évaluation paresseuse ; mots de Lukasiewicz ; mots de Lyndon ; permutations
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type 'a glaçon = | Gelé of unit -> 'a | Connu of 'a;; type 'a lazy_list = | Nil | Cons of 'a cellule and 'a cellule = { hd : 'a; mutable tl : 'a lazy_list glaçon};; let force cellule = let glaçon = cellule.tl in match glaçon with | Connu val -> val | Gelé g -> let val = g () in cellule.tl <- Connu val; val;; let rec lazy_map f = function | Nil -> Nil | Cons ({hd = x; _} as cellule) -> Cons {hd = f x; tl = Gelé (function () -> lazy_map f (force cellule))};; let rec nat = Cons {hd = 0; tl = Gelé (fun () -> lazy_map succ nat)};; let rec lazy_do_list f n = function | Nil -> () | Cons ({hd = x; _} as cellule) -> if n > 0 then begin f x; lazy_do_list f (n - 1) (force cellule) end;; (* Utilitaires sur les grands nombres *) #open "num";; (* Impression *) #open "format";; let print_num n = print_string (string_of_num n);; install_printer "print_num";; let prefix + = prefix +/ and prefix - = prefix -/ and prefix * = prefix */ and prefix / = prefix // and prefix >= = prefix >=/ and prefix = = prefix =/;; (* Quelques constantes *) let un = num_of_int 1;; let zéro = num_of_int 0;; let moins_un = zéro - un;; type 'a glaçon = | Gelé of unit -> 'a | Connu of 'a;; type série = {Constante : num; mutable Reste : série glaçon};; let reste_de_série s = match s.Reste with | Connu rest -> rest | Gelé r -> let rest = r () in s.Reste <- Connu rest; rest;; let rec add_série s1 s2 = {Constante = s1.Constante + s2.Constante; Reste = Gelé (function () -> add_série (reste_de_série s1) (reste_de_série s2))};; let rec mult_série_par_constante c s = {Constante = c * s.Constante; Reste = Gelé (function () -> mult_série_par_constante c (reste_de_série s))};; let rec mult_série s1 s2 = {Constante = s1.Constante * s2.Constante; Reste = Gelé (function () -> add_série (mult_série_par_constante s1.Constante (reste_de_série s2)) (mult_série (reste_de_série s1) s2))};; let opposée_de_série s = mult_série_par_constante moins_un s;; let rec integre_série c0 s = {Constante = c0; Reste = Gelé (function () -> integre_depuis un s)} and integre_depuis n s = {Constante = s.Constante / n; Reste = Gelé (function () -> integre_depuis (n + un) (reste_de_série s))};; let print_variable = function 0 -> false | 1 -> print_string "z"; true | n -> print_string "z^"; print_int n; true;; let print_terme plus degré s = let c = s.Constante in if c = zéro then false else if c = un then begin print_string plus; print_variable degré end else if c = moins_un then begin print_string "- "; print_variable degré end else begin if c >= zéro then print_string plus else print_string "- "; print_num (abs_num c); print_variable degré end;; let print_first_terme s = let c = s.Constante in if c = zéro then false else begin print_num c; true end;; let rec print_série until s = open_hovbox 1; let c = s.Constante in if until == 0 then print_num c else let rest = ref s in let zéro = not (print_first_terme !rest) in if not zéro then print_space(); for i = 1 to until do rest := reste_de_série !rest; let delim = if i == 1 & zéro then "" else "+ " in if print_terme delim i !rest then print_space() done; print_string "+ O(z^"; print_int (succ until); print_string ")"; close_box();; let rec sinus = {Constante = zéro; Reste = Gelé (function () -> integre_depuis un cosinus)} and cosinus = {Constante = un; Reste = Gelé (function () -> integre_depuis un (opposée_de_série sinus))};; let s = add_série (mult_série sinus sinus) (mult_série cosinus cosinus);; print_série 10 s;;
