module Make (Env : sig (* [lookup x] returns the pseudo-register that holds the local variable [x]. *) val lookup: string -> Register.t (* [allocate()] returns a fresh pseudo-register. *) val allocate: unit -> Register.t (* [generate instruction] returns a fresh instruction label, which it associates with [instruction] in the control flow graph. *) val generate: RTL.instruction -> Label.t (* [loop target] creates a fresh instruction label [label], which it associates with an unconditional branch instruction whose target is [target label]. It returns [target label]. *) val loop: (Label.t -> Label.t) -> Label.t (* [is_exit label] tells whether the label [label] is the exit label of the current procedure or function. This can be used to determine which calls are tail calls. *) val is_exit: Label.t -> bool (* [result] is [None] if this is a procedure, and [Some f] if this a function named [f]. *) val result: string option end) = struct open Integer open MIPSOps open Env (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Translating expressions. *) (* [pick_destination e] decides which pseudo-register will hold the result of evaluating expression [e]. *) (* It would be correct, in all cases, to allocate a fresh pseudo-register. We would then cross our fingers and hope that the register allocation phase will make a good choice. In practice, we seem to get slightly better code by making this decision here. However, when [e] is a local variable access, the result of the expression is already held within an existing pseudo-register [r], because local variables are held in pseudo-registers. In that case, we can save a move instruction by choosing [r] as the destination for this expression. It is nontrivial that this optimization is correct. One must check that the pseudo-register [r], which holds the local variable, will not be modified between the time when the variable is read and the time when the result of the expression is needed. This works here because Pseudo-Pascal expressions cannot modify local variables. *) let pick_destination e = match e with UPP.EGetVar x -> lookup x _ -> allocate() (* [translate_expression destr e destl] generates new instructions whose effect is to evaluate the expression [e], to place its value in the pseudo-register [destr], and to transfer control to the label [destl]. It returns the entry label of the newly generated instructions. *) let rec translate_expression (destr : Register.t) (e : UPP.expression) (destl : Label.t) : Label.t = match e with (* Constants. Generate a [IConst] instruction directly into the destination register, and branch to the destination label. *) UPP.EConst i -> generate (RTL.IConst (destr, i, destl)) (* Local variable access. Copy the contents of the register that holds the variable into the destination register. On the MIPS, data movement is implemented using [addi 0]. *) UPP.EGetVar x -> let sourcer = lookup x in if Register.equal sourcer destr then destl else generate (RTL.IUnOp (UOpAddi 0l, destr, sourcer, destl)) (* Global variable access. *) UPP.EGetGlobal offset -> generate (RTL.IGetGlobal (destr, offset, destl)) (* Unary operator applications. First, evaluate the expression into a temporary register; then, generate a unary operator instruction into the destination register. *) (* One might note that it would be correct to use [destr] instead of a temporary pseudo-register. However, this would not be a good idea, because it would force the register allocation phase to use the same physical register as the source and destination of this [op] instruction. (The register allocator is naive: it never splits a pseudo-register.) Here, we let the register allocator map [temporary] and [destr] to two distinct physical registers, if it so desires: there is more freedom. *) UPP.EUnOp (op, e) -> let temporary = pick_destination e in translate_expression temporary e ( generate (RTL.IUnOp (op, destr, temporary, destl)) ) (* Binary operator applications. Analogous to the unary case. One must be careful to evaluate [e1] first and [e2] next. *) UPP.EBinOp (op, e1, e2) -> let temporary1 = pick_destination e1 and temporary2 = pick_destination e2 in translate_expression temporary1 e1 ( translate_expression temporary2 e2 ( generate (RTL.IBinOp (op, destr, temporary1, temporary2, destl)) )) (* Function calls. *) UPP.EFunCall (callee, actuals) -> translate_call (Some destr) callee actuals destl (* Memory reads. This is much like a unary operator. *) UPP.ELoad (e, offset) -> let temporary = pick_destination e in