;redcode-94 ;name theMystery1.5 ;author Paulsson ;strategy How does Die Hard work? (this way maybee?) ;strategy Looking gooood, could it be somthing that begins ;strategy with an i and ends with p? ;assert CORESIZE > 1 ;kill theMystery org start step1 equ 1800 step2 equ -1922 start spl 1 ;\ mov.i -1,0 ;- make 7 processes mov.i -1,0 ;/ mov {ptr2,-1,}-1 ;\\ Normal paper, with bad constants mov.i <-2,<1 ;// (I think I riped it from timescape :-) ) spl @0,}step2 ;/ mov.i #0,2667 ;Impy! ptr1 dat 5+pap,pap+5+500 ptr2 dat pap+5,pap+5+2667+500 ptr3 dat pap+5,pap+5+2667*2+500