- install AspectJ (a
aspect-oriented extension to Java ). Our tools have been
tested with AspectJ 1.2 available here.
- from the zip file gentra4cp-choco.zip, copy AbstractTrace.aj, ChocoTrace.aj (file used for generating a trace with
choco), and PalmTrace.aj (file used for generating a trace
with palm) into the src directory
- extract from the zip file and modify in Mydirectory
the last lines of choco.lst (or palm.lst) to
add the files of your application
- weave the propagation tracer aspects with your application in Mydirectory
ajc -source 1.4 -argfile choco.lst -d build
- now your application will generate a trace, launch the program in Mydirectory:
java -cp build:$CLASSPATH YourApplication