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Range Concatenation Grammars

Range Concatenation Grammars is a formalism introduced by Pierre Boullier. They provide an elegant way to specify non-contiguous or even overlapping constituant by expressing constraints on sub-ranges of the input string.

For instance, the following grammar defines the language a^nb^nc^nd^n:

     s (X@Y@Z) --> a (X,Y,Z).
     a ("a"@X,"b"@Y,"c"@Z) --> a (X,Y,Z).
     a ("","","") --> true.

Note that the range arguments are separated from their predicate by a whitespace (Hilog notation).

RCG non terminals may be called from a logic program using rcg_phrase/1, for instance rcg_phrase(s (0:N).

RCG should be compiled with option -rcg to distinguish them from DCG.

RCG may be compiled with or without option -parse, depending if the grammar is to be used to parse from PROLOG lists or token databases.

RCG non terminals may be decorated with attributes and {} may be used to escape to PROLOG. For instance, the previous program may be rewritten to count.

     s(N) (X@Y@Z) --> a(N) (X,Y,Z).
     a(N) ("a"@X,"b"@Y,"c"@Z) --> a(M) (X,Y,Z), {N is M+1}.
     a(0) ("","","") --> true.

A RCG predicate is characterized by its Prolog arity and its range arity. For instance, non-terminal a(N) (X,Y,Z) in the previous program formelly corresponds to predicate rcg(a/1,3).

Directives prolog/1 or rec_prolog/1 apply on RCG predicates to change their tabulation status.

Directive mode/2 also applies to alter their modulation status. The modulation only acts on the PROLOG arguments.

For instance, to be bottom up on the counting argument, use
