(* This module helps report errors or informational messages. *) (* [log k msg] displays the message [msg stderr] if the verbosity level selected by the user is at least [k]. *) val log: int -> (out_channel -> unit) -> unit (* [error2 p1 p2 msg] displays the error message [msg], referring to the position range [p1--p2], and stops the program. *) val error2: Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> string -> 'a (* [error tv msg] displays the error message [msg], referring to the position range carried by the tagged value [tv], and stops the program. *) val error: 'a Location.t -> string -> 'b (* [errors tvs msg] displays the error message [msg], referring to the position ranges carried by the tagged values [tvs], and stops the program. *) val errors: 'a Location.t list -> string -> 'b