;redcode-94 verbose ;name Torch t5 ;kill Torch ;author P.Kline ;strategy very rapid incendiary bombing, core-clear & gate ;strategy plus decoy & boot & djn resistance ;macro step equ 73 count equ 1800 boot1 equ 2150 boot2 equ 3508 for 5 mov.i #sp-300,2667 rof smptr dat #1,#sm+boot1 ; a-ref to gtptr gtptr dat #-1,#gate+boot1 ; a-ref to smptr start jmn.f c2,@copy1 ; don't boot onto opponent's code mov smptr d2 mov gate,>gtptr copy1 jmp @0,cp+boot1 dat 0,0 dat copy1,copy1 ; a- and b-refs to copy1 gate dat >-step+1,<-step c2 mov -step ; spl half of the incendiary in add #step+step,@msp ; '@msp' for djn-resistance msm mov sm,>tgt-(step*count) msp mov sp,@msm ; bomb alternately with spl & mov tgt djn.f in,>3157 ; bombed with spl to start clear clr mov gate,<-13 cp djn.f clr,>3 copyf dat #0 for 30 mov.i #sp-300,2667 rof dat #copy1,#copy1 ; a- and b-refs to copy1 sm mov @0,>step ; mov half of the incendiary end start