stacks and heaps are exposed. The development is generic in the choice of heap model, and most of the development is also independent of the choice of programming language.
This is joint work with Jonas Braband Jensen and Lars Birkedal

Jasmin Blanchette (Technical University Munich)
TFF1: The TPTP Typed First-Order Form with Rank-1 Polymorphism

The TPTP World is a well-established infrastructure for automatic theorem provers. It defines several concrete syntaxes, notably an untyped first-order form (FOF) and a typed first-order form (TFF0), that have become de facto standards. This talk introduces the TFF1 format, an extension of TFF0 with rank-1 polymorphism. It presents its syntax, typing rules, and semantics, as well as a translation to TFF0. The format is designed to be easy to process by existing reasoning tools that support ML-style polymorphism. It opens the door to useful middleware, such as monomorphizers and other translation tools. Ultimately, the hope is that TFF1 will be implemented in popular automatic theorem provers.
This is joint work with Andrei Paskevich.

Maria Paola Bonacina (Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Verona)
Interpolation for resolution, superposition and DPLL(Gamma+T)

Given two inconsistent formulae, a (reverse) interpolant is a formula implied by one, inconsistent with the other and only containing symbols they share. Interpolants are used in program analysis and synthesis to compute over-approximations of images, refine abstractions or generate invariants. We study interpolation for the theorem proving method DPLL(Gamma+T), which integrates an inference system with resolution and superposition (Gamma) into a DPLL(T) based SMT-solver. Interpolants are computed inductively from partial interpolants. We discuss how approaches based on tracking symbols, to ensure that only shared ones appear in the interpolant, do not extend from ground to general refutations. Then we present a novel two-stage approach that yields the first complete interpolation system for resolution and superposition without restrictions. Its combination with an interpolation system for DPLL(T) gives an interpolation system for DPLL(Gamma+T).
Joint work with Moa Johansson

Pierre Boutillier (PPS, University Paris Diderot)
A dependent pattern matching compiler that preserves programmers' intuition

Dependent pattern matching relies either on a subtle unification procedure or on heavily annoted terms. Explicitly writing the annotations is a nightmare for users. Actually, there does exist a translation from unification-based system to an annotation-based system; yet it massively uses heterogeneous equalities and therefore is not axiom-free. Instead of using equalities, I suggest using commutative cuts, together with pattern matching in type annotations. I will formally delimit the language upon which the transformation can be done automatically. Furthermore I will show that reduction commutes with the latter compilation scheme.

Predrag Janicic (University of Belgrade)
Automated Synthesis of Geometric Construction Procedures

Geometric constructions with ruler and compass are, essentially, linear procedures, and can be subject to automation --- both in the synthesis and in the verification phase. We focus on triangle construction problems, typically given by short and simple specifications. Our analysis of several families of such problems show that the needed underlying geometry knowledge is relatively small and, if properly represented, enables simple search process. Our synthesis mechanism uses, in a controlled manner, definitions, lemmas, and primitive construction steps organized in layers, and leads to solutions of most of the problems from the considered families. The generated construction procedures are verified by algebraic geometry theorem provers and our plan is to develop also a formal verification mechanism within a proof assistant.
This is joint work with Vesna Marinkovic

Tuomas Launiainen (Helsinki University of Technology)
Building a modern concolic tester

Recent advances in SAT solvers and their extensions, SMT solvers, have resulted in the possibility to build highly automated software testing tools. They use SMT solvers and instrumented execution to compute program inputs that will exercise unexplored program paths. The result is an automatically generated high-coverage test suite. This talk covers a concolic tester developed at Aalto University, and is joint work with Keijo Heljanko and Kari Kähkönen.

David Pereira (University of Porto)
Deciding Regular Expression (In-)Equivalence in Coq

This work is about a mechanically verified implementation of an algorithm for deciding regular expression (in-)equivalence within the Coq proof assistant. This algorithm is a version of a functional algorithm proposed by Almeida et al. which decides regular expression equivalence through an iterated process of testing the equivalence of their partial derivatives. The main point of this certified implementation, w.r.t existing work, is its handling of in-equivalence of regular expressions. Such handling is based on a refutation step that improves at the formalization level, the general efficiency of the subjacent decision procedure by detecting conditions that enforce the in-equivalence of regular expressions at early stages of computation.
This is joint work with Nelma Moreira and Simão Melo de Sousa.

Corneliu Popeea (Technical University Munich)
Synthesizing Software Verifiers from Proof Rules

Automatically generated tools can significantly improve programmer productivity. For example, parsers and dataflow analyzers can be automatically generated from declarative specifications in the form of grammars, which tremendously simplifies the task of implementing a compiler. In this paper, we present a method for the automatic synthesis of software verification tools. Our synthesis procedure takes as input a description of the employed proof rule, e.g., program safety checking via inductive invariants, and produces a tool that automatically discovers the auxiliary assertions required by the proof rule, e.g., inductive loop invariants and procedure summaries. We show how our method synthesizes automatic safety and liveness verifiers for programs with procedures, multi-threaded programs, and functional programs. Our experimental comparison of the resulting verifiers with existing state-of-the-art verification tools confirms the practicality of the approach.
This is joint work with Sergey Grebenshchikov, Nuno Lopes and Andrey Rybalchenko at the Technical University Munich.