translate_expression temporary e ( generate (RTL.ILoad (destr, temporary, offset, destl)) ) (* Translating function and procedure calls. This is analogous to the case of binary operator applications above, except the number of arguments is variable. The destination register is optional -- present for functions, absent for procedures. *) and translate_call (odestr : Register.t option) (callee : Primitive.callee) (actuals : UPP.expression list) (destl : Label.t) : Label.t = let temporaries = pick_destination actuals in List.fold_right2 translate_expression temporaries actuals ( generate (RTL.ICall (odestr, callee, temporaries, destl)) ) (* Translating tail calls. This is analogous to the case of ordinary calls above, except a tail call does not return, so there is no destination register and no successor label. *) and translate_tail_call (callee : Primitive.callee) (actuals : UPP.expression list) : Label.t = let temporaries = pick_destination actuals in List.fold_right2 translate_expression temporaries actuals ( generate (RTL.ITailCall (callee, temporaries)) ) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [mkunbranch e uncon truel falsel] translates the expression [e], writing its value to a temporary register; then, it issues a unary branch instruction on that register, whose condition is [uncon], and whose target labels are [truel] and [falsel]. *) let mkunbranch e uncon truel falsel = let temporary = pick_destination e in translate_expression temporary e ( generate (RTL.IUnBranch (uncon, temporary, truel, falsel)) ) (* [mkbinbranch e1 e2 bincon truel falsel] translates the expressions [e1] and [e2], writing their values to temporary registers; then, it issues a binary branch instruction on those registers, whose condition is [bincon], and whose target labels are [truel] and [falsel]. *) let mkbinbranch e1 e2 bincon truel falsel = let temporary1 = pick_destination e1 and temporary2 = pick_destination e2 in translate_expression temporary1 e1 ( translate_expression temporary2 e2 ( generate (RTL.IBinBranch (bincon, temporary1, temporary2, truel, falsel)) )) (* Translating conditions. *) (* [translate_condition c truel falsel] generates new [RTL] instructions whose effect is to evaluate the condition [c] and to transfer control to one of the labels [truel] and [falsel], depending on the condition's value. It returns the entry label of the newly generated instructions. *) let rec translate_condition (c : UPP.condition) (truel : Label.t) (falsel : Label.t) : Label.t = match c with (* The general compilation scheme for Boolean expressions, which follows, evaluates the expression into a temporary register, then performs a conditional branch, depending on whether the register is [0] or [1]. Yet, some special cases of Boolean expressions can be translated more efficiently. That is, if the expression is an application of a comparison operator, and if it can be mapped into a branch condition (consult the types [RTL.uncon] and [RTL.bincon]), then we do not need a temporary register: we can issue a conditional branch instruction that directly tests the desired condition. *) (* First, here are the cases where we can generate a unary conditional branch instruction. *) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpGe, e, UPP.EConst 0l)) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpGt, e, UPP.EConst (-1l))) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpLe, UPP.EConst 0l, e)) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpLt, UPP.EConst (-1l), e)) -> mkunbranch e UConGez truel falsel UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpGt, e, UPP.EConst 0l)) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpGe, e, UPP.EConst 1l)) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpLt, UPP.EConst 0l, e)) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpLe, UPP.EConst 1l, e)) -> mkunbranch e UConGtz truel falsel UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpLe, e, UPP.EConst 0l)) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpLt, e, UPP.EConst 1l)) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpGe, UPP.EConst 0l, e)) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpGt, UPP.EConst 1l, e)) -> mkunbranch e UConLez truel falsel UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpLt, e, UPP.EConst 0l)) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpLe, e, UPP.EConst (-1l))) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpGt, UPP.EConst 0l, e)) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpGe, UPP.EConst (-1l), e)) -> mkunbranch e UConLtz truel falsel (* Next, here are the cases where we can generate a binary conditional branch instruction. *) UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpEq, e1, e2)) -> mkbinbranch e1 e2 ConEq truel falsel UPP.CExpression (UPP.EBinOp (OpNe, e1, e2)) -> mkbinbranch e1 e2 ConNe truel falsel (* Last, here is the general case for Boolean expressions. The expression [e] can evaluate only to [true] or [false], which we have represented as [1] and [0], respectively. We evaluate [e] into a register and test its value using a unary conditional branch. *) UPP.CExpression e -> mkunbranch e UConGtz truel falsel (* Boolean negation. This is implemented, without generating any code, simply by exchanging the two destination labels. *) UPP.CNot c -> translate_condition c falsel truel (* Boolean conjunction. The semantics of the conjunction operator is non-strict, that is, the second condition is not evaluated at all if the first condition evaluates to [false]. *) UPP.CAnd (c1, c2) -> translate_condition c1 (translate_condition c2 truel falsel) falsel (* Boolean disjunction. The semantics of the disjunction operator is non-strict, that is, the second condition is not evaluated at all if the first condition evaluates to [true]. *) UPP.COr (c1, c2) -> translate_condition c1 truel (translate_condition c2 truel falsel) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Translating instructions. *) (* [translate_instruction i destl] generates new [RTL] instructions whose effect is to execute the [UPP] instruction [i] and to transfer control to the destination label [destl]. It returns the entry label of the newly generated instructions. *) let rec translate_instruction (i : UPP.instruction) (destl : Label.t) : Label.t = match i with (* Tail calls to procedures. *) UPP.IProcCall (callee, actuals) when is_exit destl && result = None -> (* If [destl] is the exit label, and if this is a procedure, then this is a tail call. Otherwise, it is an ordinary call. *) (* There cannot be a tail call from a function f to a procedure g, because, after g is finished, f still needs to return a result to its caller. *) translate_tail_call callee actuals (* Tail calls to functions. These take the form [f := g(...);], with the following condition: if this is a function, then [f] must be its result variable; if this is a procedure, [f] can be any local variable. *) (* That is, a tail call from a procedure to a function is permitted; the result of the function is just dropped. A tail call from a function f to a function g is permitted only if the result of g is transmitted, that is, if it becomes the result of f. *) UPP.ISetVar (f, UPP.EFunCall (callee, actuals)) when is_exit destl && (result = None || result = Some f) -> translate_tail_call callee actuals (* Procedure calls. *) UPP.IProcCall (callee, actuals) -> translate_call None callee actuals destl (* Local variable update. *) (* We evaluate [e] directly into the register that holds the variable. *) UPP.ISetVar (x, e) -> let destr = Env.lookup x in translate_expression destr e destl (* Global variable update. *) UPP.ISetGlobal (offset, e) -> let temporary = pick_destination e in translate_expression temporary e ( generate (RTL.ISetGlobal (offset, temporary, destl)) ) (* Memory write. This is translated to the corresponding [RTL] instruction. *) UPP.IStore (eaddress, offset, evalue) -> let address = pick_destination eaddress and value = pick_destination evalue in translate_expression address eaddress ( translate_expression value evalue ( generate (RTL.IStore (address, offset, value, destl)) )) (* Sequence. This is translated by chaining the destination labels. *) UPP.ISeq instructions -> List.fold_right translate_instruction instructions destl (* Conditional. *) (* Observe how the destination label [destl] is duplicated, so that both branches of the [if] construct meet again after their execution is over. *) UPP.IIf (c, i1, i2) -> translate_condition c (translate_instruction i1 destl) (translate_instruction i2 destl) (* Loop. *) (* We first transfer control to a fresh label, called [entry], which represents the loop's entry point. At that point, we test the condition [c]. If it holds, we execute the instruction [i] and transfer control back to [entry]. Otherwise, we exit the loop by transferring control to our destination label [destl]. *) UPP.IWhile (c, i) -> loop (fun entry -> translate_condition c (translate_instruction i entry) destl ) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) end