
Trace Format for Finite Domain Solvers

Illustrative example: Alldiff-5c page OK

Problem Description :
5 all_diff constraints over 13 variables are posted according to the following image

The problem has 1152 solutions and just  48 solutions after breaking symetries by adding  the constraints A2#>A3, B2#>B3,C2#>C4,C4#>C5

Interest :
One constraint only is used and there are several ad-hoc symetries

References :

[1] J.-C. Regin, A filtering Algorithm for Constraints of difference in CSPs. In AAAI'94, Twelth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 362-367, 1994

Sources :

Source code GNU-Prolog
Source code GNU-Prolog with naming
Codeine Traces:
In the verbose trace the vardomains are traced at each search-tree nodes (this allows to trace variable domain views along the computations)