Library Fml_sem

Equivalence between Nml big-step semantics with environment and based on substitution

Author : Zaynah Dargaye

Created : 29th April 2009

Require Import List.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Coqlib2.
Require Import Fml.
Require Import Fml_subst.
Require Import f2cps_help.
Require Import f2cps.

Definition eval_env := Fml.eval_term.
Definition eval_subst:= Fml_subst.eval_term.
Definition eval_list_env := Fml.eval_list.
Definition eval_list_subst:= Fml_subst.eval_list.
Definition Subst:= fun x =>fun y => subst_rec x y O.
Definition Subst_list:= fun x=>fun y => subst_list_rec x y O.

I. Relation between "terms-values" and "semantics-values"

Inductive val_atom: val -> term->Prop:=
| va_clos: forall n t vl al,
            val_atomlist vl al ->
            val_atom (clos n t vl) (Lamb n (subst_rec (lift_list al (S n) )t (S n)))
| va_closr: forall n t vl al,
            val_atomlist vl al ->
            val_atom (closr n t vl) (Mu n (subst_rec (lift_list al (S (S n))) t (S (S n))))
| va_con: forall n vl al,
            val_atomlist vl al ->
            val_atom (constr n vl) (Con n al)
with val_atomlist: list val -> list term -> Prop:=
|va_nil: val_atomlist nil nil
| va_cons: forall v a vl al ,
           val_atom v a ->
           val_atomlist vl al ->
           val_atomlist (v::vl) (a::al).

Scheme val_atom_ind6 := Minimality for val_atom Sort Prop
 with val_atomlist_ind6 := Minimality for val_atomlist Sort Prop.

Lemma val_atomlist_nth:
 forall vl al, val_atomlist vl al ->
   forall n v (NTH: nth_error vl n= Some v),
     exists a, nth_error al n = Some a /\ val_atom v a.

Lemma val_atomlist_nth2:
 forall vl al, val_atomlist vl al ->
   forall n a (NTH: nth_error al n= Some a),
     exists v, nth_error vl n = Some v /\ val_atom v a.

Lemma val_atom_app:
 forall vl1 al1, val_atomlist vl1 al1 ->
  forall vl2 al2 (AV: val_atomlist vl2 al2) ,
    val_atomlist (vl1++vl2) (al1++al2).

Lemma val_atom_rev:
 forall vl al , val_atomlist vl al ->
   val_atomlist (rev vl) (rev al).

Lemma val_atom_length:
 forall vl al , val_atomlist vl al -> length al = length vl.

Lemma val_atom_eval :
 forall v a, val_atom v a -> eval_subst a a.

Lemma val_atom_atom:
 forall v a, val_atom v a -> is_atom a=true.

Lemma val_atom_list:
    forall v a, val_atomlist v a -> is_atom_list a=true.

II.Big-step with environment corresponds to big-step based on substitution
Definition eval_env_subst_equiv (e:list val) (t:term) (v:val):Prop:=
        forall al (VAL: val_atomlist e al) ,
        exists w, eval_subst (Subst al t) w /\
                       val_atom v w.

Definition eval_list_env_subst_equiv (e:list val) (t:list term) (v:list val):Prop:=
        forall al (VAL: val_atomlist e al) ,
        exists w, eval_list_subst (Subst_list al t) w /\
                       val_atomlist v w.

Lemma subst_rec_nth:
 forall l n v m, nth_error l n = Some v ->
   subst_rec l (Var (n+m)) m = v.

Lemma subst_nth:
 forall l n v, nth_error l n = Some v ->
   Subst l (Var n) = v.

Lemma var_1:
forall (n : nat) (e : list val) (v : val),
        nth_error e n = Some v ->
        eval_env_subst_equiv e (Var n) v.

Lemma lamb_1:
 forall (n : nat) (e : list val) (t : term),
  eval_env_subst_equiv e (Lamb n t) (clos n t e).

Lemma mu_1:
 forall (n : nat) (e : list val) (t : term),
  eval_env_subst_equiv e (Mu n t) (closr n t e).

Lemma con_1:
 forall (e : list val) (n : nat) (tl : list term) (vl : list val),
 Fml.eval_list e tl vl ->
 eval_list_env_subst_equiv e tl vl ->
 eval_env_subst_equiv e (Con n tl) (constr n vl).

Lemma app_1:
  forall (e : list val) (tf : term) (tl : list term) (n : nat)
  (v : val) (tb : term) (vl e1 : list val),
   Fml.eval_term e tf (clos n tb e1) ->
   eval_env_subst_equiv e tf (clos n tb e1) ->
   Fml.eval_list e tl vl ->
   eval_list_env_subst_equiv e tl vl ->
   length tl = S n ->
   Fml.eval_term (rev vl ++ e1) tb v ->
   eval_env_subst_equiv (rev vl ++ e1) tb v ->
   eval_env_subst_equiv e (App tf tl) v.

Lemma appr_1:
forall (e : list val) (tf : term) (tl : list term) (n : nat)
 (v : val) (tb : term) (vl e1 : list val),
 Fml.eval_term e tf (closr n tb e1) ->
 eval_env_subst_equiv e tf (closr n tb e1) ->
 Fml.eval_list e tl vl ->
 eval_list_env_subst_equiv e tl vl ->
 length tl = S n ->
 Fml.eval_term (rev vl ++ closr n tb e1 :: e1) tb v ->
 eval_env_subst_equiv (rev vl ++ closr n tb e1 :: e1) tb v ->
 eval_env_subst_equiv e (App tf tl) v.