Jean-Francois Raskin (The Free University of Brussels)
Strategy synthesis for quantitative games

Stefan Ratschan (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
Physical/Software Systems and their Formal Safety Verification

Nowadays, software is more and more integrated into physical systems. However, the field of software verification usually only addresses system models based on discrete time (therefore being ill-suited for taking into account physical laws that are usually formulated in continuous time), and the field of hybrid systems usually only addresses system models whose discrete part is bounded to finitely many states (therefore having severe restrictions in modeling the complex data structures prevalent in computer software).
In our talk we will present a system model whose state space of the new model is formed by the Cartesian product of n-dimensional real space (evolving in continuous time according to ordinary differential equations) and k data types (e.g., integers, arrays, and lists). Moreover, we provide an algorithm for the formal safety verification of such systems.

Philipp Rümmer (Uppsala University)
Software Verification Using k-Induction

We present combined-case k-induction, a novel technique for verifying software programs. This technique draws on the strengths of the classical inductive-invariant method and a recent application of k-induction to program verification. We present a new k-induction rule that takes an unstructured, reducible control flow graph (CFG), a natural loop occurring in the CFG, and a positive integer k, and constructs a single CFG in which the given loop is eliminated via an unwinding proportional to k. Experiments, using two implementations of the k-induction method and a large set of benchmarks, demonstrate that our k-induction technique frequently allows program verification to succeed using significantly weaker loop invariants than are required with the standard inductive invariant approach.
This talk is based on a paper presented at the 18th Intern. Static Analysis Symposium.
Joint work with Alastair F. Donaldson, Leopold Haller, Daniel Kroening.

Claudio Sacerdoti (University of Bologna)
Unification in the Matita ITP

Higher order unification plays a fundamental role in the interpretation of the user's input. This input is in general incomplete and the system is demanded to infer a type for it. Since the logics of Matita allows types to depend on terms, inferring types also means to infer terms, thus content like functions, their input or even proofs. This makes type inference a powerful form of automation. The higher order unification algorithm is in charge of comparing, up to computation, types and terms instantiating unification variables so that two apparently different expressions evaluate to a common form.
In this talk we detail the algorithm implemented in the Matita interactive theorem prover. In particular: how the user can teach to the unification engine how to exploit the content of the library of already formalized knowledge; how the algorithm handles expensive reductions and how the user can drive the algorithm toward a particular solution for an intrinsically ambiguous higher order unification problem.
This is joint work with Enrico Tassi.

Julian Samborski-Forlese (IMDEA)
Translation of RLTL into Buchi Automata

We present two efficient translations of Regular Linear Temporal Logic (RLTL) into automata on infinite words. RLTL is a temporal logic that fuses Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) with regular expressions, extending its expressive power to all omega-regular languages. We first present a novel bottom up translation from RLTL into alternating parity automata of linear size that requires only colors 0, 1 and 2, and that enjoy the stratified internal structure of hesitant automata. Our translation is defined inductively for every operator, and does not require an upfront transformation of the expression into a normal form. Our construction builds at every step two automata: one equivalent to the formula and another to its complement. Inspired by this construction, we extend RLTL with new operators, including universal sequential composition, that enrich the logic with duality laws and negation normal forms. Finally, we show a ranking translation of the resulting alternating automaton into non-deterministic Büchi automata that is optimal for the LTL fragment of the logic.

Alejandro Sánchez (IMDEA)
A Decision Procedure for Skiplists with Unbounded Height and Length

We present a theory of skiplists with a decidable quantifier free satisfiability problem. This theory can express skiplists memory layouts of arbitrary unbounded height, and with an arbitrary number of elements.
A skiplist is an imperative data structure used to implement sets by maintaining several layers of ordered singly-linked lists in memory. The elements in each layer are a subset of the elements in lower layers, where all pointers forming all layers respect the order. The performance of the skiplist datatypes is comparable to balanced binaries trees, while the implementation is much more straightforward.
In previous work we showed that the theory of skiplists with a fixed height is decidable. In this work we prove the satisfiability problem for the theory of skiplists with arbitrary height. The proof involves a non-trivial model theoretical argument that implies that the theory enjoys the finite-model property.
In turn, this theory can be used to verify practical implementations of the skiplist datatype written in a C-like programming language.

Fu Song (LIAFA, University Paris Diderot)
Efficient CTL Model-Checking for Pushdown Systems

Pushdown systems (PDS) are well adapted to model sequential programs with (possibly recursive) procedure calls. Therefore, it is important to have efficient model checking algorithms for PDSs. We consider CTL model checking for PDSs. We consider the ''standard'' CTL model checking problem where a configuration of a PDS satisfies an atomic proposition or not depends only on the control state of the configuration. We consider also CTL model checking with regular valuations, where the set of configurations in which an atomic proposition holds is a regular language. We reduce these problems to the emptiness problem in Alternating Buchi Pushdown Systems, and we give an algorithm to solve this emptiness problem. Our algorithms are more efficient than the other existing algorithms for CTL model checking for PDSs in the literature. We implemented our techniques in a tool, and we applied it to different case studies. Our results are encouraging. In particular, we were able to find bugs in linux source code.
This is a joint work with Tayssir Touili.