People: Over 1300 people sent in results (This number is an approximation since some registered several times whereas others participated without registering)

Machines: 9500 machines sent in at least one result. (This is again an approximation since some people gave a single name covering several machines whereas others gave varying names for a single machine). At any given time, about 5000 were actively sending in results.

Time: we started at the beginning of December and took just over four months.

Amount of computation: the calculation would have taken about 200000 days on a 450 MHz PC with MMX, i.e. more than 500 years. For comparison, cracking a 56-bit DES key by exhaustive search would take about 110000 days. On a 500 MHz Alpha 21164, the times would be about two thirds (for ECDL) and one half (for DES) respectively.

Elliptic-curve operations: altogether we did about 2.8 × 10^15 elliptic-curve operations of which 2.3 × 10^15 led to distinguished points recorded at INRIA. We collected 2.05 million distinguished points in 1.3 Gigabytes of email.

Machine speeds: the fastest were...

Operations per second CPU Clock speed Program version O.S.
454 k Alpha 21264 750 MHz 64 bit Linux
416 k Alpha 21264 667 MHz 64 bit Tru64 Unix
355 k PowerPC G4 450 MHz Altivec MacOS
349 k Athlon 1 GHz MMX Win98

Machine and OS type: the points sent in split up into three thirds...

The remaining 2% was on MacOS, OS/2, BeOS etc.

Solution: The people who found the matching points that finally enabled us to calculate the solution were: Asa Reed with Colorado Group and a person who prefers to remain anonymous (and who is donating his $1000 to the Apache Software Foundation).

The points were well distributed among the teams, with no single team dominating. Top 10 teams:

% Team Remarks
12.5 INRIA Mostly INRIA people, also using lots of École polytechnique machines
12.3 Death Star Rising AT&T, Swinburne Astrophysics and others
7.0 CLX Linux group from the north of France
6.6 FoRK Friends of Rohit Khare mailing list, plus a contingent from Red Hat
5.8 Pingouins Bretons Linux group from the west of France including IRISA
4.9 Entrust Cabalist Alliance Entrust Technologies + the "cabalists" who factored RSA-155
4.9 No Team Yet Over 200 people who didn't pick any team!
2.6 University of Kentucky Like the name says
2.3 TU+CMS Wien Technical University of Vienna, Austria
2.2 URZ Uni Ulm University of Ulm in Germany

Likewise with participants. The top 10 participants were:

% Name Affiliation
4.1 Paul Bourke Swinburne Astrophysics & Supercomputing, Australia
3.7 Rajit Manohar Cornell Computer Systems Laboratory
3.2 Bruno Verlyck INRIA
2.5 Philippe Deschamp INRIA
2.4 Vincent Goffin AT&T
2.2 Bernd Leibing University of Ulm, Germany
2.1 Mark A. Brown Rhythm and Hues Studios, L.A.
1.5 Dan Schwartz Lehigh University, Pennsylvania
1.5 Patrick Ménager EUDIL, Lille, France
1.3 David Mentré IRISA, Rennes, France

[INRIA] INRIA, Domaine de Voluceau - Rocquencourt, 78153 Le Chesnay, France.