#open "graphics" ;; open_graph "" ;; exception Not_Lukasiewicz ;; let rec somme m k = if k = 0 then 0 else (hd m) + somme (tl m) (k - 1) ;; let rec rho = function | 1 :: -1 :: -1 :: reste -> true, -1 :: reste | x :: reste -> let flag, m' = rho reste in flag, x::m' | m -> false, m ;; let rec rho_étoile m = match rho m with | false, m' -> m' | true, m' -> rho_étoile m' ;; let est_Lukasiewicz m = match rho_étoile m with | [-1] -> true | _ -> false ;; let rec décompose suffixe = let rec décomp_rec m s = match m with | n :: m' -> if n + s = -1 then [n] , m' else let g,d = décomp_rec m' (n + s) in n :: g , d | _ -> raise Not_Lukasiewicz in décomp_rec suffixe 0 ;; type arbre = Feuille | Nud of arbre * arbre ;; let rec Lukasiewicz_of_arbre = function | Feuille -> [-1] | Nud(g,d) -> 1 :: (Lukasiewicz_of_arbre g) @ (Lukasiewicz_of_arbre d) ;; let rec arbre_of_Lukasiewicz = function | [-1] -> Feuille | 1 :: reste -> let gauche,droit = décompose reste in Nud((arbre_of_Lukasiewicz gauche),(arbre_of_Lukasiewicz droit)) | _ -> raise Not_Lukasiewicz ;; let rec profondeur_arbre = function | Feuille -> -1 | Nud(g,d) -> 1 + max (profondeur_arbre g) (profondeur_arbre d) ;; let profondeur_Lukasiewicz m = profondeur_arbre (arbre_of_Lukasiewicz m) ;; let rotation (x,y) = (y-x+240,276-x-y) ;; let point x y = let x',y' = rotation(x,y) in fill_circle x' y' 2 ;; let va_à x y = let x',y' = rotation(x,y) in moveto x' y' ;; let tracer x y = let x',y' = rotation(x,y) in lineto x' y' ;; let rec deux_puissance = function | 0 -> 1 | n -> let x = deux_puissance (n/2) in if n mod 2 = 0 then x * x else 2 * x * x ;; let dessine mot = let rec dessin_rec a x0 y0 = point x0 y0 ; match a with | Feuille -> () | Nud(g,d) -> let delta = 3 * (deux_puissance (profondeur_arbre a)) in begin dessin_rec g (x0 + delta) y0 ; dessin_rec d x0 (y0 + delta) ; va_à (x0 + delta) y0 ; tracer x0 y0 ; tracer x0 (y0 + delta) end in dessin_rec (arbre_of_Lukasiewicz mot) 0 0 ;;
exception Not_Lyndon ;; type comparaison = Inférieur | Égal | Supérieur ;; let rec ordre u v = match u,v with | [],[] -> Égal | [],_ -> Inférieur | _,[] -> Supérieur | u0 :: u' , v0 :: v' -> if u0 = v0 then ordre u' v' else if u0 < v0 then Inférieur else Supérieur ;; let rec est_préfixe a mot = match a with | [] -> true | a0 :: a' -> match mot with | m0 :: m' when a0 = m0 -> est_préfixe a' m' | _ -> false ;; let est_suffixe a mot = let rec shift l = function | 0 -> l | n -> shift (tl l) (n - 1) in let la,lm = (list_length a),(list_length mot) in if la > lm then false else a = (shift mot (lm - la)) ;; let rotation mot = (tl mot) @ [ hd mot ] ;; let est_Lyndon_def mot = let n = list_length mot and m = ref mot in try for i = 1 to n do m := rotation !m ; if (ordre mot !m) = Supérieur then raise Not_Lyndon done ; true with Not_Lyndon -> false ;; let est_Lyndon mot = let rec test = function | [] -> true | (a :: q) as m' -> (Inférieur = ordre mot m') && (test q) in test (tl mot) ;; let factorisation_de_Lyndon mot = let rec réduit = function | (a :: b :: q) as ll -> ( if (ordre a b) = Inférieur then let m,_ = réduit ((a @ b) :: q) in m,true else match réduit (b :: q) with | m,true -> réduit (a :: m) | m,false -> ll,false ) | ll -> ll,false in match réduit (map (function x -> [x]) mot) with ll,_ -> ll ;; let Lyndon = let rec insertion x = function | [] -> [x] | y :: q -> match ordre x y