Outils pour l'Analyse Dynamique et la mise au Point de
Programmes avec Contraintes
Bibliothèque d'exemples,
Exemples illustratifs
3 days Conference
Problem Description :
XY: X speaks to Y
A: Alan, P: Peter, M: Michel
Time divided in 6 slots
- Alan does not stay the last day
- Michel wants to hear from colleagues first
- Alan wants to listen Peter first
- Alan won't speak at the same time to both colleagues
- One person cannot listen two others simultaneously
- Nobody can speak and listen simultaneously
The problem has 9 solutions, 6 after breaking one symetry (5 slots are
indeed sufficients, so a solution with slot 5 is "equivalent" to a solution
with slot 6)
Interest :
simple and short example intended to illustrate the use of explanations in debugging
References :
initially used in
[1] Xavier Cousin, 1993, "Application de la programmation logique avec contraintes
au problème d'emploi du temps" (time tabling problems), PhD thesis,
University of Rennes 1.
Sources :
Source code GNU-Prolog
Codeine Traces:
Pavot panel (9 sol) christmas tree river tree
breaking symetry (6 sol) christmas tree river tree
discovery 9sol (hist-id) (hist-constr)