open Interference
open Integer
open Printf

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Colorings. *)

(* This module performs graph coloring with an unlimited number of
   colors and aggressive coalescing. It is used for assigning stack
   slots to the pseudo-registers that have been spilled by register
   allocation. *)

(* A coloring is a partial function of graph vertices to stack
   slots. Vertices that are not in the domain of the coloring are
   waiting for a decision to be made. *)

type decision =

type coloring =
    decision Vertex.Map.t

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Here is the coloring algorithm. *)

module Color (G : sig

  val graph: graph
  val verbose: bool

end) = struct

  module SlotSet =

  (* [forbidden_slots graph coloring v] is the set of stack slots that
     cannot be assigned to [v] considering the (partial) coloring
     [coloring]. This takes into account [v]'s possible interferences
     with other spilled vertices. *)

  let forbidden_slots (graph : graph) (coloring : coloring) (v : Vertex.t) : SlotSet.t =
    Vertex.Set.fold (fun neighbor slots ->
      SlotSet.add (Vertex.Map.find neighbor coloring) slots
    ) (ipp graph v) SlotSet.empty

  (* [allocate_slot forbidden] returns a stack slot that is not a
     member of the set [forbidden]. Unlike hardware registers, stack
     slots are infinitely many, so it is always possible to allocate a
     new one. The reference [locals] holds the space that must be
     reserved on the stack for locals. *)

  let locals =
    ref 0l

  let allocate_slot (forbidden : SlotSet.t) : decision =
    let rec loop slot =
      if SlotSet.mem slot forbidden then
        loop (slot + MIPS.word)
    let slot = loop 0l in
    locals := Integer.max (slot + MIPS.word) !locals;

  (* Allocation is in two phases, implemented by [coalescing] and
     [simplification]. Each of these functions produces a coloring of its
     graph argument. *)

  (* [simplification] expects a graph that does not contain any preference
     edges. It picks a vertex [v], removes it, colors the remaining graph,
     then colors [v] using a color that is still available. Such a color must
     exist, since there is an unlimited number of colors. *)

  (* Following Appel, [v] is chosen with lowest degree: this will make this
     vertex easier to color and might (?) help use fewer colors. *)

  let rec simplification (graph : graph) : coloring =

    match lowest graph with
    | Some (v, _) ->

        if G.verbose then
          printf "SPILL: Picking vertex: %s.\n" (print_vertex graph v);

        (* Remove [v] from the graph and color what remains. *)

        let coloring = simplification (Interference.remove graph v) in

        (* Choose a color for [v]. *)

        let decision =
          allocate_slot (forbidden_slots graph coloring v)

        if G.verbose then
          printf "SPILL: Decision concerning %s: offset %ld.\n" (print_vertex graph v) decision;

        (* Record our decision and return. *)

        Vertex.Map.add v decision coloring

    | None ->

        (* The graph is empty. Return an empty coloring. *)


  (* [coalescing] looks for a preference edge, that is, for two vertices
     [x] and [y] such that [x] and [y] are move-related. In that case,
     [x] and [y] cannot interfere, because the [Interference] module
     does not allow two vertices to be related by both an interference
     edge and a preference edge. If [coalescing] finds such an edge, it
     coalesces [x] and [y] and continues coalescing. Otherwise, it
     invokes the next phase, [simplification].

     This is aggressive coalescing: we coalesce all preference edges,
     without fear of creating high-degree nodes. This is good because
     a move between two pseudo-registers that have been spilled in
     distinct stack slots is very expensive: one load followed by one
     store. *)

  let rec coalescing (graph : graph) : coloring =

    match pppick graph (fun _ -> true) with
    | Some (x, y) ->

        if G.verbose then
          printf "SPILL: Coalescing %s and %s.\n" (print_vertex graph x) (print_vertex graph y);

        let graph = Interference.coalesce graph x y in
        let coloring = coalescing graph in
        Vertex.Map.add x (Vertex.Map.find y coloring) coloring

    | None ->

        simplification graph

  (* Run the algorithm. [coalescing] runs first and calls [simplification]
     when it is done. *)

  let coloring =
    coalescing G.graph

  (* Report how much stack space was used. *)

  let locals =