with | Inférieur -> x :: y :: q | Égal -> y :: q | Supérieur -> y :: (insertion x q) in let rec map_accu f accu = function | [] -> accu | x :: q -> match f(x) with | [] -> map_accu f accu q | y -> map_accu f (insertion y accu) q in let compose_un x1 l2 accu = map_accu (function x2 -> if Inférieur = ordre x1 x2 then x1 @ x2 else []) accu l2 in let rec compose l1 l2 accu = match l1 with | [] -> accu | x1 :: q -> compose q l2 (compose_un x1 l2 accu) in let rec compose_tout f n k accu = if k < n then compose_tout f n (k+1) (compose (f k) (f (n-k)) accu) else accu in let mémoire = ref [ (0,[]) ; (1,[ [0] ; [1] ]) ] in let rec f n = try assoc n !mémoire with Not_found -> let res = compose_tout f n 1 [] in mémoire := (n,res) :: !mémoire ; res in f ;;
let image v k = v.(k - 1) and affecte v k x = v.(k-1) <- x ;; let identité n = let v = make_vect n 1 in for i = 1 to n do affecte v i i done ; v ;; let compose v v' = let n,n' = (vect_length v),(vect_length v') in if n = n' then let w = make_vect n 1 in for i = 1 to n do affecte w i (image v (image v' i)) done ; w else failwith "Composition de deux permutations de tailles différentes" ;; let rec intervalle_d'entiers i j = if i > j then [] else i :: (intervalle_d'entiers (i+1) j) ;; let est_permutation v = let n = vect_length v in let un_a_n = intervalle_d'entiers 1 n in let rec est_ok = function | [] -> true | a :: q -> (not (mem a q)) && (mem a un_a_n) && (est_ok q) in est_ok (list_of_vect v) ;; let orbite v k = let rec augmente_orbite k liste = if mem (image v k) liste then liste else augmente_orbite (image v k) ((image v k) :: liste) in augmente_orbite k [ k ] ;; let rec select f = function | [] -> [] | a :: q -> if (f a) then a :: (select f q) else select f q ;; let points_fixes v = let n = vect_length v in select (function x -> x = (image v x)) (intervalle_d'entiers 1 n) ;; let réciproque v = let n = vect_length v in let w = make_vect n 1 in for i = 1 to n do affecte w (image v i) i done ; w ;; let rec ôte x = function | [] -> [] | a :: q when a = x -> q | a :: q -> a :: (ôte x q) ;; let cycles v = let rec un_cycle x0 x candidats = if (image v x) = x0 then [ x0 ] , (ôte x candidats) else let queue,c' = un_cycle x0 (image v x) (ôte x candidats) in x :: queue,c' in let rec épuise = function | [] -> [] | a :: _ as liste -> let cycle,candidats = un_cycle a a liste in cycle :: (épuise candidats) in épuise (list_of_vect v) ;; let échange v i j = let x = v.(i) in v.(i) <- v.(j) ; v.(j) <- x ;; let applique_aux_permutations f n = let v = vect_of_list (intervalle_d'entiers 1 n) in let rec perm_rec i = if i = n - 1 then f v else for j = i to n - 1 do échange v i j ; perm_rec (i+1) ; échange v i j done in perm_rec 0 ;; let print_permutation v = for i = 0 to (vect_length v) - 1 do print_int v.(i) ; print_char ` ` done ; print_newline () ;; let toutes_les_permutations = applique_aux_permutations print_permutation ;; exception No_more_permutation ;; let permutation_suivante v = let n = vect_length v in let rec début_suffixe i = if i <= 0 then raise No_more_permutation else if v.(i) < v.(i-1) then début_suffixe (i-1) else i-1 and retourne_suffixe a b = if a < b then begin échange v a b ; retourne_suffixe (a + 1) (b - 1) end and place k j = if v.(j) > v.(k) then échange v j k else place k (j + 1) and modifie_suffixe k = retourne_suffixe (k + 1) (n - 1) ; place k (k + 1) in modifie_suffixe ( début_suffixe (n - 1) ) ;;
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