Lemma nth_psubst:
forall pl al k n p,
 nth_error pl n = Some p ->
nth_error (subst_patlist_rec al pl k) n = Some (subst_pat_rec al p k).

Lemma match_1:
   forall (e : list val) (a : term) (n : nat) (vl : list val)
   (pl : list pat) (p : term) (m : nat) (v : val),
   Fml.eval_term e a (constr n vl) ->
   eval_env_subst_equiv e a (constr n vl) ->
   nth_error pl n = Some (Patc m p) ->
   length vl = m ->
   Fml.eval_term (rev vl ++ e) p v ->
   eval_env_subst_equiv (rev vl ++ e) p v ->
   eval_env_subst_equiv e (Match a pl) v.

Lemma let_1:
 forall (e : list val) (a1 a2 : term) (v1 v : val),
  Fml.eval_term e a1 v1 ->
  eval_env_subst_equiv e a1 v1 ->
  Fml.eval_term (v1 :: e) a2 v ->
  eval_env_subst_equiv (v1 :: e) a2 v ->
  eval_env_subst_equiv e (tLet a1 a2) v.

Lemma nil_1:
  forall e : list val, eval_list_env_subst_equiv e nil nil.

Lemma cons_1:
 forall (e : list val) (hd : term) (vhd : val) (tl : list term)
  (vtl : list val),
  Fml.eval_term e hd vhd ->
  eval_env_subst_equiv e hd vhd ->
  Fml.eval_list e tl vtl ->
  eval_list_env_subst_equiv e tl vtl ->
  eval_list_env_subst_equiv e (hd :: tl) (vhd :: vtl).

Theorem eval_env_subst_correct:
    forall (l : list val) (t : term) (v : val),
       Fml.eval_term l t v -> eval_env_subst_equiv l t v.

III. Big-step based on substitution corresponds to big-step with environment
Definition eval_subst_env_equiv (t:term) (v:term):Prop:=
 forall al b e
    (VAL: val_atomlist e al)
    (SE: Subst al b = t) ,
   exists w, eval_env e b w /\ val_atom w v .

Definition eval_list_subst_env_equiv (t:list term) (v:list term):Prop:=
 forall al b e
    (VAL: val_atomlist e al)
    (SE: Subst_list al b = t) ,
   exists w, eval_list_env e b w /\ val_atomlist w v .

Lemma mu_2:
forall (ari : nat) (t : term),
 eval_subst_env_equiv (Mu ari t) (Mu ari t).

Lemma lamb_2:
   forall (ari : nat) (t : term),
   eval_subst_env_equiv (Lamb ari t) (Lamb ari t).

Lemma app_2:
  forall (t1 : term) (t2 vb : list term) (t v : term) (ari : nat),
  eval_term t1 (Lamb ari t) ->
  eval_subst_env_equiv t1 (Lamb ari t) ->
  length t2 = S ari ->
  eval_list t2 vb ->
  eval_list_subst_env_equiv t2 vb ->
  eval_term (subst_rec (rev vb) t 0) v ->
  eval_subst_env_equiv (subst_rec (rev vb) t 0) v ->
  eval_subst_env_equiv (App t1 t2) v.

Lemma appr_2:
 forall (t1 : term) (t2 vb : list term) (t v : term) (ari : nat),
 eval_term t1 (Mu ari t) ->
 eval_subst_env_equiv t1 (Mu ari t) ->
 length t2 = S ari ->
 eval_list t2 vb ->
 eval_list_subst_env_equiv t2 vb ->
 eval_term (subst_rec (rev vb ++ Mu ari t :: nil) t 0) v ->
 eval_subst_env_equiv (subst_rec (rev vb ++ Mu ari t :: nil) t 0) v ->
 eval_subst_env_equiv (App t1 t2) v.

Lemma let_2:
 forall t1 t2 v1 v2 : term,
  eval_term t1 v1 ->
  eval_subst_env_equiv t1 v1 ->
  eval_term (subst_rec (v1 :: nil) t2 0) v2 ->
  eval_subst_env_equiv (subst_rec (v1 :: nil) t2 0) v2 ->
  eval_subst_env_equiv (tLet t1 t2) v2.

Lemma con_2:
 forall (n : nat) (l vl : list term),
  eval_list l vl ->
  eval_list_subst_env_equiv l vl ->
  eval_subst_env_equiv (Con n l) (Con n vl).

Lemma Pat_nth:
forall l p l1 nt n ca,
  nth_error (subst_patlist_rec l1 l nt) p =
     Some (Patc n ca) ->
 exists c , ca = subst_rec (lift_list l1 n) c (nt+n) /\
                  nth_error l p = Some (Patc n c).

Lemma match_2:
 forall (t : term) (n : nat) (lv : list term) (p : list pat)
  (ca v : term),
  eval_term t (Con n lv) ->
  eval_subst_env_equiv t (Con n lv) ->
  nth_error p n = Some (Patc (length lv) ca) ->
  eval_term (subst_rec (rev lv) ca 0) v ->
  eval_subst_env_equiv (subst_rec (rev lv) ca 0) v ->
  eval_subst_env_equiv (Match t p) v.

Lemma nil_2:
    eval_list_subst_env_equiv nil nil.

Lemma cons_2:
  forall (a va : term) (m vm : list term),
   eval_term a va ->
   eval_subst_env_equiv a va ->
   eval_list m vm ->
   eval_list_subst_env_equiv m vm ->
   eval_list_subst_env_equiv (a :: m) (va :: vm).

Theorem eval_subst_env_correct:
 forall t t0 : term, eval_term t t0 ->
 eval_subst_env_equiv t t0.